Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 17 - Ren contemplating about humans

Chapter 17 - Ren contemplating about humans

Once they were done with the negotiations, Hilda handed Ren and Lara registration forms. At this point, Hilda treated them like how one treats any new aspiring adventurer. She asked them if they could write and if they wanted she could do the writing for them. Of course, they didn't need her help to fill up their forms. The two quickly filled out the forms and gave them back to Hilda.

After receiving the registration forms from the two, Hilda informed them to return tomorrow morning for the test. The three had finally finished their dealings with the adventurers guild.

"Ren are you interested in Hilda?" As soon as they got out of the adventurers guild Lara asked Ren the question that has been bothering her the whole time.

"Yes, that girl is indeed pretty good." Ren answered without any hesitation nor did he care how he looked when he answered.

"Is it because of her chest?" Once again no matter how embarrassing the question, Lara asked it with her usual stoic face.

"Lara! A lady shouldn't say such things in public." Valdel who was listening in on the conversation warned Lara. A girl her age saying such a thing in public, and to a man no less isn't something she should do.

Lara and even Ren didn't bother listening to Valdel's remark.

"Hmph, is that how you see me, Lara? I don't care for the bodily flesh such as her chest, to me those were simply excess baggage, that might slow her down while in battle. No that's not what caught my interest... What made me interested in her was her strength. I tried to provoke her multiple times so that she would attack me, but she never did. She kept her trump card hidden until the very end. She was a cautious one, not only that, her mana flow was even more stable than mine. That could only mean her control over her mana is much better than mine."

Ren was getting excited as he was explaining these things. When he noticed how abnormally excited he was getting, he tried to calm himself down.

"So that's it. What I am interested in is not her body but the power she's been holding back." Hearing Ren's answer made Lara nod her head.

"So what are we going to do now?" Valdel who was looking around while listening in asked.

"Let's get better equipment. You still have that two gold coins, you were supposed to use for the entrance fee right? Now that you can go to the academy for free, why not buy better equipment?"

"I guess you're right. When we were in the adventurers guild I noticed that all of them, even the newcomers seem to be better equipped than us. That would mean the knights have even better equipment."

Ren who heard Valdel's opinion about the adventurers and knights found his statement funny, yet he didn't say anything. So now that the three had decided their destination, they walked aimlessly around the town trying to find a weapon shop.


While they were walking around town and his two companions were being sucked into the atmosphere of the town, Ren was having an internal dilemma.

'Damn it! Ever since awhile ago, every now and then I've been acting out, and my emotions are going out of control. Being a human child is even more difficult than I thought... Ever since I turned fourteen I have been having bouts of emotional instability. I've started to feel that sex.u.a.l urge again after so long, it was a good thing Lara was there to quench that... But every now and then not only sex.u.a.l urges but sudden bouts of irritation and other unstable emotions seem to haunt me.'

'Being a human really is inconvenient. Still, there are some humans who seem to act based on their true desires. Like that Guild Master, true to his laziness a true sloth. Even those adventurers and the other people who look at Lara they were true to their lust. Hilda was a prideful individual, not even backing down in front of me. Still aside from those characteristics, I'm sure that the Guild Master has still a bit of pride. Hilda must still have a bit of greed as an adventurer.'

'Unlike demons that can only represent one side of the seven deadly sins, humans can represent the whole seven sins, but they can also have the seven virtues, which contradict the seven sins. This might also explain why only the human race, can wield all the elements.'

'Hmmm, are these weaklings actually better than I thought? Was it actually fortunate that I became human? With this, I can actually become stronger than what I was before... But I was already stronger than everyone and everything back then. But that's only in the mortal standards, maybe I have the possibility to finally fight those immortal b*stards! Maybe in this life, I might be able to point my blade against the foolish Gods and Goddesses.'

'Now this makes me wonder why those Gods would make humans. The angels were created because of the excess light of the Gods, the demons were created to balance out that light with darkness. The swordians were made out of the Gods that waged war against each other. The elves were made to heal the land that suffered due to war. They were also made as servants to the Gods. Well, those were the original purposes of each race based on legend.'

'The dragons, those prideful beings, weren't Gods but they were as strong or sometimes even stronger than Gods. It was said they had existed, even before the birth of Gods. Yet no one knew how they came to be.'

'The beastmen or the warbeasts others called them, are a subspecies of human, they were a race that evolved differently from the average human.'

'But the humans what was their purpose? Based on legends they came after the elves. They were weaker than the other races, but they also had the most potential, since they were able to synchronize with all the elements. They were also the ones who gave birth to the mutation called a hero, a person who is able to channel a portion of a God's power.'

'This gave me the question, why create something that can challenge you? If the human hero can channel a God's power, that would mean the hero can also have the ability to create his own divinity. Why make this kind of being? If the legends are to be believed all the other races were made for a purpose or by accident. Was humanity an accident as well? Or did something other than the Gods I know of, created the humans?'

Ren who was going deeper and deeper into his own thoughts, felt someone tug on his arm sleeves.

"Ren we found it." Lara pointed at a shabby looking building that looked like no one has entered it for years. There was a sign with a sword and an axe cross.

"Ren let's go inside I feel something calling to me inside." Valdel didn't wait for Ren to reply as he entered the store. Ren who was already cut off from his thoughts awhile ago followed Valdel inside.

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