Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 232 232 – An Inmate

[Vorn's POV]

Dressed in an orange shirt and handcuffed, I left the detention area accompanied by a warden. Once in the visiting room, the warden removed my handcuffs, and I sat down against the glass wall.

There was a skinny man in his 50s with thin hair behind that glass wall. He took the telephone receiver-like object hanging from his side, and I did the same.

"Your mother is in the hospital." His voice sounded as soon as I put the thing to my ear.

"Ah…. How is she doing, dad?" I asked.

His expression grew firmer. "Why don't you show any concern? She got sick because of you. She insisted on coming along, but her condition was terrible."

"Trust me, dad." I sighed. "I'm worried about her."

And I speak the truth. But my mind is focused on my empire in that other world.

Besides that, I'm also used to hiding my feelings. I don't want to show my weakness to my people.

"What happened to you, son?" My dad's eyes started watering. "Your friend said you rarely go to class and shut yourself up. This isn't the usual you. You wouldn't suddenly attack people. You wouldn't beat up a prisoner just because you're pissed off. You always…."

"If you want to give me a lecture, forget it." I cut him off. "I don't need that. Sorry."

"Hey! You…"

I put the communication receiver back in place, then got up from the chair, ignoring my father, who was screaming outside.

I haven't said sorry like that in a long time.

When I held out both hands, the warden raised an eyebrow.

"Is that all?" He glanced at my father. "It seems he still wants to talk to you."

"It's enough."

"As you wish." The warden handcuffed my hands, then took me back to the cell area.


Jude tapped a hammer on the table. "Oliviax Ashford, we are sentencing you to fifty lashes and one year in prison for aiding Fergus Algrave."

The blonde woman, kneeling on the floor with her hands tied and facing the judges, widened her eyes. "This isn't right! I did that because I was forced!"

"We've given you the lightest possible punishment, Miss." Szur, sitting next to Jude, replied. "You should be grateful. You have become Lord Vorn's enemy subordinate."

Olivia had tears in her eyes and started screaming. "This is wrong! I am royalty! I shouldn't be punished like this!!!"

"In lord Vorn's empire, there is no difference in status. All are considered equal." A blue-skinned Bwister judge added. "Your royalty is nothing."

"You guys can't do this!!!" Olivia's crying got louder, like a child throwing a tantrum. "I'm a victim!!! I don't want to be Fergus's servant myself!!! My parents are dead!!!"

"Shut up!!!" Xenora pounded on the table, making Olivia silent in an instant. "You want my punishment increased, huh!?"

Garthur sighed. "Enough. We've already given her enough punishment. No need for more."

"I beg your attention, please." Jude tapped the table with his hammer. "Olivia Ashford, you will be publicly whipped the day after tomorrow and enter the prison straight after that."please visit

"Please take her outside," Szur added.

Two guard shapeshifters took the woman away. She could only remain silent with her mouth agape.

"The trial we stopped temporarily to rest," Jude told his colleagues. "We'll be back in an hour."

Szur leaned back in the chair. "This work is so hard. We have to think a lot."

"This is only the first day of judgment. We still have hundreds of suspects to deal with." Jude chuckled. "And this is actually fun for me. Usually, I pray, preach, and listen to people's wishes. Now I determine their fate."

"Yeah, you're the only one who doesn't look tired, Jude." Garthur rested his head on the table.

"I will go." Xenora took off her black judge robe and placed it on the back of the chair. "I need to refresh for a moment."

"Yeah, we better not be here during our break." Jude stood up and also took off his robe.

The judges dispersed. Xenora immediately flew towards the research area and landed in front of Ayre's research room.

The succubus knocked on that door. "Ayre, you said you wanted to see me, right?"

"Just come in, Xen." Ayre's voice, sounding hoarse, emerged from within the room.

When Xenora opened the door, she didn't find Ayre, only tables with various papers scattered.

"Where are you, Ayre?" Xenora looked around but still couldn't find the shapeshifter general.

"I am here."

Xenora flinched when she found something like human skin-colored goo under one of the tables.

"Ayre?" Xenora crouched near that thing. "What happened to you?"

"Because I'm too tired. I have a hard time maintaining my form." Ayre explained, still in his goo form, but her eyes and mouth had appeared. "Being in charge of this empire, refining interdimensional magic, setting up underwater devices, and forming a police force. All of that is driving me crazy. So, I decided to rest in this form. I feel comfortable like this."

Xenora grimaced at Ayre's uncanny form. "I won't be long. I don't want to disturb your rest time. So, why did you call me here?"

"You will be the interim leader of this empire in my stead."

It took a moment for Xenora to respond. "What!?"

"You already have good experience in leading." Ayre continued. "So, you are the right choice. After this, Karl will contact you. I have also contacted Phisovia to find a temporary replacement for you at the judiciary."


"Please, don't argue." The shapeshifter general interrupted the succubus. "I really can't take on the task anymore, and the other generals have agreed to appoint you. This is for the sake of what lord Vorn built, Xenora."

Xenora was about to argue back, but Ayre's last words left her speechless. While massaging her forehead, she complained. "Why are you like lord Vorn? He also just pointed at me without discussing it with me. Twice even."

"You are the best among us." Finally, Ayre changed her form to its original state. "We know you can do these tasks."

Xenora paused again, narrowed her eyes, then looked at Ayre's hands. "You have too many fingers."

"Ah." Ayre studied her hands, which each had six fingers and were all shaped like thumbs. "I'm still too tired, apparently."

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