Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 225 225 – Below The Palace

<An underground dungeon in the royal palace of Ashenburg>

"It's not too late, Your Highness." A man with short gray hair and a slightly hunched body said. He was walking down a dark alley lit by torches on the walls. "You don't need to do this. Please think about it beforehand."

The young man beside the man sighed. He wears a green robe with gold embellishments, indicating his high position in the country. "How many times do I have to tell you this? The Vorn Empire has already taken two great countries in one year. Soon it will do something to us. Hell, even some of our cities have already declared to join Vorn. As king, I have to do something."

Killian, the king's adviser, gulped. "But…"

"If you have no other solution, shut up!!!" The pale-skinned king snapped. "I'm tired of all kinds of problems in this country! I don't need your complaints every day! You are my adviser, not my whining child!"

Killian lowered his head, not daring to speak again. The king hastened his steps to enter a giant room whose floor was decorated with a huge magic circle. Several wizards were discussing in the center of the circle. As soon as they saw the king, they bowed.

One of them, with a thick and long white beard, approached the country's leader. "We are ready, king Sheamus. But if I may make a suggestion, you don't need to be here. It might get dangerous."

"No." King Sheamus shook his head. "I have to see this with my own eyes. I have to make sure what you summoned will help us."

"Then you and Sir Killian take cover behind the soldiers, please." The wizard bowed again.

"Sure." The king walked towards the corner of the room accompanied by Killian. "good luck."

As per the wizard's suggestion, king Sheamus and Killian took cover behind the line of armed soldiers. They were all chosen based on their ability to adequately protect the king.

This ritual had a high risk, after all.

The wizards, seven in number, scattered and stood in hexagon patterns that were on the outskirts of the gigantic magic circle.

They chanted an incantation, and slowly that magic circle with intricate runes glowed green. Not only that, but a swirling wind also appeared from the middle of that thing, even though the place was clearly indoors.

The soldiers and mages guarding King Sheamus stood ready with their weapons. Meanwhile, the seven wizards outside that magic circle were chanting incantations with increasing intensity.

The light from the magic circle grew dazzling, and then a portal with a lighter green color began to swirl in the center.

The portal grew, only up to ten inches, even though the wizards had stopped casting spells.

"Is there a mistake?" one of them asked.

"We don't know." The bearded wizard shrugged. "Well, it's only natural that we fail on the first try. Maybe we should try again…."

The man's words were cut off by a slight ringing sound from the portal. Then, a figure the size of half a human thumb floated up from there.

"What's that?" The king raised an eyebrow at the dark green insect whose wings looked like blurs because it moved at high speed. "A cockroach?"

Suddenly that creature flies past a wizard. After a second, that man fell with his neck spitting out a lot of blood.


Night has fallen, and I'm still tinkering with the appearance of my new general. She is now cyan-haired with bangs, with a curvy half-fish body, and only wears two things, like small shells on her plump breasts, for modesty.

Ayre then came over to me carrying a tray of food. "I brought you dinner, my lord."

"Just put it there." I'm still shaping my new general's fin-like ears, ensuring they fit her face perfectly.

"She's so pretty." Ayre put down the tray she was carrying onto a boulder with a flat surface. "You have good taste, Your Majesty."

Well, I spent over 7 hours perfecting her.

"I just wanted to make something interesting." I shrugged.

Ayre's gaze was fixed on one spot on the mermaid's body. Then suddenly, the shapeshifter general's chest enlarged 5 times, just like the new general's.

I shook my head. Those big racks made Ayre look very strange. "Stop it. I'm used to your usual appearance."

"But you seem to like an above-average bust. That's why you made Phisovia's big, right?"

"I like all sizes. It provides variety."

"I see." Ayre shrugged, and her chest returned to normal.

I looked back at my work while rubbing my chin. There is nothing hideous about her anymore. She really is like a mermaid in the movies.

"Are you also going to have sex with her?"

I turned my head back and found Emily leaning against the door.

I chuckled. "What do you think?"

"That would be very interesting. I think the fish's pussy will be very different from ours." Emily walked up to me. Her hands had begun to grow, but they were still very small, similar to a baby's, grossly disproportionate to her adult body. "Since childhood, I often heard stories about mermaids, but I never imagined their boobs would be this big."

It seems that these new general's breasts will become a legend that people will continue to talk about for a long time.

"Okay. Let's give her life." I opened the name generator menu after being satisfied with its appearance. "Let's welcome… Rilla."

As soon as I pressed the [Confirm] button, the mermaid's body fell into the water, causing a small splash. She swam for a while in the lake, then popped her body up.

I crouched as she approached the edge of the lake. She tilted her head, and I smiled.

A few seconds later, she smiled back. Because of that sweet smile, I feel like my stomach is filled with fluttering butterflies.

"Rilla, huh?" Emily crouched next to me. "Welcome to this world. I'm sure girls on land will envy you. You won't mind those things on your chest since you spend so much time in the water."

Hey, you just met her, Emily. Why are you giving a bad impression with jokes like that?

Rilla blinked, then smiled again. Emily, who was about to continue her words, became silent.

Looks like the mermaid's smile gives an unusual effect. I'm not talking about magic or anything like that.

"I can't…." Emily Gulped. Her body trembled slightly. And suddenly, she pinched Rillia's cheeks. "Why are you so adorable!?"

Rilla did not respond. The hand pinching her was so small it could barely pull the mermaid's skin.

I laughed at the absurd incident, but suddenly I felt something strange inside me. My laughter stopped completely.

"What?" I hold my chest. My heartbeat interval increased dramatically.

And I felt an immense discomfort that I can hardly describe in words.

"What happened, my lord?" Ayre knelt beside me.

"Are you all right?" Emily chimed in.

Unable to speak outside the water, Rilla the mermaid held my hand.

"I don't know." My breath began to wheeze. "I feel something…. This feeling…. It torments me…."

Ayre pressed her forehead against mine. As a shapeshifter, she can peek into someone's mind a bit, although that is very far from what mares are capable of.

"This…" She hissed. "It's similar to how I felt when I was about to meet myself back then."

"What?" I couldn't believe my own ears. "You said there is another me in this world?"

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