DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 137: A Date and Start of a Wild Night

Chapter 137: A Date and Start of a Wild Night


"Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained." 

— William Blake, (The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"Amusement parks are really too much fun, no matter how old we are. Remember the last time we went to an amusement park together, Bruce? As much as I remember, it was the Wayne Wonderland in Gotham, right? You, Vicki, Selina, and I visited the park on the day of its inauguration. We had so much fun that day, didn't we?" Helena mused with a warm smile on her face as we strolled through the lively streets of the amusement park in Athens that we were exploring.

Originally, all of us were supposed to visit the amusement park together but, Alfred and Leslie had decided to stay back because apparently, they had suddenly remembered that they had something important to do while the other girls wanted to go on a girl's night out to get to know Diana better. Helena, however, still wanted to visit an amusement park with me just like we used to when we were young, so she ditched her gal friends without any hesitation and here we are.

"Yeah, we really did have fun that day. You know, I still remember how you were trying to pretend that you were some arrogant stuck-up princess who didn't like amusement parks when we went there the first time, but the moment Alfred bought us corndogs, every bit of that facade melted right off your face. It was adorable how you had to eat your corndog while also having to protect it from Selina's greedy hands." I chuckled as I reminisced about that day.

"Well, what can I say? I love long sticks of thick meat in my mouth" she shrugged while giving me a suggestive glance.

"... Miss Helena Bertinelli, are you trying to flirt with me? Because if you are, then you need to do better. That sounded like something a sex addict would say." I replied with a mischievous smirk.

"And who said I wasn't a sex addict? Maybe I am one as well and I am just saving myself for the right dick... or should I say the right person with just the right dick." Helena said while looking at me through the corner of her eyes, trying to gauge my reaction. "But again, you wouldn't care about that, would you? You have your own little kitty after all. Vicki told me about you and Selina's "wild nights" together as well as the fact that you are also dating two assassin sisters at the same time. You, Mr. Bruce Wayne, are one hell of a player." 

It seemed like Helena was quite informed about my private life despite living far away in Europe. It was by no doubt Vicki's doing. Besides being a talented journalist in her professional life, Vicki Vale also liked using her skills in her private life as well, which apparently included giving timely updates to her best friend about details of all my relationships.

"Well, what can I say? When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and watch while life wonders how you did it." I responded with an innocent smile.

"That makes no sense. But honestly, I understand. Even when we were kids, you always listened to us and tried your best to help us in any way you could, no matter what we did. I guess, that's why we all had such a big crush on you... although you probably know that already." Helena admitted the last part to herself in a soft voice as a red blush slowly crept up on her cheeks.

"You know, being a healthy male in his teens, I had a crush on you all as well, still do even. So, I guess the feelings are mutual." I flirted back before proceeding to immediately change the topic, "Anyway, how has life been in Italy? Besides training in gymnastics, archery, shooting, and martial arts, I also heard that you have been indulging in some interesting nightly activities that involved the bat tool I gave you." 

"Yes, I have been practicing... wait, how did you know? Wait, have you been keeping an eye on me using Cortana?" Helena frowned. 

"Not really. Cortana indeed does have a program that keeps a watch on the overall safety of all my friends and family members, but she doesn't have to observe them all the time for that. An algorithm for detecting any abnormalities in their daily life is enough for that. However, I came to know about your regular nightly activities from the tracker I placed inside your bat tool." I revealed with an impassive face. 

"... A tracker!? You had a tracker on me all this time? That is a serious breach of privacy, you know. God, you are even worse than the tech giants that have been cropping up everywhere and using their products to harvest data from the public." Helena pouted to show her anger. 

"If you expect me to apologize, then you will be quite disappointed, Helena. I have already lost my parents once because I wasn't prepared enough for what happened that night and I don't want to lose you or any of the other members of my new family again the same way. And if I have to get the help of a tracker for that, I will. You can hate me for that, despise me for acting like a pervert but I still won't be sorry, and I definitely won't stop. Better you hate me while being alive than love me while being dead... or worse." I said with a serious voice while shamelessly using the 'dead parents' card in my defense to stop her from overreacting. 

Of course, I didn't tell her that another reason why I placed the tracker in the bat tool was to ensure that if it ever fell into the wrong hands, I could effortlessly track and recover it. After all, I don't want anybody using a billion-dollar weapon that could potentially even knock out Kryptonians to commit petty crimes, do I?

"... Well, if you phrase it like that, then I don't know what to say... Damn it, I can't even be angry at you for too long. I always thought that you would grow up to be an arrogant billionaire jock whose life's mission would be getting inside women's panties. At least then I would have had a chance of being worthy of you but why the hell do you have to be so caring and perfect?" Helena Harrumphed. 

"Well, I am not perfect, nobody is. And I assure you that getting inside women's panties is still very important for me." I joked with a straight face. "Anyway, let's go to that rollercoaster ride next. You can tell me about your recent drug cartel burst there." I said while pulling her to the ride in front of us. 

"A rollercoaster? I am pretty sure that no ride in this amusement park can scare someone who has experienced riding the Vomitter or the Juggler in your park back at Gotham." A pearl of laughter escaped Helena's lips as both of us got ready for another "boring" ride.


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Okay, I shouldn't have done that rollercoaster ride so many times. Who knew that my senses had become that sensitive after taking so many serum cocktails?" Bruce mumbled to himself as he entered his dark room while still clutching his head. 

He was lucky that the other girls hadn't gone with him to the amusement park today, otherwise, they would have surely mocked him for feeling so disoriented after a mere rollercoaster ride. 'However, I should do some VR training later to ensure that my senses do not get the better of me if I ever have to withstand something like the rollercoaster again.' He thought with a snort, as he opened his clothes, not even bothering to turn on the lights. He might not be very tired physically but mentally, he was drained and needed to blow off some steam. He was sure that having some much-needed shut-eye was the best possible way for him to do that right now.

However, just as he was having all these thoughts, he suddenly grew alert as he looked around his room with a frown on his face. 'Did I just imagine it?' He furrowed his eyebrows. But, before he could look around further, he felt a pair of thin but firm human hands slowly embracing him from behind.

"Talia? What are you doing here and why are you hiding your chi?" Bruce asked without even looking at the face of the person behind him. 

"Well done. You were able to accurately guess who I was without even turning around. Even my father himself couldn't sense me when I tried my best since I was extremely gifted in the art of stealth. It seems that my father had really lucked out by getting you as his student... But then again, he did die at the hands of his favorite student, so maybe not. And as for your question, I am not hiding my chi from you but from my sister. After all, she wouldn't have allowed me to come here alone if she could sense me." Talia answered, using her hands to feel out his abs. 

"Oh, and what do you want to do, now that you are here?" Bruce asked with a shit-eating grin, the mental tiredness he once felt now rapidly disappearing with each passing second.

"Something that we both desired from the very start, something that my little sister is too afraid to do. In the simple wise terms often used by Selina and Vicki, I am going to get my cherry popped."


(A/N: As you guys must have already guessed, it's R-18 time. After that, the next arc will begin... with a bang.)

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