DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 95: Solving a Freezing Problem

Chapter 95: Solving a Freezing Problem


"It's what you do right now that makes a difference."

- Jeff Struecker, (Black Hawk Down)


<{Wayne Pharma lab, Gotham}>   

<(Bruce Wayne POV)>   

"So you were telling the truth when you said that you can cure my wife of her condition?" Victor Fries muttered while staring at me with uncertain eyes. It looked like he was struggling to believe that he was hearing such good news.

"I wouldn't have called you here if I weren't going to tell you the truth, would I? In fact, if you had just tried to contact me from the very start, your wife would have been cured by now. Instead, you tried to steal money and resources from my company which by the way, was a very stupid move, and even blamed me when you got fired by your direct supervisor. Do you even realize how stupid that sounds? Someone's wife being sick doesn't turn them into an imbecile, you know? *Sigh*

Anyway, as I was saying, medical technology has improved a lot more than what people generally think. Plus, what your wife has isn't something something scarce. A lot of people too suffer from it. MacGregor's Syndrome is just an illness caused by the genetic degradation of a particular gene, which mostly happens due to heavy drug usage. The illness itself isn't something too complicated but instead, what makes it so dangerous and hard to cure is the gene which gets affected." I answered as I showed him an image of his wife's deteriorating cells that were causing the symptoms. 

"Wait, it affects a particular gene, not the entire cell? But, how did I not figure this out? I did so much research on this disease. How the hell did I miss it?" Confusion etched on Victor's face while he slowly caressed his wife's hand while trying his best to hide his embarrassment about my earlier words. 

"Because the gene that is being affected is not some normal human gene that can easily be detected. It's a very unique type of gene that can only be found in a tiny portion of the human population. I call it the meta gene. It is a sort of natural mutation in humans that if activated under particular circumstances can cause or give their hosts strange abilities like increased strength, speed, or healing. They can even give powers that can appear borderline impossible. 

However, this also means that the meta gene when recessive is not only extremely difficult to detect in the human anatomy but also almost impossible to map out or accurately figure out how it truly functions, thus leading to even the biggest pharma and bio companies failing to find a way to stop its deterioration in case it is affected by a disease like MacGregor's Syndrome." I explained. 

Truthfully, the syndrome was the only illness I had found till now that could directly affect the meta gene. At first, I even thought that it could be a good bio-weapon against metahumans but unfortunately for me and fortunately for all metahumans, the condition can't target activated meta genes.

"Meta gene? It almost sounds unbelievable... But still, if all that is true, why do you think that you can cure my wife of this disease even though interacting with this so-called meta gene is so difficult?"

"I said it's difficult for normal humans to find a cure, but not for me, a genius billionaire philanthropist. You see, money can buy a lot of things. Extremely talented scientists and abundant resources to research a rare and complex disease like this are just some of them. Also, the cure for this illness isn't some medicine with miraculous healing properties but instead a unique concept that I derived from nanotechnology." I informed him as I took out a vial from my pocket with light-blue colored serum inside it. "Say hi to xenobots, the next generation of medical technology specialized for medical and genetic treatments." 

"This... this can cure my wife?" He asked unsure as he looked at the serum.

"Oh yeah, a hundred percent. These are biological artificially created cells that can not only kill different bacteria or viruses but also repair cellular or genetic damage. Theoretically, it can do almost anything that it is programmed to do, and once it completes its function, it just dies and becomes dead cells which automatically get removed from the body. The process is of course completely safe." I confidently explained as I loaded up the serum in a small injector. 

Truthfully the concept of xenobots had already been invented in my previous life but of course, due to constraints of technology, it was not even one-third as effective as the ones I have developed now. Those were only able to clean the environment by collecting microplastics from water or delivering drugs more precisely into various parts of the human body. However, the version of the biotechnology that I have developed is highly based on the technology of the Extremis virus from Marvel and can function exactly like human body cells, only a lot LOT better.

It can be programmed to cure almost any disease or illness known to mankind and even fix many genetic or hereditary conditions as well. The best thing however is that it is a black-boxed type of technology since I used a very complex bio-lock on the cells while initially developing them meaning that they can't be replicated or copied by anyone who doesn't know the exact way of developing them. 

With my technology, they can be very cheap when developed in bulk with them almost being the same price as any other normal antibiotics.

Also, I can just program the cells to target and treat one single disease or illness at a time, thus limiting its usefulness and making more money by selling them separately for different diseases while also staying off the radar of the government as well as other big pharma companies. After all, I don't want to face an anti-trust lawsuit so soon... I haven't even completed collecting dirt on all the big politicians in Washington yet.

"I see... Then, Mr. Wayne, I beg you, please save my wife. I will do anything to pay you back for it. I will be your slave for the rest of my life. Just, please help me." Victor went down on all four of his limbs as he begged me with his head down. His voice was breaking due to the intense emotions and desperation it carried with tears streaming down his face.

I was his last hope. And, truthfully it was both heartbreaking and heartwarming to see the extent to which a man could go to save the love of his life while not expecting anything in return.

"Hey, get up. I would have saved your wife even if you did not do anything for me. It's my job to help the world with my products and services. Wayne Enterprises exists to change the world for the better and to make everyone's lives a bit easier... And, if you truly want to pay me back, then just love and take care of your wife like a loving husband. Also, come back to work for my company. It needs... no, I need people like you to help save the world along with millions of people just like your wife." I said as I gently urged him to get up before moving on to inject his wife with the serum.

The xenobots didn't heal his wife in a few seconds like some magic potion in comics or manga but certain changes were visible as the screens of the different monitoring equipment connected to her body showed her condition slowly becoming better. 

"She is... recovering. This is... *Sob* *Sob* Thank you. You are an angel Mr. Wayne. No, you are a god." He cried as he tried to give me a hug which I skillfully dodged.

"Not yet, but maybe one day. And remember what I said. I need people like you on my team and your expertise in freezing and cryotechnology. I can use a mind like yours in my quest to change the world." I smiled as I encouragingly patted his arm.

"She will completely recover within a day or two. Don't worry, soon enough your wife will be as healthy as a horse. You can take her back home then. Until then, she has to remain in the lab for observation. Also, try not to tell anyone that I used the xenobots on her. You know how the FDA gets about treating people with experimental cures without taking proper permissions from them first." 

"Don't worry sir. I will never betray you even if it costs me my life." Victor said with a serious face as he looked at me with newfound determination. "I will always be loyal to you, no matter what. I swear it in the name of my wife."

"You watch too much period drama, Victor. Just remember my words and we will be good. Anyway, I will be taking my leave now. You should get a haircut and a shave, I don't think, your wife will enjoy seeing you like... this." I said as I gave him a weird look. 

Unkempt was the fanciest word that can be used to describe him right now. From messy hair to big dirty nails, a bushy and thick beard, and eyebags as thick as fingers under his eyes, he looked like a caveman who hadn't slept for days in fear of some wild animal stalking him. His wife might even have a heart attack and go back to a coma if she saw him like that. 

"Yeah, you are right... Also, sir... can I ask you one more thing? I know you have already done a lot for me, more than I deserve since I wasn't exactly the best employee in your company... but still, I promised someone that I would try to help him out if I ever managed to find out a way to cure my wife. And I think you can provide that help. In fact, I think that you can even profit from it quite a lot by helping him out." The man spoke in an unsure voice. 

"Yeah, sure. Speak out, what is it? I will try my best to help you out as much as I can." I said as I looked at him with a questioning look on my face.

Maybe he knows some other people who are suffering from an untreatable disease as well. 

"Well, when I was... fired from your company, I didn't have enough money to buy the cutting-edge equipment that I needed to build the machines to continue my research but there was this man from Metropolis who selflessly helped me out. Even though a rare genius, he and his wife are just small-time toymakers who want to make toys to make children all over the world happy.

But some evil companies want to use the advanced technology he uses in his toys to build weapons instead and he doesn't want it. They have been harassing the couple for the past few days even giving them death threats. I was powerless to help them but maybe, you can help them out. I can vouch for him. He is truly a good man and all he wants is to make toys for the world." Victor pleaded.

"Fine, give me his contact details and tell him to expect my people to contact him. I'll see what I can do. I was actually thinking of opening a new toy and games company besides my video games division, so maybe there is a chance that I will even hire him as the lead toy researcher if he is good enough. What is his name, by the way?" I inquired curiously.

"I think you will like him a lot if you get to know him. He is really a kind and honest man, almost a child. He goes by the name Winslow Schott. But he likes to call himself the Toymaker because of his love and absolute dedication to making toys."


(A/N: Yo guys, I am back. Sorry for disappearing all of a sudden but my aunt was getting married and all our relatives and extended family and friends were here in our home which meant I barely had any time to get some shut-eye, much less write a chapter. I originally wanted to inform you all that I would be unable to write for a week because of the wedding but unfortunately, it completely slipped my mind amid the celebrations🥲. It is only today that I remembered I had forgotten to inform you guys about it🥹... Anyway, it took a lot more time than I originally expected since we were busy with post-wedding stuff even after the main event and I had thought I should finish everything up, rather than come back and write a half-assed chapter. But don't worry, I am finally here now and no, I ain't ever abandoning this book.😁)

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