D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 126: Grace is a Massive Fan of Fans

Chapter 126: Grace is a Massive Fan of Fans

Kat examined the endless rows of weapons searching for anything that she could potentially use or might be powerful… but to Kat they all just looked like fancy ornaments, and she didn't get the same feeling of power Grace seemed to. *I guess I just have to defer to the expert.*

"So Grace, what do you actually recommend?" asked Kat

"Well, um… what do you mean?" asked Grace confused

"I was hoping that the big four would give me a clear indication of what weapon to pick up, but you know how that turned out" said Kat

"Um, I guess hmmm" said Grace "Well look, how do you actually fight? I only saw you dodge around for a bit and then not get hit by Jack, how am I supposed to know what weapons you use"

"Normally I punch people. Often times in the face, but only because it's convenient" said Kat

Grace gave Kat a bit of a strange look asking the silent question of why. "I didn't exactly have a lot of options. Where I'm from weapons aren't so easy to get your hands on and my fists have served me well"

Grace sighed "Oh, your one of those people"

"What? No… I just didn't have a lot to work with, and I didn't want to seriously injure anyone. I don't normally fight monsters" said Kat

"Oh, well, I mean, I guess I know a bit about weapons" said Grace though the way it was said seemed to imply she knew quite a lot in fact.

"How so? Aren't you a scout?" said Kat

"That's exactly why" said Grace throwing her hands up "I need to know as much as I can. What weapons the enemy is holding, how strong they have to be to wield that weapon, how well are they holding it, are their arms shaking implying they should have a lighter weapon. What is the mix in the group? Do they have enough ranged and melee attackers or have they all got swords because that's what a shocking number of people can do

"Then I have to identify the quality of the weapon. A chipped iron sword is a far cry from an enchanted magi-steel alloy with several enchantments. What are those enchantments if they can be seen, can I sense the rough power level of those enchantments or have they been obfuscated by an expert.

"Is the user skilled but unsuited? Is it a big man with a dagger, or has a weak woman picked up a longbow she can't actually draw. See this issue is actually very different to how skilled they are and if they hold the weapon properly. It's actually quite common for bandits to take inappropriate weaponry if it seems nicer

Kat was starting to let the barrage of words spilling out of Grace's mouth was over her. It wasn't that she wasn't listening, more that Kat didn't really understand what Grace was talking about or why it mattered

"Actually, now that I think about it, this extends to so many others, even professional adventurers. So many fools just pick up a sword and think they're done. And I mean sure, swords actually do work for most people but it really isn??t an every man's weapon despite what they might claim

"Actually, if you look at the God Crushers, despite their rather strange attire and seemingly degraded weaponry it fits well in their hands. They actually have the body type to maximise the weapons they do have, which is all the more impressive considering how cobbled together they are and how weak they feel.

"In truth, if those guys had more practice I think they'd actually be scarier then Skye's lot. They are professionals sure, but they don't have the teamwork or the natural fit with most of their weapons.

"Actually teamwork is another thing, you can tell how comfortable…

Kat shared a glance with the Timmy's who actually seemed to be enjoying Grace's impassioned speech about the right weapons. Kat looked Grace right in the eyes and while it seemed the elf noticed, she certainly didn't stop

"But truthfully…" Kat stopped Grace before she got any further "Grace, not that I don't enjoy hearing you speak so passionately, but remember we are still in the a death match. Well, I use death loosely... but no I'm also getting side-tracked. Point is, we've already spent a long time down here and we need to pick weapons and get out.

"I'd love to hear you speak more as we travel, but we just don't have the time to waste" said Kat laying a gentle hand on Grace's shoulder

Grace however seemed completely unperturbed "Right so give me details. What are you looking for?"

"Ah… just whatever works? Perhaps something that will pair well with my fire" said Kat

"Right one moment" said Grace appearing instantly beside Kat and grabbing her arm

"Wah-" but before Kat could voice her confusing Grace began feeling every inch of Kat's arm. Poking and prodding, pulling slightly but mostly staring intently every which way.

"Legs please" said Grace fully consumed with her task

"Um-" started Kat "Legs please" finished Grace

*Huh… well you know what. At least she isn't scared of me anymore. A bit pushy perhaps, but certainly better than scared Grace, and much much better then terrified Grace.*

Kat started to lift her kimono slightly and Grace quickly transferred to examining Kat's legs instead. Grace felt around for various muscles, and at which stages of development they might be. Poking several key areas and then feeling the entire leg at length, Grace carefully examined both of Kat's before stepping back.

"Well, your muscles are certainly very strange" said Grace "I've never seen anything like it"

"What do you mean?" asked Kat

"Well, normally a person's muscles are good for strength or endurance, and rarely speed… You however are equipped for flexibility, and your strength and speed come from that. Of course I'm pretty sure you have endurance as well… to some extent

"The other thing is it's almost like your muscles were formed yesterday. They don't have any of the scaring typical of a trained adventurer or even a labourer. It makes you very suited to things like rapiers, whips, fans perhaps, and ribbons. Throwing knives could also work, but the rest of your body isn't so suited for it" said Grace as if Kat should already know these things.

"So… what does that leave me with?" asked Kat

"Well… I'd say probably whips, or fans. Ribbons would still be great, but I'm not sure they would survive your fire at all" said Grace

"Ok, keep it simple then with whips and fans… wait why can't I get like gauntlets or something?" asked Kat

"Well, Kat, you punch hard because you are hitting below your weight class. You are strong yes, but not physically strong for how powerful your muscles seem to indicate you should be. You just aren't built for it" said Grace

*Ha, tell that to Kress and I bet he'd be really mad. Though would it really be worth me picking up a weapon I don't know how to use?*

"So, fans or a whip? Is it really worth me picking up a weapon when I can just keep using my fists?" asked Kat

Instantly Grace whole aura changed, not even when she was trying to stab Kat with a knife was it so intense. Of course, Kat's own calming aura quickly retaliating shielding Kat from the brunt of it. Even without her own aura's defence, Kat still wouldn't have been affected, but the quick transition was something she'd never expected.

"Kat" said Grace with a new edge to her voice "You wouldn't be thinking of giving up the chance for the perfect weapon just because you want to… punch someone?"

Grace tilted her head smiling and getting closer "I don't care if you keep it sheathed until the tournament is over. There is not a single rule that prevents us taking it out of this arena, and even if it did, I will not allow you to go back to being some shmuck wasting their bodies talent by punching people"

"Look, I'll pick one Grace… your starting to freak out a little maybe calming down would be a goo-" Kat felt the hand on her shoulder tighten. It still didn't hurt, but the increased pressure was enough of a sign to stop.

"Kat. Promise me, that you will learn how to use either the whip or the fan. I don't care which but it must be one of the two. Actually throw ribbons in as well, but only if they can handle your flames. Do you accept?" said Grace staring deep into Kat's eyes.

Kat sighed "Fine I accept"

And as Kat said the final words… that's when the chains arrived. The familiar burning purple, and yet, there was something different about them. Unlike the fight against the blood red chains when she first arrived, there was something else to these… something that felt far more binding.

*Ah shit…*

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