Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 390 I'll Come

Kaden was already waiting for her downstairs. As Lina stepped out of the building, she could feel a new chapter of her life begin. She had just closed one moment earlier. Standing on the busy sidewalk, her lips parted in shock.

People walked down the streets like it was no big deal. A few paused to admire his luxurious car. Women whispered and gossiped about him.

"Wow, is that a celebrity? Quick pull out your phone to look."

"So handsome, I'd sell my kidney to have a date with him."

That was the problem with Kaden. He had the aura of a King and the face of a god. He was handsome enough to survive just off his features alone. One glance at him and everyone knew he won the genetics lottery.

Kaden was occupied with his phone, his face twisted with irritation. Even with the storm in his dark gaze, his sharp jaw tightened until it could cut through rocks, and his fingers clenching his phone so tightly, his veins popped, Lina found him too attractive for words.

"You've event planned for the mall before. This should be no big deal, Priscilla."

Lina froze on the spot. Her attention snapped to him.

"Yes, Sebastian is getting on your last nerves, but he is  your boyfriend, deal with it."

Lina blinked. What? Her head was beginning to go dizzy in disbelief.

"No, you can't murder him in public. Do it in private for all I care." Kaden raised his head. He paused. Immediately, he hung up the phone, and approached her.

"Dove of mine" Kaden murmured with adoration, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her upon the forehead. Her heart fluttered at the gesture. He must've heard it.

Pure-Blood and their incredible senses. She couldn't describe it. She slid her hand up his arms just as he pecked her on the cheeks as well. A bubble of laughter left her mouth, for his affection caught her off-guard.

Lina raised her head, but was met with his lips. Her face burned red, and she gripped his upperarm in disbelief. His muscles were clenched, her back turned, and she did not hear the footsteps immediately disappearing.

Nor did Lina see Kaden's possessive glower. As he kissed her passionately, he made eye-contact with Atlantis. Kaden deepend the exchange, until she let out a soft gasp, her body pressed tightly against him.

Lina pulled away in disbelief whilst gasping for air. "What are you doing?"

Lina touched her lips and glanced around, realizing a few people were looking at them. She stared accusingly at him, but his attention was behind her. When hse turned, there was no one in sight.

"How was your lunch, dove?" Kaden fondly asked, cupping the side of her face.

Lina's heart skipped so fast, her mind short circuited. Was this what their life was going to become in the future? He'd pick her up, greet her intimately, and then, ask her about her day? She quite liked the idea of that. What more could a woman ask?

"Good," Lina stated, still breathless from his abrupt excitement. "I got what I wanted."

"Did you now, dove?" Kaden mused, waiting for her to elaborate exactly what it could be. He glanced down to see an envelope being crushed between them. It was her fault, her breasts were in the way, causing the folders to bend.

"With this, the papers are finalized and can be sent to Wraith," Lina stated. "We need to make sure this kind of paperwork doesn't happen anymore—"

Kaden kissed her again. Her eyes widened and she tapped at his shoulders for mercy. He greedily nipped at her lips, his hand sliding through her hair. He was attempting to brand her as his property with just his mouth. It was working. She could barely think straight by the time he pulled away. She was still kissing the air, but then, flushed in disbelief and glared at him.

"You seemed to like it, just figured I'd do it again with all the right intentions this time," Kaden cheekily said. Before she could complain, he grabbed her hand and began pulling her towards the discreet and sleek black car.

"Where are we going?" Lina asked, getting into it just as Kaden received another phone call. "You're busy today."

Kaden glanced down at the contact and gritted his teeth. He picked up the phone loudly, "What?!"

A second passed. "Yes I told your girlfriend it was fine to murder you in private."

Lina blanched. Was that Sebastian?

"At least it won't be in public," Kaden deadpanned. "For your incompetency, it should have been. How hard is it to shut the entire place down? I own it."

Own what? Lina tilted her head and tried to think about what it could be, but this man owned half of Ritan—the better parts too. She pressed her lips together whilst standing outside. Sensing her curiosity, Kaden slid his hand behind her spine. He rubbed the spot and bent to affectionately rest his chin upon the crown of her head.

Then, Kaden cursed. Lina jumped.

"Buy out the people if you have to. You're the madman dating her, not me. I don't care if she's chasing the children away, do whatever it takes."

Lina raised her head. Yeah, sounds like Priscilla. Without warning, he hung up. Kaden let out an irritated sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Couples, am I right?" Kaden muttered in disbelief.

"We're not one to talk," Lina said to him.

Before he could respond, Kaden's phone went off again.

"Fucks sake, I'm castrating him," Kaden growled. He picked it up just to narrow his eyes. "Fine, I'll come. Cease your crying this instant."

Lina slowly blinked. Before she could say anything, her device also went off. She stepped away to pick up the phone call.

"Estella!" Lina gushed. "Oh yes, the brooch is so nice on you, isn't it? Did you just open the box? No, no, it is not too much, you deserve it for your hardwork these entire few months!"

The two stood to the side, the epitome of a difference. Lina was brimming with excitement, whereas Kaden was on the verge of murder. But their mood eventually switched as the minutes passed.

"Oh, another meeting?" Lina murmured. "No, no, I'm not busy right now. Yes, I can come within thirty minutes."

"You got it to work?" Kaden asked, finally pleased. "Alright, I'll be there."

Lina turned just as the two finished both of their phone calls. A mutual understanidng passed alongside the business owners. She wryly smiled just as he snorted in disbelief.

"A dinner date?" Lina offered.

"I expect no less, dove," Kaden mused. "You'll love it. Your dress suits the occasion well."

Lina glanced down and realized her white gown. She had just forced Atlantis to sign an annulment paper in a white dress. That must've hurt a lot more.

"I'll take you to your galleria before leaving, come here, dove." Kaden reached his hand for her.

Lina gleaned at his outstretched palms. Someone once mentioned he had the worst liens of fate. Now, she couldn't help, but laugh at the idea. Soon, she slid her hand against his. Immediately, he pulled her closed, kissed her on the forehead, and helped her into the car.

Soon, they were driving down the streets, Lina completely unaware of what was going to happen.

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