Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 218 218 – The Wait

Everyone in the place covered their ears to the ringing that hurt their ears, including Ritor and his opponent.

A lizard woman with silvery scales walked up to where the green lizard was while her mouth was open. The painful ringing came from her.

"Ri'xa?" The green lizard was surprised when he saw his wife.

The silver lizard kept making those painful sounds. Then she flicked her finger to the right and left of her husband's head. Instantly, the green lizard's sense of hearing became normal. He didn't hear that painful ringing anymore, either.

The green lizard stood up, about to do something to Ritor. However, his wife held his shoulder and made a hand signal to explain they didn't have much time.

The green lizard snorted, then ran away from the crowd of demons with his wife.

After getting far enough away from those creatures, the silvery lizard covered its mouth, no longer emitting that painful screeching.

"Where is our son, Ra'xi?" He asked with a pounding heart.

Ra'xi looked at her husband, shed tears, then shook her head. "My sister just visited our house and played with our son. At that time, I was going to buy medicine for him, and when I came back, I saw him and his aunt had been dragged…."

"Why didn't you fight them back then!!??" The green lizard snapped.

"They are dead!! I saw their heads almost cut off!!!" Ra'xi's tears grew heavier. "And you know I promised myself not to use my scream anymore, right!?"

The green lizard braked his run and turned around. "Let me finish them!!!"

"It's useless, E'nok!!!" Ra'xi hugged her husband's body from behind. "There are too many of them! I don't want to lose you too!"

"No!!! I must…"

"If you want revenge, now is not the time!" Ra'xi turned her husband's body. "We must prepare ourselves first and attack them when ready!"

E'nok looked into his wife's eyes, then closed his eyes and sobbed too.

"We will definitely get our revenge." Ra'xi rubbed her husband's face.

E'nok took a deep breath. Hearing the shouts of the demons in the distance, he ran again with his wife.

"I swear, they will get a more painful revenge than this." E'nok hissed.


Ritor sat leaning against the wall, and one of the healers was taking care of his leg. Occasionally he grimaced because of the pain in his ear.

Even so, he smiled.

His men were indeed looking for that green-scaled lizard. However, the general wants them not to find that creature instead.

Ritor was really enjoying the fight just now. He had almost won, but he wasn't upset that he had failed.

The general wanted to fight that lizardman again.

A minotaur walked up to the general and immediately gave a report. "We are still hunting them, sir. However, from what the succubus has said, they are not putting up any more resistance."

"What about the casualties on our side?" The minotaur general responded.

"Not so much, sir. Maybe less than fifty out of about 1500 members."

"Good." Ritor stretched his body after the healer finished treating his broken leg. That part still hurt, but as a warrior, he didn't think about it too much. "I want to sleep. Wake me up in the morning. I must report this great success to lord Vorn."

"Very well, sir Ritor."

The general received the pain reliever potion from the healer, drank it all up, then just lay down in the house's yard.


Kayla, the vampire, lay naked on a bed made of a large rock. Her hands and feet were bound by chains connected to each corner of the bed.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. At first, her vision was blurry, but as time passed, it became clearer. She was in a dimly lit room, and her back felt the coldness of the stone from the bed she was in.

That woman also felt caresses on her stomach.

And once her consciousness completely recovered, she widened her eyes. "What the fuck!!??"

Her stomach was enlarged like that of a woman three months pregnant, even though she felt it had not been too long since Vorn's scientists had inserted a fetus into her womb.

"It turns out that what is growing in your stomach is extraordinary, Kay." Fergus chuckled, continuing to rub the vampire woman's stomach. "I decided to use it as my new body. I helped this fetus grow up fast using my magic."

No matter how great the armor Fergus was wearing, it would not be able to provide the same sensation as an organic body.

It took a while before Kayla could properly digest the dark Magus' words. "What!? You developed this fetus for your body!?"

"You should be happy." Fergus brought his face closer to Kayla's. "With this, the burden on your stomach will quickly disappear."

"You crazy bastard!!! You have abandoned my brother, and now you want to take advantage of my body!!??" Kayla tried to free herself, but her efforts were to no avail. "I will kill you, you loser magus!!! Because you can't do proper magic, you resort to disgusting methods like this!!!"

Fergus slapped the woman pretty hard. Since the magus' hands were made of metal, the impact was greater than he would have liked. Kayla was unconscious with bleeding cheeks.

"Bitch." The dark magus hissed, then pointed at Olivia, the maid standing in the corner of the room. "Take care of her! Call a doctor! I'm going to visit the experiment next door!"

The maid, who had almost fallen asleep from being so sleepy, twitched violently and bowed. "All right, sir!"

Fergus exited, moving into the room next door, which was larger. He tried not to think about what had just happened.

In the end, Kayla will die when the fetus is in adulthood.

Several bodyguards saluted Fergus as the dark magus walked into the room.

He looked around, examining the large square cages. Those things contain the research subjects. Most of them, hugely muscled, was screaming and banging on the bars. The rest lay on the floor, motionless with their normal bodies but adorned with protruding veins.

Fergus approached a subject in the corner of the room. Instead of lying down or throwing tantrums, that subject sits quietly with his eyes straight ahead.

"Good night, prince Alric." Fergus chuckled. "I suggest that you rest. Tomorrow we need you in prime condition for the test."

The prince's body was filled with huge muscles, but their size was still within an ordinary human's reach. And he doesn't seem to have a mental problem.

Fergus chuckled again, not expecting to get the prince as a subject. Because that man keeps insisting, Fergus includes him in this research.

And the dark magus found that amusing. A desperate prince wants to take part in rudimentary experiments.

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