DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 80: Legacy Redeemed (1)

Chapter 80: Legacy Redeemed (1)


"In the human world, truth and reality aren't always the same. Humans just call their desires and ambitions "truth". Humans will even kill other humans if they have "truth" as an excuse."

- Sanetoshi Watase, (Mawaru Penguindrum)


<{Wayne Corporation HQ board room, Gotham}> 

<(Omniscient POV)>  

"What is the meaning of this Mr. Pennyworth? Calling a board meeting in the middle of the quarter on a working day without any advance notice? This must be something extremely important for you to waste our time like this." William Earle, the current CEO of Wayne Enterprises barked out with a frown on his face as he looked at the rest of the dozen board members sitting around the table for some support which they gladly provided by nodding at his words.

He was quite irritated at this sudden meeting. He was actually relaxing at his farmhouse, spending time with one of his multiple mistresses while enjoying the wealth and luxuries that his position as the CEO of the company brought him. And, he wanted to get back to that. He could think of much better things to do than sit at a meeting called by this dog of the Wayne brat. Also, it doesn't even matter what the fool proposed, there was no way he or his allies would ever allow the servant or his master to ever have actual influence over the company.

"Oh, it is important actually. Very much so. You see Young Maser Bruce Wayne has returned from his... spiritual journey and he now wishes to take over the helms of the company that his family had built over the centuries. This meeting is simply for that exact purpose, to decide the direction of this great company in the future." Alfred said politely in his British accent with a small calm smile tugging on his lips.

This greatly worsened the corrupted CEO's mood.

He loved his current job and all the wealth, power, and influence that came with it. He was one of the most respected men in Gotham City because of his current job position. He didn't even have to do a lot of work. The company just ran itself. All he had to do was just maintain his position in the company by doing some people some favors. Selling a few of the assets and taking the subsidiaries of the company public were a few examples. 

Of course, it was nothing personal, it was just business. There were people above him too and they were quite powerful since they were the reason why he was even able to maintain control over his company as well as why so many of the board members helped him secure his position and made sure that his bills for the company always went through. So, when Bruce Wayne disappeared to God knew where, there was nobody happier than him but now that he had returned and even wanted to be part of the company, William felt threatened like never before but he still didn't show it on his face.

"Aah, about that, Mr. Pennyworth. You see after Bruce's parents died, we all felt like the kid had suffered more than he should. And so, we didn't even complain when he wanted to start his own... startup since we thought that he would be busy with something that could keep his mind occupied. And, when he disappeared, some of us even thought he was dead... But, that doesn't mean, we can just hand over the company to him after his return and hope for the best. We are worried for his mental well-being and think that he is not in the right mind to take charge of this corporation despite him being the largest shareholder of the company. 

Plus he has an additional company that might be a potential competitor to this one and we are afraid that he as an inexperienced and naive rookie in business might be using the business secrets of Wayne Enterprises to bolster his private company, Wayne Solutions which is very illegal. Thus we have unanimously decided to give him a vote of 'No confidence'.

We have even already sent the documents required for it to be submitted to the SEC, it is on its way there right now and you know how strict the SEC gets about these things when it comes to such large public companies like Wayne Enterprises right?... Didn't you get the memoir?" William asked with an innocent face as he looked around the table as if to ask why Alfred wasn't made known about the decision, his face barely able to hold back a laugh.

"No, I didn't actually... You know, it's funny. The Wayne family not only once made this great company but even created this very city but today, now that they are gone, it's like everyone just wants to feast on their remains like a bunch of vultures and hyenas... Anyways, you should still meet the young master. He might have a few things to say to you all that you should find really useful. He should be here quite soon." Alfred took a look at his limited edition Swiss watch, a gift from his beloved young master as he showed a weak bitter smile on his face.

"Well, I don't see why we can't wait for one last official meeting with the Prince of Gotham. After all, this is going to be the last time you or your employer will be part of a board meeting. However, don't worry, we will make sure to fill your accounts with plenty of money, so just relax and enjoy the dividends of the company." William Earle said with a huge grin, not even caring that he was called a vulture and a hyena a few moments ago. 

Even the other board members didn't mind it because in their minds they had already won. Plus, even if Bruce, tried something, they had already made sure that Wayne Enterprises would never be the same as it was before. They had taken its biggest subsidiaries like Wayne Technologies, Wayne Shipping, and Wayne Medical public and sold off the majority of their shares. Wayne Enterprises only held a small portion of those newly born independent companies and didn't have any control over them anymore. The present Wayne Enterprises was just a shell of the previous one and mainly dealt in Aerospace, Shipbuilding, and Weaponry. 

Originally, there were a lot more board members than just the fourteen including William Earle and Alfred representing Bruce's seat present here. In fact, there were about 21 of them in total but it seemed that some of them weren't able to attend the meeting. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary since all of them were busy people and had multiple businesses and companies to worry about. So, the ones who had attended today didn't think anything of it. 

"The last time we are officially meeting huh? So, maybe I should make this day memorable for all of you, shouldn't I?" A young male voice suddenly boomed in the board room surprising Earle and the other twelve members as they looked towards the door. Standing there wearing a pitch-black suit with his hands in his pockets was the relaxed figure of Bruce Wayne. He had a small smirk on his face which showed his disgust towards them.

"Bruce Wayne. It's truly good to see you return back to Gotham after all these years. Maybe you have forgotten me but I am William Earle, the current CEO of Wayne Enterprises. All of us here have truly felt your absence from this board. We could have used you in the company you know, especially after the shootout where so many of our own were killed. Even a lot of my close friends died that day, although I fortunately survived." William Earle gave a friendly chuckle as he got up to shake Bruce's hands.

"Yes, fortunately." The Wayne Scion however brashly ignored the CEO's stretched-out hands, walked up to the Board's table, and silently sat on the chair at the head of the table on which Earle was previously sitting. 

"That's actually my chair but it doesn't matter. Just go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Also, I doubt you will ever get to sit here after today anyway. By the way, your... butler said that you wanted to talk to us about something. May we ask what?" Earle said as he took a peek at Alfred who was now standing dutifully behind Bruce before he too took a chair near where Bruce was sitting and sat down with a fake smile.

"Yes. I did have something to say. But first, Alfred, have you passed on the letters?" Bruce asked, looking at his trusted butler.

"No, sir. I was waiting for you. I'll pass them on now." Alfred nodded as he took out a bunch of letters from his jacket's breast pocket and slid a letter to each of the board members.

"What are these? Some party invitation or something?" One of the board members asked curiously as he picked up the letter with his name on it.

"Not really. However, I can invite you all to a party once we are done here... if you are still in the mood that is. I know I'll be... This however is your opportunity to permanently remove yourself from this company and all its subsidiaries. You see, that document in your hand states that you will be giving up your current positions as well as your board seats in the company while selling me every single share that you have of this enterprise for the sum of money mentioned there in the document. You have 5 minutes to make the decision. So be quick about it" 

"This... Are you joking with us? The amount mentioned here is 1 dollar!" Another female board member shouted in anger as she slammed the paper in her hand on the table.

"Really Bruce? Is this a joke? I get it that you want to try and save your position in the company and all but you could have at least been sincere in the offer you know. Maybe one or two of us would have at least considered it." William laughed as he put down his own letter after finishing reading it.

"Oh, but believe me, Mr. Earle, that is as sincere as my offer can be when it comes to a bunch of parasites like you. You should be glad that I am even asking politely and not just taking it forcefully. I normally hate to use violence and you all don't seem much like violent men, that's why I am even sitting here, making this offer in such a civilized way. I didn't even try to lay claim on any of the money you made doing so many bad and illegal deals through Wayne Enterprises. So, if you agree to everything written here for this... 'discounted' price, everything will be settled and we will go our respective ways, however, if you all don't agree, then we are going to have a BIG problem." Bruce warned.

"Are you threatening us, boy? What would you do if don't agree to your conditions? What can you even possibly do? Go to the fucking court?" The CEO asked with a haughty grin.

"Court? Hahaha. No, of course not. If you don't agree, then I will just have to sweeten the deal... How does not revealing your deepest darkest secrets sound? I mean you guys have a lot of secrets. For example, Mr, Earle, you have a wife from quite a good and rich family but you also keep 3 mistresses. You even have an illegitimate child with one of them, don't you? How about you Ms. Defoe? I have to say, the way your last husband died was quite mysterious. The cops said it was a stroke, wasn't it? However, were they sure that it wasn't some Jamaican Susumber berries mixed in the cake that he ate which you baked for him just before he died?

And what about you Mr. Kenichi? I heard that your daughter got pregnant last year despite not being married. I wonder whose child it is. Maybe you would know considering that you and your daughter were REALLY close after your wife died. Do I need to go on for each and every one of you? Oh, you know what? I have got a better idea. All the... secrets that I know of you guys will be sent to your respective emails along with the proper evidence and stuff. Why don't you look it over and tell me about your decision afterward, hmm?" Bruce gave a smile and snapped his fingers as all the phones of the present board members beeped together at once with a notification.

"You, do you think this is enough for me to give up my entire fortune? Yes, if this gets leaked then my family might leave me but at least I'll still be rich." William Earle somehow spoke up through his clenched teeth and ragged breathing after reading the entire email he received on his phone. He was even sweating like crazy while his hands were shaking. He was having a panic attack.

"Yes, I thought you would say that. See some of you are shameless and just don't know when you are beat. So, for those people, I had to go an additional step and put in some extra work. You submitted a no-confidence document concerning me, to the SEC right? You should hurry and get them back you know. Those documents you submitted might not be documents at all and may just be a carefully curated folder of the details of all the scams and illegal businesses that you have earned money from today. The amount of illegal money you guys have..., the IRS will eat you all alive."

"You wouldn't..." One of the older members board members said with his eyes wide in fear, worry, and panic.

"Better make a call and find out. Believe me, you don't want any department of the government to see what is on those documents much less the SEC. If the people there read them, I surely won't be leaving the company, but you all will definitely be going to jail. So, TICK TOCK"


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