DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 91: The Fateful Encounter Between the Bat and the Cop

Chapter 91: The Fateful Encounter Between the Bat and the Cop


"Revenge is just the path you took to escape your suffering"

-Ichigo Kurosaki, (Bleach)


<(Omniscient POV)>   

"All units head to the Iceberg Lounge. I repeat all units head to the Iceberg Lounge." Gordon yelled into his car's radio before putting it down, taking his gun out of the glove box, and loading it full of ammo.

About a dozen GCPD officers had already reached the location at the same time as him. Of course, there were the relatively clean cops who were still loyal to him. Most others hadn't even reacted to his command much less abide his order. He initially wanted to wait for more backup since he didn't want to endanger the lives of his loyal officers but he doubted a lot of people were coming especially in a place like Iceberg Lounge where the crimelord Falcon was stated to be holding a party tonight.

Getting out of his car with a determined face, he quickly adapted to the situation and exerted his authority by effectively commanding his officers without even a shred of fear or hesitation on his face.

"We don't have enough manpower to circle the building, so focus only on the front. Even if some people escape through the back, we can still arrest at least some of the criminals and get evidence if we are quick enough. Also..., keep your guns loaded and ready. You might have to use it tonight." Commissioner James Gordon looked resolved, as his eyes skimmed over the few officers who seemed determined to do the job they were paid for, the few cops because of whom Gotham was still standing.

"Don't worry. We are with you commissioner, just give the word." Lieutenant Harvey Bullock nodded at Gordon, trying to show his support.

After giving a nod back to his old partner, James finally gestured to enter the establishment. He had pulled quite a lot of strings and promised a lot of favors to get a warrant to officially search the premises of the Iceberg Lounge today. He wouldn't let all that go to waste by lazing around and second-guessing himself.

After sharing a look, all the cops present there quickly made their way inside the establishment with their guns drawn. Truthfully, they had expected a lot of resistance from the locals but quite surprisingly, the resistance was quite minimal. 

No goons were shooting their machine guns or launching rockets at them, and no one was throwing grenades or using high-powered flame throwers. It was almost too peaceful. Except for the guard at the door trying to aim a pistol at them, there was almost no visible opposition from the gang members who were supposed to be present here according to the intel that Commissioner James Gordon received as an anonymous tip.

"Was the woman speaking on the phone lying?... But she sounded so trustworthy and her words didn't even have any contradictions or inconsistencies too." Gordon was getting more and more confused about the entire situation. He was even beginning to regret so quickly believing in the caller who called to tip him off about a huge deal that was going to happen here.

Soon, all of the cops entered the main area of the nightclub as well where a lot of people were still enjoying their night without even caring about the illegal stuff happening near them. But even after coming so far, they still didn't face any resistance. It was like nobody cared about cops entering the place, not bystanders, not even the criminals But just as Gordon was getting worried about having been fooled by some random prankster, he and the rest of the cops finally noticed something strange. 

There were multiple unconscious men all over the nightclubs, their unresponsive bodies placed in such a way that anyone who didn't have experience in combat would think that they had drunk themselves asleep. 

With a small gesture from Jim Gordon, Harvey immediately tested the man's pulse. "He isn't dead, just unconscious. Someone seems to have shattered his collarbones... Oh and look at that, he has a loaded gun in his hands, looks like he was trying to use it before he was knocked unconscious." Harvey helpfully informed, trying to keep his voice low so as not to cause any panic among the people who still had no idea about what had gone down here.

"This one lying unconscious on the stairs is the same, only he has a knife clutched in his hand. Also, his jaw is dislocated, like very badly dislocated." Another cop stated after examining a different unconscious guy who looked like he was silently sitting on the stairs, deeply thinking about something.

"Jesus. What kind of man can do all this without even alerting a single person." Jim Gordon couldn't help but ask aloud.

"Not a man, maybe a monster," Harvey answered from beside him, his eyes emitting caution. "You know the word on the streets right, the monster in black hunting criminals at night like common street dogs. He destroyed half of Falcon's empire in a single night... The Grim Knight." 

"I thought you called him the Dark Knight last time. And those are just rumors, spread by criminals. We are cops, we can't pay heed to rumors. We have to do our jobs. Now, let's go and check the next floor. Paul, Eddie, and Tom secure the unconscious men and only then start investigating and questioning the others. The rest of you, come with me. My gut tells me that we are going to find more than just some drugs up there." Jim Gordon said as he moved past the unconscious guys without even batting a single eye.

He might look weaker due to his increasing age and smaller stature when compared to most other younger officers who work out and keep themselves in shape but that didn't change the fact that he was a veteran in this, a cop who had been working in Gotham for more than a decade. There were very few things in the city that could surprise him anymore.

The next floor was much smaller than the ground floor. It was basically just one giant soundproof room that was supposed to be the office of the owner of the establishment, the newly rising gang leader, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, or as his enemies called him, Penguin. Outside the office, a few more knocked-out guys were lying on the floor. They of course ignored this and went straight into the office.

"Mr. Cobblepot, we are from the GCPD. We need to search your office for possession of alleged drugs and illegal weapons. We have a warrant as well. We are coming inside. We advise you to not resist, otherwise, we will also be forced to use appropriate force as well." James Gordon announced from outside the office as he opened the door.

He was seriously lacking men and didn't want the situation to develop into an all-out shootout which would only result in a loss of his loyal and capable officers. So, he decided that being as civil as possible was the best way to do this as long as his backup wasn't here.

But as the group pushed through the door into Penguin's office, every single one of them was shocked out of their minds. The picture inside the room wasn't quite as they had expected. They had thought that Penguin would either be ready with a gun in his hands along with his lackeys or he would be dead by now, killed at the hands of the caped crusader.

Instead what they saw was the huge unconscious, yet breathing body of Penguin lying on the floor with fresh blood all over his clothes, a testament to how intense of a beating he had just received at the hands of the other figure who was calmly standing at the center of the room. A figure who was dressed in black armor styled like a bat with his cape wrapped around himself.

"The Punisher!" Harvey exclaimed in surprise with a hard gulp.

"Hands above your head and get down on the ground." were the first words that came out of Jim's mouth as he aimed his pistol straight at the masked vigilante's head.

"Hello, detective. I have been wanting to meet you for quite a long time. No, I am not the Punisher. But yes..., I am Batman." Bruce said in a deep voice using his armor's voice modulator.

"You are responsible for scores of assault counts, private property damage, attempt to murder, and permanently disabling or crippling at least half a dozen people. Whatever you want to say, you can say in court or while being in custody." Jim doubled down, trying to arrest the masked individual in front of him.

"I am the one who called you and tipped you off about what was going to go down here today. I was also the one who beat up those thugs as well as Penguin here but make no mistake, I have no animosity with the good citizens of Gotham... I want the same thing you do, purging the corruption right out of Gotham and making this a better place for both myself and the citizens that live in it. And, for that, I want to work with you. I could have left long ago, I was only waiting here because I wanted to meet you. So, what do you say, Gordon?" 

"Wait, how can we believe you? You might just be a criminal no better than any other street rat, only saying that stuff to avoid being arrested." Gordon asked, slight hesitation visible on his face as all the other cops made sure to aim at the most vital organs in Bruce's body in case this whole thing turned south.

"Arrested? I see. So, you think I am afraid of you and your guns. That's why you are so nervous... Fine, have it your way then. Hey, you wearing that pink Hello Kitty band on your left arm, shoot me in my face or chest... or wherever you think would kill me." Bruce suggested to the cop closest to him while staring him right in his eyes.

In his mind, he was hoping that maybe seeing their hardest bullets not even leaving a scratch on his armor would finally make them understand just how much he was out of their pay grade. Maybe, then he would finally be able to talk to them without them pointing their guns at him all the time.


(A/N: One last chapter remaining for the Falcon arc to end.)

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