Demon Sword

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Jan and Vermain entered the lord’s parlor. A thin, middle-aged man stood up and greeted Vermain.

“Vermain, long time no see!”

“How have you been, Count Lant?”

“I am well, thanks to you.”

The greetings were as cordial as those of old friends. They took turns talking, as if they both were eager to tell each other stories.

‘He really is good looking’

Jan studied Count Lant’s face. He looked about the same age as Vermain. Count Lant’s clear eyes had a refreshing aura to them. He was more sculpted than the statues in the room.

“You still look great.”

“Hah, I’m old now. My daughter tells me I smell old now too. Speaking of which, who is that young fellow?”

Count Lant asked, looking at Jan.

“He’s a lad who will be joining my army. I’m using him as my squire for now.”

“I see. It is thanks to heroes like you, that we are able to sleep in peace! Anyway, I won’t take up your time. Freshen up, I’ll prepare you two baths and a meal.”

Count Lant gestured to his servants. The servants approached and took Vermain and Jan’s luggage.

“Jan, how old do you think Count Lant looks?”

“He looks about your age.”

“Count Lant is almost two decades older than me. His eldest son is about my age. He’s my fathers age.”

“Ma, Magi…..”

Vermain clamped his hand over Jan’s mouth and whispered.

“I need you to do something for me. I want you to do some discreet investigation into the Count.”

“Leave it to me.”

Jan’s eyes burned with a sense of mission.

‘But what’s a this-creet investigation?’

Jan was stunned by the hospitality he was receiving. The servants were scooping up hot water to keep the bath from getting too cold, and the dinner was a feast, as if all the food in the world had been gathered on that table.

Clean, well fed and lying down on a comfortable bed, Jan had nothing to envy in the world.

‘Oh, I forgot to ask what a this-creet investigation is.’

Jan thought about Count Lant. Then he closed his eyes. When he awoke, it was already morning.

It was refreshing to wake up on a nice bed. Jan felt like all the fatigue from his journey had been washed away. He hadn’t felt this well in a long time.

‘I don’t know what a this-creet investigation is, but I assume I should go looking for something?’

Jan ate the meal the servants had brought him and put on his coat. He didn’t forget his belt and sword.


Jan felt the heavy weight on his waist.

‘So, this is my sword……’

Jan unsheathed his blade a little. With a clear ring, the wavy pattern of the blade was revealed.

‘What would a lowly servant like me do with such a fine sword?

His heart was heavy from pressure thanks to the overwhelming gift.

Jan went to Vermain’s room, but no one was there. He asked a passing servant, who told him that Vermain was having a meeting with the Count.


Jan wandered around the castle. Nobody stopped him.

As he walked through the castle, he ended up in the backyard. He saw a servant chopping firewood.

“Oh, he’s doing it wrong.”

Jan muttered to himself as he watched the chopping. The servant was a boy, younger than Jan. He looked like he had just begun to work.

Jan watched the servant from afar, with a sense of connection.


The boy swung off-center and fell. The firewood he’d cut was also uneven. Not only would it be hard to finish it in time, but it would surely land the boy in trouble despite his effort.

It was hard to stand still and watch.

“Hey, you want me to give you some tips?”

Jan walked up behind the boy. The boy looked up, startled, and surveyed Jan’s attire. Jan was dressed in neat clothes, and with his sword, he looked quite nice.

“A-are you, a knight?”


“Are you not? I thought you were a knight.”

Jan’s lips twitched upwards. His nostrils flared as he tried to hold in his grin.

“Hmmm, heh, not a knight, maybe I’ll be one later, heh. Just call me Jan. But yeah, you’ll hurt your back chopping firewood like that.”

Jan snatched the boy’s axe from his hand. The boy watched in bewilderment. Jan twirled the axe around in one hand and then brought it down.


Jan chopped the firewood like butter with one hand. It was a display that would impress anyone.


“It’s not too hard. If you concentrate, you can see the line where it’ll split. If the blade enters the wrong way, the firewood won’t cut evenly even if you split it. So you need to relax your grip a little and let it happen naturally.”

Jan swung the axe slowly this time, but the firewood still split smoothly and broke perfectly straight from side to side.

“Wow, that’s amazing. By the way, by the lines, do you mean the grain of the wood?”

“Well, something like that. Try it.”

Jan helped the boy chop firewood. The boy’s sloppy form was looking much better. Standing behind him, Jan crossed his arms and nodded in approval.


Jan suddenly realized what he should be doing.

‘This is not the time to be doing this…………… Sir ordered me to investigate.’

He’d gotten caught up in teaching the boy.

Jan took a swig of water from a wooden bucket, catching his breath. As he looked around, a girl caught his eye. She was dressed nicely, so she wasn’t a servant.

‘She’s coming this way.’

The girl was walking straight toward the backyard.

“Ah, she’s the youngest lady.”

The servant recognized her. The only one who could be called that must be one of Count Lant’s daughters.

‘Count Lant’s daughter.’

Up close, Jan could see the similarities. Moreover, she was also a great beauty, like her father.

‘She’s so beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful in my life.

Jan couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Avert your gaze!”

Shouted the bodyguard behind her. Jan was so swept away by the girl’s appearance that he didn’t even realize she had a bodyguard.

“No worries. This is the squire of Vermain.”

The girl raised her hand to stop her bodyguard.

“Ah, um, uh, I’m uh, Jan.”

The girl smiled as Jan introduced himself. She tugged at the hem of her skirt and bowed slightly.

“I’m Clovelle, of Lant.”

There was elegance in all her words and gestures. Her voice was relaxing, and her movements were as smooth as a dance.

“I’ve been watching since earlier. I can’t help but smile. You seem to be a very kind man, looking at how you treat your servants. You know they say that a person who is kind to his subordinates is a true man of character.”

“I, I’m, uh, yeah a nice guy, I guess, but, no, um… heh, you’re giving me too much credit.”

Jan almost mumbled. Clovelle smiled faintly at Jan’s awkwardness.

“If you have a moment to spare, would you keep me company?”

“I have all the time to spare.”

Jan said, ignoring the bodyguard’s icy stare.

Clovelle invited Jan to the castle’s gardens. The gardens were lavish and well maintained. Beautiful flowers bloomed, each giving off a different scent.

They sat down at a table in the center of the garden. The bodyguard stood outside the garden and did not interrupt their interaction.

‘So this is the life of nobles.’

Jan looked around awkwardly. He wasn’t used to being in this position.

“I was born late, and my father loves me too much, so I grew up a little spoiled. If I come across a little rude, I don’t mean it, so please excuse me.”

Clovelle stuck her tongue out slightly.

Jan’s heart was pounding so hard he couldn’t think straight.

‘I can’t believe there’s a person this cute in the world……’

She was like an angel from heaven. lt felt calming just to hear her voice.

“……Now I want to hear your story, too.”

Clovelle leaned forward towards Jan. A pleasant scent drifted towards Jan as well.

“M-my story, you mean? It’s nothing particularly interesting, I just, uh, happened to follow Vermain.”

“I’d like to hear it, though. I’m interested in you, Jan.”

Jan’s pupils widened. Clovelle’s last words echoed in his head.

‘I’m interested in you.’

Jan blushed and he wasn’t sure what to do with his lips. He went through the story of his meeting with Vermain.

“Well, I didn’t think that someone who’d studied the sword since he was a child would die so easily. The moment I thought, ‘Ah, I’m really fucked up-!’”

Jan paused and watched Clovelle’s reaction. Clovelle gulped and clasped her hands together, waiting for the climax to Jan’s story.

‘How can a person be so cute? It’s unbelievable, really.’

When Jan didn’t answer right away, Clovelle opened her mouth to make her guess.

“Vermain must have saved your life.”

“Yes, that’s right, he’s my hero.”

It was the first time Jan had ever talked to a girl around his age. The conversation flowed so smoothly.

“…So what brought you and Vermain here?”

“Oh, that’s…….”

Jan opened his mouth to speak but shut it again.

‘If Count Lant is a mage, he needs to be punished.’

Vermain’s words echoed in his mind. It probably wasn’t a good thing for Count Lant’s daughter to hear.


Clovelle tilted her head, waiting for Jan to speak. Jan stammered, not knowing what to say.

“Oh, I, uh, well………… I’m doing a this-creet investigation.”

“Aha, so you’re doing a discreet investigation.”

Clovelle clapped her hands and grinned.

“Yes, it’s an important job. Vermain has given me his complete trust for it.”

“That’s amazing.”


Jan felt a soft vibe. He felt like he could be bolder. It seemed he wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

“Hey, Jan.”

Clovelle leaned her face close. Her breath ran down Jan’s nose.

“Ah, miss?”

“I’m in the mood for a kiss, how about you, Jan?”

“I’d love to………….”

Jan didn’t finish his sentence. The soft lips touched his. It was as if their lips had melt and become one. The tip of her tongue flicked against his lips.

Unconsciously, Jan opened his mouth slightly, letting her tongue in.

The saliva on her tongue was sweet as honey.

Jan barely suppressed the instinct to curl his arms around Clovelle’s waist.


Clovelle pulled back, releasing her lips. A strand of saliva glistened in the light. Jan stared up towards her, unable to speak.

‘I, I would do anything for this woman.’

Jan clenched his trembling fingers.

“Jan, kill Vermain for me.”

Clovelle wiped her damp lips with the back of her hand. She smiled slyly, and waited for Jan’s response.

“What? I can’t do that. That’s a scary joke.”

Clovelle stared at Jan, speechless. A crease appeared for a moment on her brow, then disappeared. It was a mere moment.

“I’m joking, of course.”

Clovelle smiled and tilted her head to the side.

“B-but that kiss just now… You do mean… That means… I know I’m not too much right now, but I promise I’ll grow to be worthy of a lady!”

“Ah, okay. I’m looking forward to it, Jan.”

Clovelle stood up.

“Clovelle! I’ll see you tomorrow, too, right?”

Jan exclaimed excitedly. Clovelle stood still facing away.

After some time, she smiled and looked back at Jan.

“Tomorrow? I’ll see you tonight.”

Jan’s eyes widened as he clenched his teeth. He could barely hold back the urge to squeal with delight.

“Tonight, I become a real man.”

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