D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 147: Some Practice

Chapter 147: Some Practice

Kat finished up her berries and looked over at Grace who was still sitting nearby with her eyes closed and tea mostly finished. "What would you recommend then Grace? If I shouldn't practice with my fans"

Grace opened one eye to look at Kat "Well, sparring is an option but you'd need Skye for that. Alternatively you should probably practice with your fire more. Isn't that why you were unconscious when I first met you?"

"I was perfect lucid thank you very much" said Kat

Grace just shrugged and took another sip of her tea. *Grace is right though. I should probably take this as a chance to practice with my flame a bit more. Maybe I can figure some things out.*

"Is there any advice you can give me for handling my flame? It doesn't exactly like to listen to me" said Kat

Grace shrugged again "Well, I'm not really a wizard, and from everything I've seen neither are you. Not really. You're going to have to test things out I'm afraid"

Kat nodded and stood up, heading for the training wing. She hadn't seen it herself yet and she was a bit curious as to what strange cassette Thyme will have left for her. *Wait on that note.* Stopping at the intersection Kat went to the kitchen to grab the Timmy's

As she opened the door she did find the Timmy's… but they were surrounded by living plants that were attacking them. The Timmy's were easily winning and beating them back with knives and other random utensils.

Kat decided to slowly close the door and ignore that but as the Timmy's noticed her entrance they clapped twice and the previously fighting plants stopped and went back to the ingredient shelf.

*I'm not even going to ask.* "I'm off to the training area want to come with me?" asked Kat

The Timmy's nodded and followed behind Kat.?Once down the hallway Kat carefully opened the door. On her left was another set of doors, and on her right was a number of things she didn't recognise. They all had colourful designs with strange caricatures of Thyme on them.

The Timmy's took one off the shelf and inserted a cassette and Thyme's voice boomed out. "Welcome to the training area. On your left is a bunch of plain rooms for practice. There is a control panel to summon a new target dummy and move it around if you want

"The rooms should be sturdy enough for anything you contestants can throw at them. In fact I'd be impressed if you managed to so much as scratch my walls. A word of warning though"

Thyme's voice dropped to a deep base "Injuring yourself for training is not something I can support. Unlike other injuries, I will NOT heal them. I will do what I am required to, to keep you alive but no more. Fools who think they can use this as a chance to truly test their limits are sorely mistaken"

Thyme's voice then returned to its normal chipper tone "Plus on the right I have a bunch of board games I've made or "borrowed" from around the place. Honestly, I think just taking a deck of cards is your best bet though, sorting through the trash on the wall is hardly worth it

"I know I know, my face is on most of those boxes, but the games take too long to learn and just aren't fun. I've put them here mostly for people who recognise a few of them, but even then… never mind. I'll leave you to your training, be it mental or physical"

"Thanks Thyme" said Kat "Thanks Timmy"

The Timmy's nodded and then went back down the hall. Presumably to the kitchen to continue… whatever it was they were doing. Kat opened the door to the training area and looked inside.

It was even planer than the hallway if that was possible. The room was large, about the size of two tennis courts. There was just nothing. The walls and floor were completely blank. They looked smooth but Kat could confirm there was at least some grip for her feet.

Other than the console on the side of the door presumably the one for training dummies. Kat poked it once to see if it responded but, like the enchantments for the rooms nothing happened. *Guess I'll just have to enjoy the space.*

Kat decided to start of with a bit of running. No sense playing around with your supernatural powers if you still don't have a good grasp on your more basic attributes. As Kat started running, she rather quickly had a stray thought. *Can I run fast enough to run on walls?*

Kat first completed one full lap to build up a bit of speed then, at the start of the second lap Kat sprinted as fast as she could at along the wall. As she approached the corner she started angling herself to turn slightly.

At the corner Kat took a step up onto the wall. Feeling her feet grip Kat took a second step and tried to keep running forward. What actually happened though was that Kat slid straight down.

Kicking off the wall and flapping her wings to prevent falling onto the ground Kat righted herself once again. *Ok, note to self I can't run on walls.*

Undeterred though Kat started eyeing the wall once again. *Hmmm… But can I run up walls?* Shrugging and deciding she might as well test it Kat performed the same one lap before sprint.

This time she didn't bank at the turn and just kept ploughing forward. Kat was able to take around three steps up the wall before gravity asserted its dominance and threatened to pull her back down.

Once again using her wings to prevent a fall Kat glided back down to the floor. *You know. This has really made me realise something.* Thought Kat as she rubbed the ends of her wings. *I have wings, why am I trying to run up walls?*

This signaled a new segment for Kat's training. Instead of focusing on her legs she used her wings. Flying around the edges Kat attempted to take the corners as tightly as possible giving herself as little room to move as she could while still avoiding just slamming straight into the wall.

It actually wasn't that hard. *I can turn on a dime. These 90-degree corners are nothing. Granted I can't exactly get up to my full speed with such little room, but at this is a comfortable travel speed and I'm able to turn whenever I want. It's just a little straining on my wings.*

Kat flapped her wings but stayed on the ground stretching them out just to feel the difference. *Hmm, can't feel any strain. I guess whatever damage I might be doing taking such sharp turns is negated by my regeneration.*

*Not sure it's exactly healthy for me but at the very least I don't seem to be negatively affected. Actually, hey system, how does my regeneration work? I don't think I've even got any scars*

User Kat likely has what is dubbed 'Succubus Regeneration' regeneration is a common trait shared by many demons, but Succubus Regeneration is notable in that it does not leave scarring. Additionally, while Succubus Regeneration is uncapable of regrowing lost limbs at power levels similar to User Kat's it can reattach the limbs if retrieved.

*Well, I certainly don't want to be cutting into myself any time soon but at least I know that if I lose my arm as long as I can find it again there's no problems.*

*Actually while I'm asking. What exactly do I need to do to get to rank 2.*

D.E.M.O.N.S is actually unsure. Normal path of progression would see a demon form their demonic flame into a vague shape, to be later refined. User Kat's demonic flame is already in a unique shape, though it does not possess the necessary power for rank 2.

*So, what do I do then?*

D.E.M.O.N.S is unsure. Greater mastery of abilities, or taking in excess demonic energy from the environment might cause Kat's abilities to increase.

*Well, how will I know?*

Upon reaching Rank 2 User Kat will receive at least one additional ability. It will be exceptionally clear once User Kat increases to Rank 2

*Welp, I guess I'll do some more messing around with my demonic flame then.* Kat summoned a small wisp of flame to her hand. *Now, it's time for the more serious stuff.*

Kat tried to let the world fall away as she concentrated on the small flame in her hand. She wanted to try and get it to respond more accurately to her commands, or at least get a better handle on controlling it in general.

Sending the small flame a mental command to go left, it shot of into the wall at great speed, splashing out but surprisingly leaving the material unharmed. Kat looked down at her hand and sighed. *Welp, guess I really do need some practice.*

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