Dawn- An age of Darkness

Chapter 339 - Confusion

There were three main gates to this city. One led to the ocean, one led to the forest from where we came, and the last one led to a cruel desert. The desert route was abandoned as it was almost summer. 

Since most of the town was already heading in different directions, from halfway we didn't need to fly above. Instead, we hid in the alleyways and slowly moved forward. This was definitely a better solution.

There wasn't anyone around- not even kids. The only people lying around were mostly dead ones who got trampled over. Some were barely alive but- all I could do was heal them slightly, from faraway.

We were moving quite fast but it almost felt like an eternity as we gradually moved forward. 

The city felt like a ghost town and the emperor hadn't quite done anything yet. He was just standing way above the city- not even searching for anything. He was just standing there. 

Just what was he doing? And he hadn't brought any demons either. So, it did make me wonder, just what the hell was he doing!

"Once we reach the gates, we'll wait exactly ten minutes for them. If they don't show, we'll take the underground path and move out of the city. Any other path would be too risky," Ve said.

I didn't say anything. More like I couldn't. 


We'd reached the end of the city and the gates just moments later. A man was already there. Dick.

I vaguely put together things from the spirit's warning but I didn't think act too much on it. And I surely didn't let my guard down- even from Ve.

Dick was alone.

"Dick! We need to run!" 

I was trying not to look suspicious of anything and was going to move close to Dick but Ve blocked me with her spear. "He has company with him."

And a second later- from Dick's meager shadow, someone emerged. 

"What's a vampire doing in broad daylight?" 

I could tell he was a vampire- after dealing with them in Xylax, there was no mistaking it- the demon in front of us was a vampire and it was a powerful one, no doubt.

The emperor's clouds had covered the sky but still, it was daytime and daytime was hell for vampires. The fact that this one moved without any issues sent out shivers down my spine. This one was trouble.

The vamp smiled. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance lord Daarc Green. I am Sorain. The demonic vampire of the Ile: one of the seven." He bowed courteously.

"That one is mine Daarc." Ve took a stance and she was utterly serious.

"So, you betrayed us, Dick." I already knew he did, but even now, it was hard to digest this. This really felt surreal. One moment I was enjoying my peaceful time wandering the city and another moment, everything just came crashing down. 

Dick didn't say anything and just drew his sword. I also drew mine, the Mystic blade.

An aura covered my whole body. I didn't know if he was possessed or betrayed us with his own will or what his goal even was, but- I couldn't waste time here and I had to get out of this place. I was strong but I had to get stronger. As I was, I didn't have much of a shot with the emperor and though sad, it was reality. 

Actually, I didn't know what to do. Ve was here. Alisa and Bitiera were on the other side: I hope they were safe. But as things stood a lot of people were about to die and I didn't know what to do.

Dick had betrayed us and this whole city would probably be eradicated. There were a lot of people here and even now almost half of its residents couldn't get out.

Meaning- blood would be spilled whether we liked it or not. So- wouldn't it be better if we could- no, if I could just get rid of them and end this once and for all?

Could I do that? Was it strong enough? Was it even possible? I didn't know.

I really didn't know. 

The only thing I could do- was take in a deep breath and charge straight ahead. If my way was blocked, I'd just have to curve open a new one.

A path I didn't yet know.

As mine and Dick's sword clashed, sparks flew, he smiled slightly. "Sorry about this." He pulled out his shield and threw me back. "This really doesn't want to harm you it would seem." He put the shield back in his pouch. And pulled out a rather ominous-looking shield: blood-red circle-ish and black spikes. 

I was unharmed. "Why Dick? Why?"

"For survival Daarc. I'm sure you understand."

But I didn't. 


Things heated up. 

In a second, hell broke loose.

I didn't hold back and used Imbuition and my pendant right off the bat. I knew Dick was strong and holding back would have cost me heavily. 

Dick didn't yet know about my curse's activation, meaning he didn't know I could fight for long periods of time. So, he'd probably aim to end this fight under three minutes or at the very least prolong it- meaning, he'd try his best to keep me in check till I ran out of steam. 


Sparks scattered around. 

The cool atmosphere became sweat dripping hot. My hair was getting way too big and thanks to the excess sweat, it was drenched: not the most pleasant feeling. 

But- though his sword was locked onto mine, he could slam his shield- which I avoided every single time. I did not like that shield. That shield had 'I'll curse you' written all over it. 

"Being weary is good but you're too weary. You sure you can afford to laze around while your timer's ticking?"

I grinned. "I wonder." I looked up through my peripherals but the emperor showed no signs of moving. "Why the hell is he here?"

Dick grinned. "I don't know. Maybe to kill someone?"

"VE!" I forged a large enough holy ball and blasted the whole place. It was large enough to probably even draw in the Emperor's attention but I didn't have a choice. At this point, it certainly didn't matter. He'd see us sooner or later anyway.

"Argh!" A groan came from my right where Ve and the vampire were. 

Ve had used my cue and shoved her spear through the vampire. 

And the blast had actually hurt the vampire since its weakness was holy. Glad to know Ve was winning. 

But it didn't have much effect on Dick as he had closed his eyes when I shouted Ve's name. My strategy backfired on me. Guess I should have expected as much.

But- I focused on another ball. 

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