Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 15: To Hong Kong (1)

Chapter 15: To Hong Kong (1)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 15

EP.15 To Hong Kong (1)


On July 29th, at 10 AM, Parang woke up.

She had dreamt of that day again after a long time.


Her head throbbed. No matter how much she usually slept, this never happened.

It must have been because of that dream. Parang staggered to drink a cup of cold water.

– Gulp— Gulp –


The cool water made her feel a bit better.

She noticed the calendar hanging on the opposite wall.

Unlike before, when she focused solely on leisure, Parang had suddenly become very busy.

She grabbed a marker and started organizing her schedule on the calendar.

First, a trip to Hong Kong. She needed to visit Xiao to pick up some items.

After that, she had to discuss collaboration with Hunter Shin Yuna, visit the orphanage, and then…

Sunday. In the afternoon, she had to go to the Hunter Association, and in the evening, meet with the World Government. But could she really make it to both?

Considering the relationship between the two, it wasn’t likely a coordinated effort. More likely, they were forcing her to choose one.

Despite sharing the same roots, they had a terrible relationship. Rumors even suggested they occasionally sent assassins after each other.

Ideally, she wouldn’t want to go to either. They were both such shady organizations.

Still, she felt more inclined towards the Association, where she had acquaintances.

She owed a lot to Manager Choi.

Anyway, after visiting the Association, she had an interview on Tuesday.

She was incredibly busy.

When would she have time to broadcast again?


Come to think of it, it wasn’t entirely impossible.

Parang was quick to make decisions. She immediately called Yuna.

“Hello? Ah, I have an idea for the next broadcast…”

“How about we try this approach…”

After a few exchanges, the call ended.

A little while later, a file was sent to Parang’s phone.


After running it and installing it on her phone, she tapped the cute fish-shaped app icon. Buttons for starting and ending the broadcast, muting, and screen blackout appeared.

Now, Parang could control Yuna’s studio broadcasting equipment from her phone.

She had to be cautious, though, as her phone wouldn’t work 4 kilometers underwater.

Parang gathered her things and dove into the sea.

No need to bring a passport. Under the World Government, the globe was one, a true “We Are the World.”

It’s not like you go through immigration checks traveling from Seoul to Incheon.

Soon after, the internet went wild.

[ What’s the title of Parang’s broadcast? ]

[ Author: Star Galaxy ]

(A screenshot of Parang’s broadcast. The title simply reads ‘Swimming to Hong Kong.’)



─ “Let’s go to Hong Kong” is 20,000% likely

ㄴ “Let’s swim while we’re at it” is 50,000% likely

ㄴ It’s scary because it seems so true

It really was.


[LIVE – Swimming to Hong Kong]


All the viewers shared the same sentiment. It was exactly what they wanted to say.


What do you mean?

Question marks filled the chat non-stop.

─Why Hong Kong?

─Where is this?

─Why did the last broadcast end like that?

─Teacher, I really need an artifact…

It was utter chaos. Even Parang frowned.

Seriously, begging for artifacts here too?

And it wasn’t just one or two, it made up about 70% of the chat.

Unbeknownst to Parang, the atmosphere was similar during her first broadcast. She was just too nervous to notice.

Those who poured out their life stories while begging for artifacts were swiftly banned by Yuna and the broadcast team.

But Parang didn’t know how to do that. So she just issued a stern warning.

“Talking about artifacts is useless with me. From now on, anyone who mentions artifacts will be permanently excluded from any future lotteries.”

Her confidence soared underwater.

A brief silence ensued to let the situation settle.

After a moment, the chat stopped mentioning artifacts.

Satisfied, Parang continued the broadcast.

─Teacher, so what’s this about Hong Kong?

─And where are we now??

“I’m going to Hong Kong to meet someone. We’re currently off the coast of Pohang. I’ll be swimming to Hong Kong, and the broadcast will end upon arrival.”

─Summary: “Let’s just go to Hong Kong?”


The viewers entered “just go with it” mode. They were used to it by now.

─So what are you going to show us today?

Her shoulders straightened. What would she show them?

Of course, something absolutely amazing. It was time to return as the ruthless monster slayer, Yu Parang.

“There are three objects I need to check periodically on the way to Hong Kong. There’s a high probability that dangerous monsters have taken residence there, so I’ll be hunting them.”

─’Gangmolip’ donated 6000 won! –

[ What if there aren’t any? Are you just going to swim the whole way? ]

“There will definitely be some. In the barren monster layer, objects are the only places where monsters can settle. While there might be objects without monsters, there are no monsters without objects.”

Parang unfurled a map before her. She had hurriedly brought it from home for the broadcast.

“As you can see, I’ll follow this route, passing three objects and hunting three deep-sea monsters before arriving in Hong Kong. The estimated broadcast time is around 24 hours.”

─Wait, that distance?

─How far is that?

─It takes 7 hours by plane. In a straight line.

─What the hell???

─’Lee Yong-gyu’ donated 4000 won! –

[ Is it even possible to swim for 24 hours straight? While hunting monsters? ]

“It’s a bit tough, but doable. I always take this route when going to Hong Kong.”

─I told you, just enjoy the show.

─Is this person a monster?


Parang was slightly irked.

“Whoever just called me a monster will be permanently banned.”


─Oh no


This marked the birth of the first rule in Yu Parang’s broadcast.

“Enough chit-chat. Let’s get started. My schedule isn’t exactly flexible.”

Parang sliced through the water with ease.



[Current Depth: 3319m] 🔥

The sound of Parang swimming was objectively quite pleasant.

The gentle swishing of water was often compared to flowing water ASMR.

Many viewers kept Parang’s broadcast on like a radio, with the main topic being, of course, monster hunting stories.

“…So when you encounter a Morpha-type monster, it’s safer to position yourself behind it. Conversely, for Serpent-types…”

─Teacher, even with such advice, this humble viewer can’t put it into practice.

“Then I suggest you avoid diving.”

─WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF what was that black thing that just passed by, it was super long and wriggling

─WTF I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw it

The occasional cameo appearances of monsters added a unique flavor to the broadcast. At depths of 3 kilometers, finding fish-shaped creatures became increasingly rare.

“‘Why did the last broadcast end so abruptly?’ This is the 898,259,352nd time I’ve been asked. The camera’s battery was almost dead, so I had to end it quickly. This time, I brought a proper charger, so there shouldn’t be any issues.”

The route Parang was currently following avoided all the major danger zones in the Pacific Ocean, effectively making it a safe travel path for hunters.

Barring any major surprises, there shouldn’t be any need to cut the broadcast before reaching Hong Kong.

─Was that an object just now?

Not only monsters but also objects occasionally drifted by. In fact, objects were quite common in the monster layer, though monsters were even more so.

“Yes, there’s probably a monster inside that object too.”

─Is it okay not to hunt that one?

─It really looks out of place.

“Normally, we should hunt that one too. But I’m in a hurry, so I’m just passing by.”

─’aNiMotD’ donated 4000 won! –

[ Then what’s the difference between the ones you’re targeting and those? ]

“Some objects cause the monsters that settle in them to grow significantly. If left alone, they can become uncontrollable, so we periodically hunt the monsters that settle there.”

─But how do you tell them apart?

“Hmm, they look quite grotesque.”

─How are we supposed to know from that?

─But if she says it’s grotesque, it must be really grotesque.

─I’m getting scared.

“You’ll know when you see it.”


What else could she say? That was the best explanation she could give.

About six hours passed.

The viewers finally understood what she meant.

“See? I told you you’d know when you saw it.”

─Yeah, I get it now.

─That looks really ominous.

─Teacher, can we just skip that? It’s terrifying.

“No, we can’t.”

The object they encountered was a ‘cube.’

A perfectly square cube, 20 meters on each side.

However, each of the six faces was covered with rows and columns of faces.

Yes, human faces. Exactly what you’re thinking.

Eyes, noses, mouths, ears, and even the blemishes and pores on the skin were all rendered in 2-meter by 2-meter faces, twenty-five per face.

The empty eye sockets made it even more grotesque.

“This is the ‘East China Sea Object No. 1.’ I didn’t know what else to call it, so that’s its name.”

─Makes sense.

─Why the hell is something like that in the ocean?

─Wait, did something just move?

The chat was right. Something was definitely wriggling inside the already repulsive object.

─Is it like an eel or something?

─Seems like it.

─That’s so disgusting.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t an eel.

“It’s called a Makula. It might look a bit disgusting to you.”

A bit is an understatement.

The Makula is a serpent-type monster about 60 meters long.

Other serpent-type monsters include Bellua and Galecus. Long, flexible, and wriggly creatures generally fall into this category.

Due to the lack of researchers, the classification system is somewhat primitive. The current system was developed by Vertea Fabron.

Makula is the epitome of serpent-type monsters. It’s long, flexible, and constantly wriggling.

Not by choice, though. All its muscles are concentrated in its mouth, leaving the rest of its body without muscles. It’s essentially a sack.

So, its body flutters and sways with the water currents, making it look even more grotesque.

─’Sky Letter’ donated 25000 won! –

[ I understand, but please do something about it quickly, teacher. I think I made eye contact with it. Please, hurry. ]

“I can’t. There’s still more to explain. Besides, Makula detects prey through vibrations, so it doesn’t even have eyes.”

─Can’t you explain while fighting it, teacher? Please.

“If you insist…”

Parang clicked her tongue in disappointment.

Indeed, as the viewer said, Makula looked disgusting wherever it settled.

Makula, which lives in hollow spaces with many holes, constantly seeks out and enters nearby holes.

And unfortunately for the viewers, the holes Makula constantly entered and exited were the orifices of the faces on the cube.

It would enter through a mouth, exit through an ear on the left face, then enter an eye socket on the top face.

It was like watching a grotesque sewing process, with Makula wriggling and slithering from hole to hole.

“Fighting it might make it look even more disgusting.”


─Wait a minute.


Before the viewers could express their confusion, Parang slipped into the mouth of one of the faces in front of her.

Inside the object, narrow passages twisted and turned like a maze.

The only light came from Parang’s flashlight. Beyond the walls, strange gurgling noises and vibrations suggested something large was crawling around.

The claustrophobic environment was enough to induce a sense of confinement even in those who didn’t normally suffer from it.

The frequency of chat messages noticeably decreased.


Sparse comments expressing fear. The rest of the viewers were either frozen in terror or had turned off the broadcast, unable to endure it.

Parang’s strategy was a success. Those who couldn’t bear it and turned off the broadcast would likely recall today’s image whenever they thought of diving into the ocean.

But Parang had no intention of stopping there.

– Bubbling-

Parang created a small air bubble,

– Pop –

and burst it.

A faint vibration.

Immediately, the vibrations that had been reverberating through the entire object ceased.

An eerie silence.

Parang knew what that silence meant.

The creature had pinpointed her location.

It wouldn’t take long.

And about three seconds later.

– Rumble –

– Screeeeech!!! –

Something enormous began to crawl towards Parang at an incredible speed from the other end of the passage, emitting a sound similar to a scream.

Something suddenly emerged from the dark passage.


─What the hell is that?

─Oh my god, this is insane!

Makula had no head or eyes.

It was just a long, snake-like body with a mouth.

Parang turned the camera towards Makula and began swimming down the passage.

“Can you see it well? It’s much easier to explain Makula’s mouth while looking at it directly.”

─Yes, we can see it.

─I can’t take it anymore, goodbye.

─This is my limit too, it’s too disgusting to watch.

Makula filled the 1-meter diameter passage completely, chasing Parang. It twisted and turned to fit the passage’s bends.

“As I mentioned earlier, Makula prefers ‘environments with many holes and hollow spaces.’ However, such objects are very rare, so unless it’s a giant specimen like this, it usually burrows into the bodies of other monsters and lives inside them.”

Makula’s grotesque form, constantly wriggling and slithering through the passage, was enough to make even the bravest viewers shudder.

Parang continued swimming through the narrow passage. Occasionally, Makula’s body blocked the way, and there were forks in the path, but she navigated through them as if she knew the way.

“Makula’s mouth is designed to burrow into tough scales or shells.”

Makula resembled a long sack. Its gaping, toothless mouth revealed only dark red flesh, while sharp, spider-leg-like teeth lined the outer rim.

“It uses those teeth to latch onto another monster’s skin, cutting it and pulling the flesh inside. This way, it makes its home inside the monster’s body. You usually find them inside enormous whales.”

─WTF, stop explaining and look behind you!

─Oh my god, what’s that inside its mouth?

─Indeed, Makula was now right behind Parang.

Thanks to the flashlight on the camera, viewers could see deep into Makula’s mouth.

It felt like being a dentist.

The dark red flesh quivered, along with chunks of meat and mucus clinging inside.

It was a grotesque sight, akin to a horror scene. The number of viewers had dropped by nearly half.

Still, 23,000 remained.

─It’s amazing this isn’t getting flagged.

─Didn’t Silo get flagged and shut down for less?

“Hmm, flagged…”

Parang was a bit puzzled. She hadn’t considered the possibility of the broadcast being flagged.

Well, she’d think about it later. She felt she had shown enough of Makula.

“Did you all enjoy your time with Makula?”


─Yes, I had a really shitty time ^^

─Teacher, give me your home address.

─Are we supposed to be enjoying this?

─She broadcasts just to mess with us, doesn’t she?

“No way. How could I do that to my precious viewers?”

Parang’s smile reached her ears.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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