D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1328 1328 Cannonball

Chapter 1328 1328 Cannonball

--- Kat ---

As a group the team of five, along with Lily, headed for the first round of the day. It was quite obvious where it was due to the massive neon arrows that had shown up at some point after Kat's run. The group broke out into a sprint to ensure they arrived in time… with Kat carrying an embarrassed Gareth in a bridal hold while Lily hung off her back. Once they'd picked up the pace they made it to the end of the island where Thyme had set up. There was a big stage with a long table and three chairs behind it. 

Thyme was standing off to the side waiting on… well just Kat's team. The others had filed in and found their seats in the stands sitting behind the raised dais. It was a little embarrassing to be the last ones to arrive, but they weren't late just yet. There was more than enough chairs for everyone, even March who took up three chairs by herself. 

Once everyone was sitting Thyme clapped their hands to draw everyone's attention and started speaking, "Welcome one and all to the final day of the contest! I'm sure you'll all be fighting hard against the current frontrunners because if you don't it's all over! That's right, Kat and Lily, Kress, Nixilei, Green and Gareth. Altogether, they are just two points from certain victory. 

"The day will continue regardless of the outcome of this first challenge. I do have standards after all… but the fight will be over. If the chance at the win vanishes I'll put up some minor consolation prizes to encourage you all to still try, but it's best you're all aware of the stakes straight up… 

"Of course by that same token, the frontrunners might fight even harder, secure their victory as well as the bonus prizes. It could happen, and I am nothing if not an impartial judge… normally anyway. In this particularly challenge you'll find I'll be anything but impartial! The question is, how am I messing things up! Let me explain," 

Thyme paused and gestured off to the side as the ground started to shake. The stands shook from side to side as the sand vibrated down on the ground. The ocean waves, once lapping against the bank were now clearly being pushed away as something rose from the ground. It didn't take long to work out what it was. A giant metal cannon. Borgick looked like he was about to do something unsavoury in public just from the sight alone. 

"The challenge before you is a mixture of a few things. On the surface, it's a diving challenge. You'll be shot out of the cannon you see off to the side. From there you can do whatever tricks you want before landing into the water. Once you've returned to the shore, the judges will give you a score. 

"Though the trick here… is that all of the judges are me! You might think that would make the scoring simple. I'm sure you're all thinking 'So we just have to impress Thyme'? If so you'd be wrong. As I said, it's not that simple. Each of the three 'judges' will be grading you on something different on a score of one to ten. How they score you will remain the same between rounds, and will be something you can control. 

"Just as a counter example. None of my copies will award you points for say… being a woman. Where I give you ten points for being a woman, and one point if you're not. That's completely unfair and not something you can change. 

"As for what I might actually do? Well… for example, and I'll also say that this ISN'T one of the judges criteria… but it could be! Right… so, in this pretend case, the judge is grading you based on how many times you touch your toes in the performance. Every touch is worth two points, so you'd need to touch your toes five times total to get maximum points from that Thyme. 

"However… the criteria might go against another Thyme. In this, still hypothetical example, the next judge might start at ten points, and then go down one every time your fingers make contact with your body. So to maximise your point gains, you'd want to touch your toes exactly five times and no more… 

"But wait, there's a final judge. They might act on entirely separate criteria. The final judge might even have multiple rules. They could give you plus three points for every distinct pose, negative one point every time you blink, and a big plus five if you manage to sneeze during the descent. It really could be anything… 

"But that's the challenge. You will have four rounds of jumps, and the criteria will stay the same between them. The order for the first jump will be decided randomly, and then it will reverse, then reverse again, then reverse one final time. Make sure to keep track of how the other contestants are scored as the judges have the same score system round to round, contestant to contestant. Hopefully that is all clear," 

Thyme took a moment to pause and look around. It wasn't quite time for questions just yet, but they wanted to give everyone a short break to soak in the information about how the judging was going to be done. It was they most important part of the task after all. "Now, one more thing. There's a hatch on the side of this stage that leads to a set of five changing rooms. 

"Each contestant will get one room, and inside they will find a decently sized closet with swimwear for the competition. I recommend you choose something provided specifically for the challenge, as it will ensure that there is no risk of injury when entering the water. It's a small enchantment, but it makes a rather large difference. 

"On the topic of magic. You're free to do anything you want between getting into the cannon and hitting the water except attacking the other contestants. This goes for both magical methods of attack, and physical ones. That being said, magic is not a requirement. If you remember, I said that the judges would not judge you for things you cannot change. Obviously, that means none of the judges will require you use say… water magic or even magic at all. But by that same token, magic might make the other challenges easier. I'm not saying it will or it won't, just that it's something to keep in mind, and is being provided as an option. 

"Now, one final thing. Inside of the cannon is actually a series of controls. You can optimise the cannon shot however you want. You have free and complete control of how you manoeuvre the thing.. just be aware that the cannon is intentionally designed not to turn more than one hundred and eighty degrees. This is mostly to prevent that one idiot who thinks shooting themselves over the island and landing on the hard ground instead of the water is a good idea, but it is a restriction so I'm making you all aware of it. Now, are there any questions before you send out your chosen victi-, I mean competitors?" 

*Well… this is an interesting challenge. Who… who can do this one? I've got no real experience with diving so I'm probably out.*

[Actually… I could probably do this.]

*What? Um… no to sound shocked but I didn't think this would be the sort of thing that interests you. Are you any good at diving? I've not really seen you swim all that much and it's worse now you're a Memphis.*

[I was never a professional or anything even close to that but… my old best friend used to drag me to the pool during the summers and I got into diving as we aged out of the basic swimming lessons. It was mostly just an excuse to learn more things while at the pool… but I still remember them pretty well.]

[There is also the fact that my mother really likes to watch the Olympic divers every time its on television. I mean my dad watches as well, but he's more interested in the contestants in swimsuits then the performance so he doesn't really count. Mum would pull me in sometimes if I was free so… I do know a fair bit about professional diving.]

[It… oddly makes me the most qualified person. Maybe. See that's the thing. I wonder if Green or Nixilei might still be better for this. I haven't practiced in years and I'm not as acrobatic as either of those two.]

* Well… is this something you want to do?*

[Sort of? I want to do SOMETHING useful… but I will admit to not really wanting to get wet… but I also recognise that this might be my only chance at participating in an event where I can do better then you. Um… not to be mean or anything, I like that you're competent but… well you know]

*Lily, you won the obstacle race yesterday.*

[Yeah but that doesn't count. I just stole Burnice's idea and Marigold helped me a whole bunch!]

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