D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 151: Cracked Fountain

Chapter 151: Cracked Fountain

In the end, the group spent another ten minutes finalising their plans moving forward. Grace was leading by about 5 metres. She was much faster and could take more round about routes to fully inspect the area and make sure there was nothing for Kat or Skye to run into.

Kat followed behind, keeping her body low and her tail in close. The original plan of having Kat hover quietly behind was dropped when she realised just how hard it was to stay airborne but below the walls. Her wings wouldn't lower her much even if she brought up her legs and the position was really uncomfortable.

Finally Skye brought up the rear. She didn't really have any special role but her experience in adventuring allowed her to move across the ruined stone with more ease then Kat. She was also quick to point out the issue with Kat's tail.

When Kat crouched low, her tail tried to move up and compensate for her shifted centre of mass, making large movements behind her head. Sadly this meant it quiet frequently poked above the walls, so Kat had to bring her tail in close and make sure it didn't wave about.

Kat's balance was good enough without her getting her tail involved. She'd gotten used to her body rather quickly, since her final awakening, and even when she limited the movement of her wings and tail, they never really caused her balance issues.

The same could not be said for her footing though. Kat's balance as extraordinary but she simply didn't know how to walk over crumbling rocks without allowing them to shift. Grace routinely pointed out easier sections for Kat to walk on to limit the noise she made, but it was only a mild success

After around an hour of walking the group walked into a clearing. Well, a clearing in so far as it was a large abandoned courtyard. It had much higher walls then the surroundings, making them nearly twice the height they were before. Kat hadn't noticed in her original lookout of the city because the area was all sunken.

There was a cracked water fountain that still had clean water in it, with nothing leaking out. *Guess we can be real sure that this is Thyme made now.* Clean water from nowhere. Grace slid up to the fountain with light steps and took a small, sip before nodding.

"Water is clean, I suggest you drink up and then we move out" said Grace

Kat nodded and grabbed her own handful of water before straightening and examining the courtyard. It was a rather lacklustre affair. High walls, a few vines, really only the fountain made it any more than just a large corridor.

Skye took a quick drink and then said, "Would it be best to rest here for a moment?"

Grace shook her head "Well, we haven't been moving for that long. I think it's best we continue"

Skye grimaced a little at this "I'm not quite so physically capable it seems. Sure I can continue but I'd like to be in peak condition if it comes to a fight"

Grace bit her lip "Well, I'm not tired at all, I could do this all day, perhaps two even if we have some more stops for water. Kat?"

Kat rubbed her eyes and examined her energy reserves. Confirming they were pretty much full, and would be completely so with just a minute or two or rest she said "I'm in top condition"

"If you both insist, we can continue" said Skye with a sigh.

Grace glanced at Kat who shrugged in return. "Five minutes, we can spare that much, and we can have a proper drink"

Skye nodded at this and let herself slide down the side of the fountain until she hit the ground. Kat took another sip of water but didn't really feel thirsty. Grace took a few large gulps before letting her eyes scan the area.

As they were waiting Skye took out her book once again and started writing. Grace kept her eyes peeled, looking at the two other exits to the left and front, while Kat contented herself with some minor stretching.

As the time wore on Kat started to get uneasy and she wasn't sure why. Enhancing her ears didn't reveal anything and the walls prevented the ability to look out. Examining Skye and Grace confused her further.

By now Skye had put away her book, but she seemed completely relaxed. Taking occasional sips from the fountain and relaxing against the wall. Contrary to this, was Grace who was looking just as on edge as Kat if not more so.

Walking slowly over to stand next to Grace, Kat asked "What's wrong?"

"Something isn't right" said Grace.

Just as Kat was about to respond her tail lashed out at Grace and yanked on the elf's arm. Grace's eyes went wide, her head trying to whip around to face Kat, however just as she started an arrow flew past right where Grace's head had been

Kat only noticed this too after the arrow had fully landed. Taking further control of her tail she used it to pull Grace in close against her back. Turning to face Skye, Kat was about to shout a warning when a fireball flew into her face.

Kat's wing rose to block it and the flames dissipated harmlessly against Kat's wing. Lowering it to check on Skye however showed the healer much further back against the wall, and another participant by her side.

Kat narrowed her eyes. "Kutruph" said Kat expecting to trip over the name but succeeding first try "I suppose this means you aren't here to join our little crew. Could always use a defender"

The draconian shrugged, steel armour grating in the process before bringing his shield down to cover most of Skye's body. "Afraid not lass"

"A shame we couldn't take out the elf. Well then, how about it? Want to defect Grace?" asked Skye

Grace pushed past Kat to yell a response "You just tried to take me out why the-"

Grace's complaint was cut off by Kat's tail yanking Grace out of the path of another arrow. Seeing the movement flash past her face a scowl lit up the elf's face "I see how it is"

"Nothing personal I assure you" said Skye "We simply have to take out Kat, and well, you happen to be in the way"

Kat kept her breathing calm but her senses alert. She wasn't going to waste energy just yet but she was ready. "I'm flattered, but I have to ask why? Why so much trouble to take me out?"

Skye glanced to the left, and Kat's eyes followed. When she saw nothing though the pair locked eyes once again. "Well, there were other plans of course, but it's clear none of us could beat you in the finals if we allowed that so-"

Kat ducked under an arrow that whizzed past her head before looking up at Skye and gesturing for her to continue. The healer coughed before continuing "Right well, I'm sure you understand"

"I suppose, a little disappointed though. I guess" Kat was interrupted by Grace pulling on her wing. "Stop talking, we need to do something"

"It's three against two, we can't jump into this" Kat whispered back.

"I bet Eva and Dusk are on their way. We need to move" said Grace

"Had enough of our little chat?" asked Skye

"Well, you know how it is" said Grace edging slightly towards the fountain "Can't be wasting time when we have places to be"

Right as Grace finished her sentence she took off. Kat followed behind, pouring energy into her legs. Sigils on Graces' pants flared, and she took off towards the exit. The pair felt a few arrows targeting them, but at there speed, small corrections were enough to dodge them.

Just as they were about to make it through the door, Kat heard the soft ring of metal. With Grace in the lead, Kat pulled the elf backwards, throwing her of course into the wall. Grace reacted instantly and angled herself to let her legs take the hit.

Kat flared her wings slowing as much as she could just as a huge wall of metal came swinging in from the right side of the doorway. Digging her heels in further, the stone cracked slightly, and Kat came to a stop.

Jumping backwards and away, Eva walked out from behind the wall and brandished her sword.

"I'm afraid our Eva isn't one for quips, but I assure you her sword skills are top notch" said Skye.

Kat refrained from looking over her shoulder. Keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the swordsman before her and keeping Grace in the corner of her eyes.

The elf didn't look to be in the best shape. There was a cut in her pants likely from the arrow now imbedded in the wall, and she was breathing heavily but keeping an eye out for the enemy archer.

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