D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 115: Timmy!

Chapter 115: Timmy!

*I guess that's that then. These guys are the professionals after all.* Thought Kat as she looked over her team members faces. *Ok who am I kidding, I have to wonder how they get anything done… is it the fact this is a competition that does them in? Like if they didn't have an audience it would be fine?*

*Or is it because Thyme has taken this in a very different direction to normal? They're still certain that we are the strongest team, and I don't necessarily disagree, but it sounds like a lot of points are riding on this last match. Is it really fine to just go with the simple plan of 'don't worry about it just fight people'.*

*And even that is a concern. I have no desire to fight Nixilei or Gareth, and I'm not sure I actually could fight Green. Ha, my one weakness cute things. Though that's another thing, we didn't even discuss team composition. Like, I feel as though you'd really want one of the healers, and a scout can fulfill a lot of jobs.*

Kat took another glance at everyone's faces, but it seemed worry wasn't even on their minds. *I guess I am overthinking this then. When did I start worrying about these sorts of things so much anyway. Well, no, it's because this is a job now. I'm supposed to help them win.*

*Well, that also isn't true, I'm only being paid to be here.* Kat took a deep breath and let her worries escape as she exhaled. As the air left Kat's body her aura gained a light sharpness that was missing before. Her eyes contained the faintest trace of purple and unnoticed to Kat, her mouth had curled into the barest hint of a smile.

The Unfortunate Four took one last look at each other before nodding and turning towards Thyme. It was only a moment later that the sound barrier dropped, and Thyme stepped back into the centre of the groups. *Of course, Thyme could have just cast his time freeze spell again so we weren't waiting around, but I wonder if that would be a waste of mana.*

"Well, it looks like your all ready. Just two final things for you all. Firstly, just saying the words 'Thyme, I wish to withdraw from the competition' will have you teleported to a spectator's booth for the rest of the round. This will also happen if you get knocked out or sustain a killing blow.

"Secondly, I wish you look wherever you might end up. While you can only end up in a batch of 20 spots, which one you end up in not even I know. Good luck to you all" said Thyme

Kat didn't see and sigil, but she did feel the mana enveloping her. A split second of nothing and Kat was back in the stick darkness punctuated by the occasionally flashes of colours should never have existed. Pressing in on the sides Kat felt constricted and warped.

Space continued to twist for around thirty seconds until a new darkness enveloped Kat. It didn't have the same feeling of wrongness, but Kat still shivered trying to shake of the awful feeling that clung to her like a bad smell.

Kat shivered again and instinctually ran a quick flash of demonic flame across her skin and outfit, theoretically burning away any unwanted elements that might have lingered on her. Of course, the fact Kat's powers fire froze things probably meant the feeling of cleanliness afterwards was something of a placebo

*Yeesh. I hate that. Whatever Thyme uses to teleport isn't right. At least I don't have to… shit. I'm going to have to go back through it once the rounds over, and maybe even before depending on how the round works.*

*Well, standing in this darkness isn't going to get me anywhere.* Kat reached out a hand to search for the exit. Coming into contact with a strangely smooth surface Kat knocked on it three times. Just as the third knock finished the front half of the tree swung open revealing… more trees.

Gingerly stepping out of the tree and carefully navigating her wings around the edges of the small opening that clearly hadn't been made with wings in mind Kat found herself surrounded on all sides by trees that stretched into the sky.

As Kat stepped onto the ground, she heard a sound behind her. Spinning in place Kat saw the tree she'd just exited sink into the ground. Just as it appeared to have disappeared completely a small shape made its way to the surface.

Slowly it formed a face and Kat could more easily recognise the figure, it was a very small version of Thyme though, with a much large head then normal. "Um, hi?" said Kat waving at the thing.

The small Thyme waved back "Ok, um, what are you doing here" asked Kat

In response the small Thyme took out it's left eye and held it up proudly. *Seems it still has Thyme's sense of humour* "So you're here to watch then?"

The small Thyme nodded. "Ok, do you want to come with me then?" asked Kat

Once again, the small Thyme nodded. Kat bend down to pick up the small critter and found it easily fit on her hand. *Now how should I keep you around.* Kat's first instinct was to place the Thyme into a pocket, of which she had none. Kat's second and much better idea was to place it just behind her horns so that it could sit on her head and use the horns to help keep balance if it even needed something like that.

"Well Timmy, I guess we should figure out where we are" said Kat. No response was forthcoming from Timmy(?) but that was to be expected considering its lack of speech thus far.

Kat brought out her wings and started to lift herself into the air. Whatever her weight limit for flight might have been Timmy, seemed to hardly matter at all, and the ascent was rather easy. That was until Kat reached the canopy and realised a slight issue.

*Right, so, what's the best way to get through that.* Kat examined the dense leaves keeping her trapped. *I'm sure I can break them but can I do it without disrupting my wings. That's really something I should find out. Clearly my wings are at least partially responsible for my flight, but if they were everything I doubt I could fly.*

So how do I go about this. Powering her eyes up a bit Kat tried to look into the distance but found the limiting factor was the ample number of trees blocking her eyeline and not a lack of energy on her part. Ok so I have to break through these leaves then.

*Wait can't I just blast them?* Building up a dense flame in her hand Kat held it up towards the canopy above her. Boy I hope this works. Releasing the hold on the energy it blasted out just like she wanted. A gout of flame shooting towards the trees and coated everything in a layer of purple flame.

The branches hit by the flame froze on impacted, changing to crystal coated branches that shined in the moonlight. *Wait moonlight?* Kat took another look at the sky to confirm that the sun had certainly set. *Dammit Thyme. Where the hell are we then?* Kat couldn't even see the moon, just the faint light it the trees let through, so she had no way to tell if the night had just started or if it was close to ending.

Shifting her focus once again to the frozen leaves Kat examined them closely at before steeling her resolve. Just as Kat was about to break through the remembered the passenger on her head.

Depositing Timmy on a nearby branch and giving him the suggestion to find a little bit of cover Kat took off towards the treetops. As Kat climbed she found she wasn't gaining speed quite like she wanted. *Seems my vertical speed isn't quite as good as horizontal.* Undeterred though Kat continued her charge.

Holding her arms outstretched in front of her to give her wings as much space as possibly Kat tried to build up her speed. Kat closed her eyes to protect them from debris just as she felt her arms make contact.

The tree branches readily gave way beneath her admitted lacky speed shattering at just the lightest touch as she pushed her way though. Kat kept up her speed as she demolished several layers of frozen wood, and much to her joy, it fragmented into such small pieces along the way that the few that did actually contact her wings where hardly a nuisance.

With one last crack Kat felt the cool breeze on her skin that was hardly present within the trees. Opening her eyes and letting the moonlight stream down upon her Kat took the first look at this arena she'd ended up in.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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