Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 147 - A Man In Grief

Chapter 147 - A Man In Grief

Kade woke up the next morning lost and befuddled. He cracked his eyes open, feeling something soft resting upon his arms. Instantly, he retracted his hand, shooting upwards.

Through his tired vision, he saw a naked woman. Horror dawned on him. His head snapped to the tea pot on the desk. What happened last night? All he remembered was seeing red.


Kade remembered seeing Lina. But the woman in his arms was not her. No. She had hair like horse hay.


"You witch," Kade snarled, roughly turning her body over.

Kade was repulsed by the sight of her body. Her naked breasts and her uncovered thighs. None of them could ever compare to Lina. Ever.


Priscilla opened her eyes. Her face turned pale. She felt the blood drain from her features. She was awakened to his rage. Scrambling to protect herself, she quickly hugged her discarded robes.

There were blots of blood on it. Her lost virtue. He had taken her virginity and now, insulted her.

Just what kind of man did Priscilla try to chase after? She was hurt by his behavior. It slapped her in the face. Last time, she was willing. Amongst his lack of courtesy and his merciless thrusts, she had embraced him tightly. Even when she cried from the pain and swore she'd accept him all, the agony was still there.

"How dare you?" Kade roared, grabbing her by the throat. "I should kill you right here."

Priscilla's eyes watered. She thought sleeping with him would make things better. She had given him something that all women prided themselves on. She was told that a man would treasure a woman more if he knew he took her virtue.


"Get out!" Kade seethed, tossing her naked body to the side.

Kade watched as Priscilla whimpered and winced. Her thighs were shaking.

Priscilla couldn't even stand. Her entire body was sore. She was in pain. She was hurt from his behavior, physically and emotionally, but he didn't care. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

Did all of this mean nothing to him? How could he do this to her?

"I…" Priscilla did not know what to begin.

Priscilla had fallen into her own web of deception. She lost all rationality. She believed he'd care for her if she gave him her virtue. She thought he'd smile favorably upon her again. She did not understand the loss of favoritism from him.

"What did I do wrong?" Priscilla cried out in aggravation.

Priscilla was consumed by her own manipulation. She knew he saw her as Lina. She knew he embraced her with such intent, but she thought he'd be satisfied with the dried blood on her white robes. She drugged him into thinking she was Lina. It was her fault, but she saw no wrongdoings. He was a man in grief and she just wanted to help.

"What did you do wrong?" Kade sharply responded in disbelief.

The nerve of this woman!

Kade haphazardly glanced at their surroundings. He had screwed her on the floor, like a wild animal. It was the treatment she deserved for tricking him.

Kade gritted his teeth. He ran a hand through his hair, unable to believe he was deceived that easily. His attention flew to the discarded pieces of paper. That letter. It triggered him. Blinded him, even.

"Y-Your Highness, it was your fault!" Priscilla shouted in his face. "It was you who embraced me, remember that."

Kade turned to her, his face venomous.

"What did you just say?" Kade snarled.

"It takes two to tangle in bed!" Priscilla screamed. "You came to me!"

"You poisoned me," Kade seethed. "Had I know you were not my wife, I would've never touched you even if we're the last humans on earth!"

Kade's roar was like that of a lion. It sent her flinching back, tears filling her vision. He meant every word he said. He thought it was Lina.

Kade would only touch Lina. She was his one and everything. For her, he was willing to be celibate. In his moment of weakness, he was taken advantage of. In his pain and agony, the hallucinogen and aphrodisiac worked too well.

"You were always a thorn in my side," Kade spat out.

Kade's expression hardened. He was going to kill her. Right then and here. But he was not a brute. Instead, he seized her by the wrists and proceeded to drag her towards his door.

"Stop, what are you doing?!" Priscilla shouted.

Bright and early in the morning, Kade threw her outside. Naked. His soldiers jumped in surprise, their eyes growing wide. Their attention immediately flew to their Commander's member. Then, they wept on the inside.

Not only was the Commander good with his sword, but he possessed a quality all men envied.

"For poisoning a royal, you'll be sentenced to prison," Kade snarled, throwing her outside for everyone to see.

The servants were already in the hallways. Eunuchs were rushing around trying to get things in order. At the sight of the commotion, they paused. The first thing they saw was a naked and beautiful woman. A disgraced lady. One who was kicked out of a room.

Oh goody.

They drank in the sight of her.

"Y-Yes, Commander!" The guards shouted, quickly grabbing her by the armpits.

Priscilla let out a cry of frustration. "You bastard! After taking my most precious gift, you—"

"Have her tongue sliced off too," Kade bellowed.

From this loud altercation, Sebastian was instantly awoken. He had slept on the halfway floor, his eyes hazy.

"H-huh…" Sebastian sat up, wiped the drool from his face, and quickly turned to look at what was happening.

At the sight of the Commander and his large… Sebastian quickly scrambled to his feet.

"Commander!" Sebastian shouted.

Kade slammed the door in his face. With a frustrated growl, he sauntered into the study. He slipped on his robes and started to feel utter disgust. It reeked of her. He ripped the silk from his body, deciding it was not worth it. He stared at her white gown, where blotches of red were seen.

Kade was screwed.

Kade let out a breath of disbelief. Guilt. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the remorse for touching Priscilla. If Lina was an unresting spirit watching over them, and undoubtedly she was, what would she think?

"Dove…" Kade murmured. His dear dove.

How was she going to react to this news? Was her soul watching over him? Was she shaming him? How was he ever going to face her now?

Unable to do anything, Kade headed for the door, eager to see her again. He was going to beg for forgiveness, even if he'd kneel for eternity.

Suddenly, there was a knock.

"Come in," Kade solemnly said.

Sebastian shyly walked into the room, like a timid young woman. With his hands, he presented a pile of neatly folded silk robes.

Kade paused. He let out a small sigh.

"Thank you," Kade muttered.

Sebastian's eyes grew wide, but he said nothing. He turned around to give the man some privacy.

"The Emperor would like to see you, Your Highness," Sebastian stated. He heard the ruffling of silk from behind.

Then, a proud figure strutted past him.

Kade loosely wore the black and silver robes. It revealed his muscular chest, but he couldn't care less. He always wore dark colors, but from now on, his regime and attire would be covered in black and white.

Mourning clothes.

Kade was going to mourn for Lina's death for as long as he breathed. Thus, the first thing he did was head straight for his estate.

"Your Highness, where are you going?" Sebastian cried out in disapproval.

Sebastian held onto the side of his heavy robes. He ran after the Commander, who always did the opposite of what he was told. Maybe that's why Sebastian respected the Commander so much.

Sebasitan grew up in a restrictive household with a tyrannical patriarch. Thus, he envied and respected the Commander's freedom and fearlessness, so much so, he grew attached to the Prince.

It was that, and the fact that the Seventh Prince saved Sebastian from a lifetime of abuse in his own household.

"Please!" Sebastian groaned. "The Emperor is already furious by your actions from yesterday. Then, there's the commotion from earlier and the woman he purchased has been thrown in prison, naked with her body out for everyone to see. It's the worst walk of shame."

Kade turned a deaf ear to all of this.

"Bring me my paint and brush," Kade coldly said.

Sebastian blinked. "Yes, Your Highness."

When Kade arrived at his estate, he stopped curtly at the door.

"Sebastian," Kade muttered in a low, serious voice.

Sebastian immediately straightened up. "Yes, Commander?"

With an eerily composed face, Kade slowly turned around. Everywhere around him were his people. His loyal, dedicated people. In a voice filled with hatred and pain, he made a jaw-dropping announcement.

"Gather our best fighters. Our best killers. When tomorrow comes, I shall be King."


Not Emperor.

Kade was going to abolish this disgusting harem. He was never going to remarry ever again. The only way to do so was to become King. Instead of being the Second Emperor of Ritan, he'd be the Second King.

"It shall be done, Commander," Sebastian responded, his chest puffed and proud.

Sebastian had been waiting for this news. He had been waiting for far too long. If anyone deserved that throne, it would be the Seventh Prince and his endless array of accomplishments.

"We will move at midnight," Kade instructed.

Without another word, Kade entered his room to pay his respects to Lina. Instead of preparing the entire day for this coop, he was going to paint her. He was going to admire this painting for the rest of his life, drink to it, and cry before it. He was going to dedicate a temple to his beloved wife and their unborn child.

When Kade entered his messy chamber, he instantly knelt before the bed.

"My wife…" Kade muttered, his defenses finally shattering to the ground.

Kade couldn't hold back his emotions anymore. He couldn't maintain his facade in front of her. He was still mortally wounded by her abrupt departure.

"I'm sorry."

Kade grabbed her cold hands and pressed his lips to them. He painfully squeezed his eyes shut, for the betrayal could never be wiped from his body. Ever again.

"I'm so… sorry."

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