D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 119: Fire Control

Chapter 119: Fire Control

Luckily for Kat, once the embers exploded out, they quickly faded as the fell towards the ground, none even coming close to the treetops. *Small miracles I suppose.*

Focusing again on her palm Kat summoned a thin trickle of fire. Keeping it on the edge of her palm wasn't so hard. The ember would happily sit there, or even accept more energy if she desired. It seemed so in control as it rested above her hand. *So what is the problem with the stuff on the ground. Hey system why is this so hard?*

Demonic bodies have been refined over a near infinite process to perfectly handle and conduct Demonic Energy at peak efficiency. So much so that even just the top of User Kat's skin can command Demonic Energy with unparalleled efficiency when compared to other mediums like air, or ice.

*So I'm like a coil of Demonic Energy cable, and while it's happy to travel along my body it doesn't like to leave?*

User Kat is only partially correct however a more in-depth explanation requires a higher rank.

*Of course it does. Well at least I have something to go on I suppose.* Staring at the flame in her hand, Kat once again tried to reach out to it. Instead of trying for a light bob like before, she went for moving it to the edge of her hand.

Kat found it surprisingly easy. Just a bit of focus and the flame would move from the edge of her hand and back to the centre with the slightest nudging in its direction. Next Kat tried to run figure eights around her hand. This too was accomplished with minor effort from Kat.

*Ok, so as long as I'm not ordering it to leave my hand it seems really docile. But what happens if I do this.*?Kat directed the flame to hover a bit further above her hand. The moment it travelled to about 3cm above her hand Kat rapidly felt the flame trying to destabilise.

Kat focused intently on the flame, trying to hold it together. It was, unpleasant but not impossible. She could feel it threatening to expand at any moment, if her concentration was to lapse, but she knew if necessary, she could keep this up for a few hours yet.

*But what does it want to do? I think the key here might be letting it have a bit of free reign.* Kat relaxed her control slightly and felt the flame threatening to expand, and wobble slightly. Easing of the last of her control the flame expanded rapidly covering her entire vision… and then it was gone, as if it had never been there at all.

*Ok, so when left alone demonic fire likes to explode… or just expand maybe? I think that might be it, expansion. Is that why the stuff behind me isn't going out? It grew as much as it could with the energy, I gave it then sort of claimed territory?*

Kat pulled another ember into her hand. This time she tried to focus it's energy into the tip of the flame. Releasing it into the air Kat was pleased to see, that it launched a column of fire straight into the sky as soon as her control weakened.

*Ok, so I can control it to some extent. Now can I really control it, not just manipulate starting conditions.* Kat pulled the ember once again and kept everything standard. Drawing her hand away she focused on keeping the ember still and contained where it was. As soon as Kat's hand moved away the task got much harder, but still, she could manage.

Kat nudged the flame to go left, and it complied, jumping two hands widths to the left. Directing it the other way, Kat let it return to its original position… or close enough anyway. *Seems I can only give it fairly broad commands.* Thought Kat as she felt her breath increase.

Watching the cold mist condense in front of her face Kat was surprised to find she actually felt a bit tired. Is it the manipulation? *All the fire? Maybe it was actually the flying.* Shaking her head Kat dismissed the thoughts. It didn't matter, she could feel her body telling her that rest would soon need to be an option.

But Kat also recognised she wasn't anywhere close to the edge just yet. Trying something else, Kat directed a thread of fire, keeping it connected to her ember as she led ordered it around. The thin line of fire moved jerkily, taking sharp turns and big leaps, but at least it moved.

Once again letting her ember go to see what would happen, contrary to her wishes the thin lines sped back towards the central ember and exploded in a shower of purple sparks, setting the surrounding ice on fire.

*Once again though, if nothing is being burned away is it really fire?* Kat let out a sigh. *It seems I'm going to need a new plan. I just don't have the control to push things away with my fire. I can hardly get it to move around with proper instructions and major concentration.*

So what can I do… Kat looked around and found her surroundings just a beautiful as before but not any more useful then they had been. "Well Timmy, guess I might have to go for your snow shoe idea anyway" said Kat

"Hey wait a minute" said Kat, that's it. *I don't actually need snow shoes, I just need the ice to be firmer under my step. I was thinking about making my weight less, but maybe I need to make the ice MORE.*

Redirecting her Demonic Energy into her feet Kat let her flames leak out and coat her shoes. Taking a careful step forward Kat placed her feet on some uncompacted snow. Pressing down, Kat slowly put her full weight unto the foot.

As she did this, she felt her foot sink, but only slightly. It hardly even covered her shoes let alone come up to her waist. Taking a step forward Kat felt herself sink again slightly but as her other foot came down, she found her balance stable.

Taking one step after another Kat found her journey much eased. Now that she didn't sink so far into the snow, she could make much better time. As Kat got surer in her footing, she kept increasing her speed.

However just as Kat reached a running pace, she felt something was wrong. As she kept moving and trying to identify the feeling of incongruency she found her when all of a sudden, she collapsed falling flat on her face and burying herself in snow.

*Ok what?* Kat focused on her body and found it exhausted. In just the few steps she'd taken she'd gone from getting tired for the first time since becoming a demon, and so tired she could hardly move in less than a 100m.

*System? An explanation would be lovely.*

User Kat has likely exhausted a large portion of User Kat's Demonic Energy Supply. User Kat's whole body now functions with the use of the energy, and it was likely not replenished by Entity Thyme, unlike the other contestants. In addition User Kat rapidly expended this energy by setting a large section of the area on fire, then proceeding to burn through even more by funnelling huge amounts towards User Kat's feet, after already using significant amounts for flight.

*But why did I just crash so suddenly? Isn't there a gradient to this?*

No. Demons very rapidly tire once their energy reserves get low

*So am I stuck admiring the snow a few centre-metres from my face for hours? How long till I can move again?*

While the exact time for User Kat to recharge User Kat's Demonic Energy is unknown, movement functions should resume in less than five minutes.

Kat felt Timmy tapping her on the cheek. Perhaps trying to see if she was alright or if she needed help. Kat tried to reply but felt like her mouth was glued shut.

*Right… um, guess I have to pass the time a little. So System, while I'm stuck like this, how much energy did I use exactly?*

D.E.M.O.N.S was not closely monitoring energy consumption, but it is believed User Kat used around 80% User Kat's energy when letting it run free in the environment before. This is based on a number of other factors and a best estimation on D.E.M.O.N.S part, but unless User Kat's flight takes significantly more energy then assumed, calculations should be off by no more than 10%

*Wow, I guess I really screwed up with that part. Note to self, don't give demonic energy free reign to just go wild and attach to stuff.*

"Well, well, what do we have here"

Kat heard a voice from behind her… and it wasn't Timmy.

*Oh no.* Kat tried to move herself and found that she could just barely make small adjustments she hadn't yet recovered enough for full movement. Standing up might be possible, if barely. *Ok, quick who is it?* Kat thought back to the voice and quickly recognised it. It was one of the elves… problem is they all sound the same. *Shit.*

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