Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 80 - Summer Camp

Chapter 80 - Summer Camp

Lina wondered if she would have to experience this pain for the rest of her life. She hoped not. But what would happen to her if she remembered the trauma? What would happen to her body? Would she completely shut down and collapse out of sheer shock?

Lina didn't want to find out. She pressed her lips together, thinking of something to say that'd change the topic. There was a dangerous glint in Kaden's eyes, despite his gentle clasp on her body. He looked like he was ready to murder whoever did this to her. However, she wanted to ruin them with her own hands.

"I'm joining the Yang Heir Race," Lina said, her voice a bit uneven, despite her initial confidence this morning. When she was pushed into a corner, she was the type to fight back.

"Everett tried to corner me," Lina admitted. "He used his connections to my grandmother and they ambushed me this morning."

Kaden frowned and almost closed his eyes. "Like I said, that man reeks of desperation."

Kaden debated which form of torture best suited men like Everett, who was too proud of himself. A sinister idea crossed his mind. His lips curled upwards, his eyes flashing with amusement. There was one way to break the spirit of arrogant men like Everett.

"I'm tired of people making my decisions for me," Lina said. "If I want control of my life, running away will not grant it. My freedom can't be given by anyone else but me. If I want freedom, I must grab it with my own two hands."

Lina knew she'd be a puppet for the rest of her life. If she did not take on the role of Chairwoman of Yang Enterprise, then there would always be someone using her. She could attempt to run from this family as far as she could, but they would always find her.

Lina wanted nothing to do with this family and its backstabbing distant relatives. The road to becoming the Matriarch was long and treacherous, with disloyal and ruthless traitors at every corner.

"Then it's a good thing I bought an enormous share in Yang Enterprise five years ago," Kaden mused.

There it was again. Five years ago. Lina had been sixteen years old.

"Why did you suddenly show up five years ago?" Lina asked. "You're immortal. It's dangerous for your identity. People will expect you to age and when you don't, they'll question who you really are.".

"Because of this." Kaden's eyes flashed red.

Lina screamed in fear, almost jumping back, but she couldn't. She peered up at him in horror, the blood draining from her face. He was a vampire. She hadn't misseen it that day.

The color of his eyes was like pigeon blood rubies. She felt her hands quiver and she pressed them to her chest.

"Well, that's one way to make you scream," Kaden mused, placing his hands on the edge of the table. She was scooting backward. He leaned forward, his face right in front of hers.

He heard her stop breathing. Her gaze trembled and she bit her bottom lips.

"Y-you weren't a vampire before," Lina stammered out, trying to keep her racing heart at bay. She always thought his brown eyes had a tinge of red, but believed it was a trick of the light. Now that his true identity was revealed, she was petrified.

"A-and your skin is warm," Lina pointed out.

"Breathe," Kaden insisted.

Kaden carefully gripped her chin.

"I am breathing," Lina mumbled.

Lina's attention fell to his warm lips. She heard kissing a vampire was like kissing an ice cube. Yet, when she kissed him earlier, he felt as hot as the sun.

"Vampires that are born Pure-Bloods will have icy skin and those who are turned will have their human characteristics," Kaden stated, rubbing his thumb upon her small chin.

Seeing as Lina had calmed down, her heart was back to normal and she was no longer shaking; he half-smiled. Many things fazed Lina, but not for long.

"Someone didn't pay attention in anatomy class," Kaden chided, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I was never the best with science or math class," Lina grumbled.

Lina remembered her grandfather's disappointment and her father's dismay. She didn't have an interest in science or math, but was more fascinated by literature and art. Everyone said she resembled her grandmother.

Lina was determined not to have the same fate as her grandmother.

"Right," Kaden mused, his lips twitching with amusement.

"But that doesn't answer my question," Lina said. "Just because you're a Pure-Blood vampire, why did you appear after this many years?"

Kaden's gaze darkened. "In your second life, you were the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the East and at that time, I had abandoned everything. You can imagine how your father reacted."

Lina slowly blinked. She remembered what he told her before. In every life she lived, she was a rich woman. But why? And how? It was as if Heaven favored her or something.

"I saw you again," Kaden muttered. "Hundreds of years after your second life, I saw a high school girl who resembled you."

Lina blinked. Her lips parted in shock. Did that mean… he risked his life and identity, just for her?

"I waited hundreds of years for you to be reborn. I've never loved or touched any other woman in the meantime. I waited and waited, even when centuries passed and you could be on the other side of the world." Kaden rested his forehead against hers, their noses brushing upon each other.

"And I found you again," Kaden muttered, his voice tender and hot. "You were upset that day, storming out of one of your Uncle's cars."

Lina was beginning to remember it. The only time she had gotten angry at her Second Uncle. He had picked her up at school without her permission and ordered men to shove her into the car. Her Second Uncle claimed it was a harmless prank, but she knew better.

If Lina had stayed in that car, who knew where in the world she'd be.

"You waited that long for me?" Lina asked, touched by his words and actions. She felt warm and fuzzy in her chest, a sensation unlike any other.

Lina could hear it. Her heart was threatening to jump out of her chest again, beating so loudly, the blood rushed to her ears.

"I'll always wait for you, dove of mine, even if eternity approaches," Kaden promised, grabbing her hand. He brought it to his mouth, pressing soft, tiny kisses upon her fingertips.

"And now that I have you again, I'm never letting you go," Kaden revealed a wicked smile. She could run as far as her legs could carry her, and he'd always find a way to her.

Kaden had waited hundreds of years for her. He could wait longer. As long as it'd take for her to come around. He'd be here, accumulating all the power and wealth in the world, until there was no other man who'd match him. Until he was the only man she could ever fathom marrying.

"I don't know if I should be sentimental or scream for my life," Lina admitted, her heart throbbing at the realization of what he had done.

Kaden had waited for her. He didn't have to. He didn't need to. He was an

immortal and loving a human woman was the most painful thing he could've ever done. But he didn't care. He didn't care that she'd eventually die again and that he'd have to begin the devastating search.

"Both would be fine," Kaden mused.

Lina pressed her lips together to hide a smile. It was difficult. Her mouth wobbled a bit, and soon, there was a small grin. Before she could respond to his heartfelt words, her phone began to ring.

"Oh, just a second," Lina said.

Kaden was one step ahead of her. He grabbed her purse on the other side of the table. He took out her phone and glanced at the contact.

"It's Milo," Kaden said.

Kaden handed the phone to Lina, wondering what the little boy could've possibly wanted with his sister. Kaden had many siblings in his first life, but he only cared about one of them.

At the thought of her, Kaden's gaze darkened.

"Hello?" Lina said into the phone.

"Lina!" Milo whispered into the phone, his voice low as if he was hiding from something. Or… someone.

"What's going on? Why are you whispering?" Lina asked.

Lina raised her head to see Kaden's expression had grown stormy. What was he thinking about?

"Where are you right now?" Milo frantically asked, lowering his voice.

"Why? Did mom and dad ask you to—"

"Listen to me," Milo shakily said. "I was snooping around Grandfather's study ever since I found out you went to summer camp."

Lina's brows raised. What did he just say? Did he have a death wish?! If their grandfather found his own grandson sneaking around like a mouse, he'd severely punish Milo.

"Are you crazy?" Lina hissed. "Get out of that place right this instant! If grandfather found out, not even grandmother could save you."

Lina was worried. She slid off the table, her older sister instincts quickly kicking in. Milo was the sheltered son of the family. No one had ever treated him harshly. He lived with his head above the clouds, forever undisturbed.

"No, shut up and listen!" Milo cried out, clutching tightly onto his phone. "I'm going to send you a picture right now and I want you to immediately look at it."

"Milo, you're scaring me—"

"Listen, Lina. Just look at the photo!" Milo urged.

Lina's phone dinged. She pulled the phone away from her ears and placed Milo on speaker. She ignored Kaden's curious stare. Soon, she saw a photo. And then, she went into shock.

The air left Lina's lungs. She heard ringing in her ears. She was completely frozen. There was a commotion in the background. She couldn't think straight. It was as if her entire brain shut down.

All from a single image.

"Lina, you didn't go to a Summer Camp, you went to a mental institution!" Milo's distant voice said to her.

Lina found it difficult to breathe. Thousands of images flooded her senses. It felt like a tidal wave was washing over her, drowning her head underwater. Her knees gave up underneath her.

"Dove!" Kaden demanded, catching her the second she fell. Her head rolled back like a puppet, and she was no longer with him mentally.

"Lina!" Kaden snapped, tapping her face for a response, but nothing.

Lina's entire body began to spasm, shaking and trembling like she was having a seizure. He shouted her name, again and again, jolting her but nothing. Nothing at all.

"...Patient Yang… assigned to electric shock therapy."

Lina could hear something in the background. She couldn't see. She couldn't even move a limb. There were so many memories flooding into her mind.

The ground underneath them was gone. She was no longer in the office with Kaden. She wasn't even standing or lying down. And then, everything went dark.

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