D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1372 1372 Blue to the Wall

Chapter 1372 Chapter 1372 Blue to the Wall

?--- Blue ---

Blue's thoughts tried to snap into focus but something was preventing it. Everything was fuzzy. Her thoughts, her vision, and she was feeling tingles all across her body with a few notable points of pain… if she was cognisant enough to notice them. Blue was trying her best, all of her training was insisting that she needed to do… something. What that something was she didn't rightly know.

Blue's mind seemed to grind against that thought, like two gears trying to turn in opposite direction while linked together. Instead of moving together, they ground against each other producing a horrible noise. It was more thought then she was capable of thinking about a few moments ago, but it wasn't really useful. Blue's conscious mind was scrabbling for purchase.

Had she not been an active combatant, or her training any less, she would have simply passed out from the damage done to her. Instead? She was fighting. There was… something. Something she needed to do… it lingered like the stench of roadkill. It seemed to invade the fuzziness of her mind, trying to dredge up some semblance of meaning… but if anything Blue was more confused.

Blue tried to blink and clear her vision a bit it didn't help. There was enough fight in her to try and get up so she sent twitches down towards her limbs. Her left arm twitched slightly, her clenched fist opening. Though… when did she close it? Her right arm was another matter. Instead of reacting to the commands a lance of pain shot through her body, jolting her closer to cognisant..

Blue tried to shift again. This time the pain was much greater and more prominent. Running all the way up her right side. Her right arm seemed to spasm despite not even trying to move it and causing yet more pain… but her mind started to clear. Blue leaned into the feeling, even going so far as to shift a bit further as the memories came in pieces. She couldn't help but let out a hiss of pain as she moved, but Blue thought it was worth it, even if she wasn't really moving.

Blinking again Blue found she still couldn't see properly so she tried to sink into her memories and work out what happened. *So I was fighting March… I think. Yes… yes it was definitely March. How? What happened? She… she punched me? No wait that was the other time and I managed to push her away… did she… I think she tried to do it again? Did she succeed this time? I…

I think so? But… but why does that seem wrong? Though… right or wrong where is she? Time is fuzzy just like the rest of my head but I know it's been… a good minute. Probably. Why hasn't she finished me off? Is she injured? Yes… yes I think that sounds right. Why is she injured? Did… did I do a thing? I must have done a thing…

Unless we got interrupted? Did someone interrupt our fight? I don't… I don't think so? I can't remember seeing anyone other than March… but I guess if they interrupted the fight it would've been later? And I don't quite remember later… come on… what was I doing?

Whirlpool? I was… I was making a whirlpool. Which… seems like a waste of mana I think? Why did I believe that was a good idea at the time? Was it even a good idea? Was I just running off bad ideas? I don't remember any of my ideas… but I think I went with that one. Didn't I?*

Blue blinked and found that things were clearer in more than one sense. Her eyes seemed to have decided to start working… somewhat. It was still blurry further out but she could now see weapons and treasure chests strewn around the area. One particularly large chest was next to her right leg… but based on the damage to it and the bleeding she could see on her leg that wasn't a good thing. Worse, Blue could see through the missing hole that it was an empty chest too.

Blue grimaced and glanced down at her right arm and found that her shoulder was completely shattered. It was closer to paste then anything else. How she got that arm to move at all was a mystery and she was pretty sure she could see some bone fragments in the red mess. Blue fought down the bile in her throat as a wave of pain hit her despite barely moving. It was as if just recognising the extent of her injuries had caused her brain to trigger another round of pain responses.

*Ok… that's really not good. I don't think I've ever been so injured and I'm thinking more and more that it was a mistake to challenge March at all. I let the fact that I trust Thyme go to my head. Sure I'm not dead and I'll certainly walk away from this with no damage… but that isn't the damned point. I'm a fucking mage! Why did I let myself get into a position where March could punch me anyway?

I could've played keep away with the currents. Throwing March back while pulling myself forward. I could've accepted my limitations and used ice spikes. Heck I could've just picked a few swords and then had them zip around in the water like I was controlling them. Sure March could disrupt that control with a good hit… but there's way too much water around I could get it back.

What even happened? Why did I allow this? I… am I not smarter then this? I could've just run. I was so far ahead… why… why did I try to take out March? I think… I think I used the excuse this was the best time to take her… that everyone was likely to team up on me… and that's still true… but I could've run. I could run with four other people after me too. I never HAD to fight and nobody here is capable of keeping me contained in the ocean.

Did… did I need to prove myself or something? Was I that worried about taking March out? What… what was I doing? Why did I think this was a good idea? It's all so fuzzy now… and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I have some healing spells but nothing for anything close to this level of damage. Just basic bruising and small cuts.

So what do I do? I'm not even sure if I can get up and my mana levels… are just a touch above empty. Enough to grab my stuff in leave… if I could focus long enough to find it all and it wasn't scattered all over the damn place. It wouldn't be fast but I could do it… probably. Now what should I d-*

Blue's thoughts were cut off when the sound of a… well really it was more like a cross between a growl, a curse and a groan that emanated from the other side of the colosseum. Blue's eyes took a minute to make out what it was… but eventually Blue could make out the body of March.

She seemed to be both better off and worse off then Blue. Better off because she was already starting to stand up. Worse off… because… well… from what Blue could see there was a sword in March's side and her front made it seem like a glass bomb went off right against her stomach. She was bleeding from at least two dozen small cuts all across her chest.

Blue didn't know what to think when March stumbled to her feet and started to walk towards her. "Fuck how are you still going? Actually wait what happened? I don't really remember…" shouted Blue the best she could. The blood in her mouth wasn't helping matters… and now that she was focusing on it Blue was sure she could feel some blood trickling down her back.

*Wait how does that work while I'm underwater? Is there even any blood or am I just hallucinating?* Blue didn't have enough time to consider those questions as March chuckled. "Heh, hehehe, guess your head isn't quite as hard as mine… not sure I feel all that up to answering. On account of the injuries you understand," said March with a grin as she shuffled towards Blue.

Blue's mind whirled with possibilities. *I'm too weak to fight. I don't have the mana to force her away. I can't run if she has anything left in the tank and I don't have anything to heal myself. What… what do I do?* That's when Blue got a crazy idea. As she saw March closing in on her, Blue felt her smile widening to comical proportions. Perhaps it was the blood loss… but the idea seemed to solve all of her immediate problems. "THYME! I REQUEST MEDICAL EVACUATION!" yelled Blue.

"YOU LITTL SH-" March's growl was cut off as Blue vanished in a flash of light.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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