Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 127 - I Should Kill You

Chapter 127 - I Should Kill You

Kade was unable to gather his people. Not a minute after the news was revealed, eunuchs had knocked on his door. By now, word of Kade's accomplishments had traveled through the castle corridors. He had trained the best trackers and soldiers. It was due to his training regime that the Eighth Princess was securely brought back.

No blood had to be shed.

All was good in this world.

"Irritating," Kade growled, tugging at his uncomfortable clothes.

Kade always preferred to wear dark colors, mixed with gold or silver. He was always in looser clothing that made mobility easy. Now that he had to present himself before the Emperor, he had changed into more formal attire.

Kade needed to end the meeting fast. Lina was waiting for him. He harshly tugged at the white collar of his robes. He hated this damn thing. It was too restraining.

"Your Highness…" Sebastian whispered.

They would be reaching the throne room soon. As the Seventh Prince, he was rarely invited to this place. Why would he be? He was far, far, down the line of succession. Six Princes had to drop dead before the Commander could even fathom being the Crown Prince.

It's not like the Seventh Prince would perform a massacre out of rage just to take the throne. So what was the point of inviting him to the throne room?

People were worried his presence in the throne room would make him want the Crown. The Seventh Prince was audacious enough to claim it.

"Announcing the entry of our Seventh Prince, the great defender of Ritan, the Beast of the Battlefield, our freightsome Commander—"

"Yeah, yeah," Kade lazily said.

Kade sauntered into the throne room. He was growing irritated by his unnecessarily long title. Back then, it was just Seventh Prince. Sometimes, he wished the eunuchs would just choke on their spit and never speak again. How nice would that be?


Kade didn't even bother with bowing. He was eager to leave. Lina was waiting for him. He had things to do. If he bowed, then it'd lead to small talk, which would take up more time. He didn't have time.


"How could he not bow…"

"The Emperor is going to be furious…"

The ministers and courtiers? whispered among themselves, behind their short tables. Everyone was gathered today, sitting on plush pillows on the floor. It was the usual formation. Once the Emperor was on the throne, every important minister needed to be present to greet the man on the large platform.

"You've heard of the great news by now," the Emperor began.

The Emperor completely ignored his son's disrespect. He was used to this brat's audacious behavior. In fact, his Seventh son reminded the Emperor of himself in his youth.

"What about it?" Kade deadpanned.

"Impudent!" The Empress scolded.

Kade rolled his eyes at the woman. The Empress reminded him of a barking dog. All she could do was cry.

The Empress drew her brows together at the obvious disrespect. But what could she do? This man single handedly fought off a troop of 10,000 men with just 2,500 soldiers in his squadron. When was one this powerful, there was nothing that could stop him.

At that time, everyone thought the Commander would die. Half of his army was gone and he was still pushing through enemy lands. But when the sun rose in the sky, dust blowing in the air, a single flag was raised up high.

A flag of red and gold.

The emblem of Ritan's victory could be seen.

The Seventh Prince had made Ritan victorious. The battle was so grand, that it was named after the Seventh Prince.

"The Seventh Battle," people called it.

"Hah, you need to tame that temper of yours," the Emperor said.

The Emperor shook his head, but his voice was filled with amusement. He looked fondly over his son. Look at how well this child of his had turned out! The Emperor barely spared his son the time of day when Kade was just a boy. Despite that, Kade was turning into one of his most useful sons.

"Get to the point," Kade stated in an aloof voice.

Kade was tired of standing before the throne. He especially hated craning his head just to see the Emperor and Empress. They were seated on a raised platform that took two short staircases to reach. It was their way of permanently looking down on everyone.

Kade was so irritated that he even contemplated taking the throne. Maybe then, he'd knock the platform down a bit. That was the only resolution to his strained neck.

"I heard you've turned the concubine I gifted you into a servant, instead of using her for how a woman should be enjoyed," the Emperor began.

A nerve ticked within Kade. Gifted.

Yeah, right.

Priscilla was a nuisance to the Emperor and even offended him. He threw the woman to the lion's den, expecting her to be abused by Kade. The Emperor only wanted to make himself look good by calling her a present.

Kade knew that his Father was just throwing the chore to someone else. The Emperor was the one who purchased Priscilla, thus, should be the one to tame the wild thing.

"I do not need concubines when I have a perfectly fine wife," Kade sneered.

"Soon, you'll have no need for her," the Emperor stated.

Kade narrowed his eyes. Where was this conversation leading to?

"Teran has offered a large sum for their Favored Princess' return. There are at least twenty chests of gold and gems, fifty rolls of Teran's specialty silk, two hundred livestock, 10,000 of their finest soldiers, and—"

"You want me to sell my wife off for things I already possess?" Kade spat out. "Are you that poor, father?"


The room was so quiet, that even a feather falling could be heard. No one had ever insulted the Emperor to this extent. No one was stupid enough to court death. Well, no one but the man who could destroy this entire palace.

"We do not need half-bred Teran mutts," the Emperor spat out. "Surely, you didn't think I'd let my son sire a Teran scum?"

The temperature dropped. A murderous presence filled the enormous throne room. Bloodshed lurked in the distance. One day, this room would be painted red and would stink of rotting flesh.

The Seventh Prince was the kind of man to point his sword at his own father. He was the kind of bastard to slay without mercy, like the tyrant he was. Killing his own father wouldn't even phase him.

The realization dawned on the ministers.

"The war has already come to an end," the Emperor began. "We're getting a treaty and presents with it, all for the return of a single woman. Many eager young ladies are waiting to warm your bed. Choose from one of them."

"And if I refuse?"

The Emperor threw his son a warning look. He could tolerate disrespect. He could tolerate the lack of titles. He could not tolerate disobedience.

"You are to send your wife back. She will be denounced and unwanted in this palace. This is an order, Kade. You're to follow it without fail."

"And why should I listen?"


The Emperor slammed his fist onto his armrest. Everyone flinched at the loud sound, like a cannon going off. People began to tremble under his wrath.

"Because I am your Emperor and you must obey me!" he roared, like the King of the Jungle, the almighty lion.

"All I'm hearing is," Kade said in a low, seldom voice, his lips curling into a sadistic smile.

"I should kill you, father."

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