Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 92 - Tea

Chapter 92 - Tea

Lina was sent back to her palace in Teran. She should've known her father would do this to her. The tournament had barely concluded. There were many more matches, but she had been shoved into a carriage ride.

Lina wanted to sneak out of the carriage, but couldn't. Miah had informed her the Second Concubine was returning to the palace as well. Lina needed to accompany her mother, in case anything went amiss during their return journey.

The ride to Teran didn't take long.? As soon as they arrived, the Second Concubine was whisked away for treatment. Lina, on the other hand, was forced to follow her maidservants.

It had been days since Lina was let out of her room. There were guards outside of her entrance, preventing her from leaving. Lina had even tried to escape out the window, but people were waiting for her there as well.

"Princess, would you like some tea?" Miah asked, worriedly glancing at the detached Princess.

"No," Lina muttered, staring out the window, where her freedom existed.

Lina was used to being locked in her bedroom. She was frequently punished like this. It was a lot better than the consequences dished out to the other royal children, should they ever misbehave. Some weren't given food or water and some were sentenced to the cold palace. Even worse, they could've lost the Emperor's favor, which would lead to a lifetime of neglect.

"But Princess, you haven't eaten in three days," Miah pleaded. "Please, you must eat something."

Lina continued to peer out her window. She could see the shadow of the peach blossom trees swaying against the breeze. Her eyes could never see the petals, for the tree was located too far away.

Lina was taunted by the outside world and its beauty. She could see it from afar, but could never get too close. Lina might as well have been a caged bird.

"Did my Father return yet?" Lina muttered.

Miah bowed her head and shook it. "I'm afraid not, Princess."

Lina pressed her lips together. Her father promised to talk to Ritan's court. It's possible the Emperor would go back on his word. He could pretend to meet an embassy, and then, keep her in Teran forever.

Lina knew Teran was heavily profiting from this war. Teran was a hair away from winning and they could brag about how advanced their technology was. Teran was even building alliances left and right, strengthening their ties, and gaining wealth from many countries who wanted to trade with Teran's advanced weaponry.

Even countries in the West had approached Teran, which had further increased trade. With this much profit, how could Teran not continue the battle?

"How about this, Princess, perhaps you can eat a meal and I'll go and beg the Second Concubine on your behalf—"

"Where is she?!"

Miah's head snapped to the door. Damn that man! Before she could react, the Princess was already standing up.

"Atlan?" Lina muttered under her breath.

Lina's hope soared through the sky. If there was anyone who could sneak her out of this palace, it was Atlan! Instantly, she waved her hand.

"Let Atlan in!" Lina called out.

At her words, the doors slammed open. Sunlight poured through the doorway, shining upon Atlan, who appeared like a god descending from the high heavens.

"Atlan!" Lina gushed, quickly dashing over to him. "Atlan, you must help me—"

"Is it true?!" Atlan cried out, suddenly grabbing her by the elbows.

Lina was startled by his brash reaction. What was going on? This was unlike her calm and tender Atlan. He'd never grab her like this or even raise his voice.

"Are you really getting married?" Atlan weakly asked, his voice cracking towards the end.

All along, Atlan thought he'd have enough time. Enough time to gather accomplishments, rise through the ranks, until one day, he could become the man who'd stand by her side.

"I am," Lina whispered, even though the marriage hadn't been finalized yet.

Atlan staggered backward like he had been shot with an arrow. He clutched his chest, glancing at her with wide eyes in disbelief. His gaze darted from Lina's eyes to her body. He couldn't process her words.

"To a Prince from Ritan," Lina admitted, for Atlan was her closest friend. "Because of that, you must help me Atlan—"

"Miah," Atlan muttered, turning to the maidservant. "Go and brew my tea."

Lina blinked in surprise, but registered the small pouch that Atlan was holding in his hands. It dawned on her that he must've come here for a discussion. Lina was worried. She had to creep out before the Emperor returned home. Even so, seeing Atlan in such a distressed state, she didn't know what to do.

"Princess," Miah began.

"Brew the tea, Miah," Lina instructed.

Lina knew her conscience would die if she parted from Atlan on a bad note. Growing up, he was her solace and her mother's savior. He was the one person she could rely on and pull pranks with. She didn't want to lose this close and dear friend of hers.

"As you wish, Princess," Miah reluctantly said, bowing her head.

Miah angrily snatched the tea pouch from Atlan, shooting him a warning glare. If he touched the Princess in any way, Miah was going to murder this man. General or not, he'd wake up in Heaven.

With a jut of her chin, Miah walked out to brew the tea.

"Take a seat," Lina instructed Atlan.

Lina gestured to the table. Atlan stood paralyzed by the entrance, staring at her with pain written all over his face. She understood his agony. He was going to be losing a close friend.

If Lina's best friend was getting married and had to cross enemy lines, she'd be teary-eyed as well.

"Please, Atlan," Lina muttered, taking a seat at the table first.

Atlan was torn. On one hand, he wanted to kidnap Lina so that she could never get married. On the other, he loved her too dearly to put her in harm's way like that. With heavy disproval, he plopped himself onto the chair.

"Where did you hear the news?" Lina softly asked, but felt stupid for doing so.


Lina pressed her lips together. She was used to Atlan's calm nature. It was what made her like him so much.

Whilst Lina was a mischievous girl, Atlan was a mellow man. Atlan kept her grounded and reminded her of the consequences of each prank. Of course, she never used to listen.

"Atlan…" Lina trailed off, realizing he was lost in thought.

Atlan's gaze was distant and he couldn't even look at her. He numbly sat down in his chair. Atlan stared deeply at the table like it could change their fate.

He ground his teeth, his eyes ablaze.

"Atlan," Lina called again.

Lina let out a small sigh at his reaction. She relaxed in her chair and decided to wait for Miah to come back. Hopefully, the tea was Atlan's usual blend.

Atlan was great at concocting tea for different occasions, whether it was migraines or anxiety. He knew the perfect blend for every single thing.

Soon enough, there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in," Lina said.

Miah walked through the doorway with a tray of freshly brewed tea. It smelled sweet and spicy, which tickled Lina's nose.

Lina had never smelled this kind of tea before. It must've been Atlan's newest brew. Miah set the tray of tea on the table. She rested the porcelain teacups in front of each drinker and then waited by the side.

"I want to talk to you alone, Princess," Atlan finally said, his voice distant and desolate.

Lina innocently blinked. Miah gave the Princess a pleading gaze, shaking her head.

"Please, Princess," Atlan pleaded. "Just for a parting moment before you go."

Lina's head ached at his words. In all her years, she had never seen him beg like this. He seemed depressed, like all of the joy in the world was sucked from him.

Lina knew it was because he felt like he was losing not only a friend, but also a younger sister.

"Guide all the maidservants out and away from the corridor for the time being," Lina instructed Miah. "I want this to be a private conversation."

Miah pressed her lips together. She was stuck at a crossroads. She couldn't go against the Princess' command, but also knew that leaving them alone wasn't for the best. She stared worriedly at Atlan, fearing that he might do something to the Princess.

"P-Princess," Miah began, bending down a bit to whisper in the Princess' ear.

Before she could get far, Atlan spoke up.

"Go, Miah," Atlan emotionlessly said. "You heard your Princess."

"Princess, I—"

"Do you mean to disobey royalty?" Atlan fathomed. His gaze grew dim.

Lina was worried for Atlan. What had gotten into him today? This wasn't her gentle Atlan. Out of worry, Lina turned to Miah.

"It's alright, Miah, don't go too far," Lina said. "Just enough for me to still see you if I go outside."

Miah's eyes quivered. She knew the truth. Atlan was likely going to confess his undying love for the Princess. The outcome? She didn't know.

Miah bit down on her tongue. It was going to be fine. The guards were still outside. The Princess only needed to scream for them to run inside. With heavy reluctance, Miah bowed her head and departed.

"As you wish, Princess," Miah said.

Miah walked out of the door and closed it behind her. She turned to look at the sealed entrance, a heavy feeling in her stomach. Miah felt like something horrible was going to happen today, but didn't know what it would be.

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