D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 160: Duelling Daggers

Chapter 160: Duelling Daggers

"You're getting sloppy Green" said Nixilei pushing the dagger forward towards Green

"Why Nix? Why go through so much effort" said Green holding the dagger back, if barely

Nixilei leant further forward pressing the dagger ever closer to Green's body in the process. "Well it's only right that the strongest combatant moves on, right? Have to make sure you are still in peak condition"

Green's frown deepened "But, the strongest combatant is over there sitting in the corner" said Green as her eyes flick towards Kat.

She waved in response. *Not sure I actually believe that but I'm sure I don't want to get in between those to right now.* "Now, that's hardly fair to put all the work onto Kat. We hired her just for a simple tournament at standard rates. This is far from standard already" said Nixilei deadpan.

Green didn't look happy with this answer at all. "But… but then why can't you do it? You're stronger than I am"

"I'm just the weak healer of the group that needs protecting" said Nixilei deadpan, pushing the dagger noticeably closer with each word spoken.

Green looked between Nixilei and the dagger slowly approaching her body and was not impressed. "How does this indicate that I'm stronger than you of all people?"

Green slipped her dagger out of the hold and dashed to the side letting Nixilei fall forward. Nixilei didn't let this upset her balance at all, taking a large step before whirling on Green with an overhead strike.

"Green, you're much faster than I am, perhaps more skilled. I'm sure you can beat me" said Nixilei, though her tone stayed constant. *Does she actually mean that? It's unbelievable hard to tell with her.*

"Come on Nix, I'm tired, we've been out here for literal days, I need a good rest" said Green

"You had at least a day's rest in the resting area, not to mention you arrived before I did" said Nixilei

"That hardly counts" said Green breaking away and taking her first swing at Nixilei only for the healer to duck under it and return with her own slash.

Green twisted out of the way to avoid the dagger moving forward to try and push Nixilei off balance. This failed however when Nixilei hardened her stance and managed to control the motion bringing Green in close.

Nixilei brought the dagger down, attempting to stab Green over her shoulder. Seeing this coming though Green moved forward a bit and then locked Nixilei's elbow in place preventing the dagger from being brought closer.

Nixilei made good use of the extra space though. Bringing her leg up and in close she managed to slam it into Green's chin, breaking her hold. Green jumped back and away to avoid any follow up attacks from Nixilei, but the close space prevented major damage.

"What? Not willing to make your own strike against my back?" asked Nixilei

Green sighed "No way. You've gotten me with that trick way too many times. You'll happily trade one injury for another and get away with it. I don't have that sort of pain tolerance"

"A pity, I really ought to convince you to fix that error, but I doubt your parents would let me. That's their job after all" said Nixilei stepping in for another attack.

Kat started to think over her fight with Boring, and Kress. *If I could manage to take attacks without flinching it would be really useful, so I guess I do understand.*

Green for her part just nodded and ducked out of the way of the strike. Nixilei followed this up with a swift kick, that was avoided with a swifter move backwards towards the edge of the room.

At this point, the fight once again entered into a state of rapid exchanges. Punches, kicks and dagger swipes flew about in rapid succession and Kat started to look towards the two she was sitting with.

"So… what we just sit here?" asked Kat

Grace and Estelle shrugged in perfect sync "Well, what else did you want to do?" said Grace

Kat looked out over at the pair of fighters then back to Grace. "You know you make a good point" responded Kat.

"So Estelle, any notes on where the others are?" asked Grace

Estelle shook her head "Nope. I haven't heard anything at all about the others. It's possible that they got delayed. I'm not sure that Ryo knows how to pilot a sand skipper, and I doubt her fire resistance is enough to just walk"

Grace nodded "That does make sense. What about the God Crushers? Have you seen any of them?"

Estelle shook her head "Nope, not even a peep"

Grace got a thoughtful look on her face. "Well, not to be rude to the guys, but you think perhaps they never made it out of the forest?"

Estelle's eyes went wide at that. "Oh, you might just be right… or at least they might have been sufficiently delayed. I'm much too used to forest sense now, I'd somewhat forgotten"

"Actually, that is a good point, how does anyone that isn't an elf get out of the place" asked Kat

Estelle gave a confused look towards Kat, but Grace seemed more understanding of the question. "Well, it's a bit hard to say, because I couldn't feel the full effects myself but, just off the top of my head. Making a small compass, waiting for day and following the sun… and I'm sure there is something else but it isn't coming to me"

Kat nodded but then Estelle spoke up "Wait, if you didn't know how to leave then how did you get out Kat?"

Kat flexed her wings in response "Much easier when you can see the whole thing… and the next section… and a little of the one after that"

Estelle gaped open mouth at Kat. "Yeah, the others are right. Your powers are stupid. Why is that even allowed?"

Kat shrugged "Seems to be an age thing. Though I wonder…" *Hey System, how old am I in demon terms? I mean I've only been a demon for like a week haven't I?*

User Kat's age was not affected by the Awakening. User Kat is still 17 Earth Years Old.

*Ok, just checking.*

"Well, it is an age thing, but Estelle does make a semi valid point. You do sort of outclass everyone except perhaps Green, and well Nixilei if she can keep up with her as well" said Grace

Kat looked over at the still ongoing fight. "Wait why aren't they using magic?"

Green and Nixilei instantly paused in their current poses. Turned to Kat, and said "No magic in duels between us" in almost perfect sync before returning to their rapid exchange of blows, Nixilei even tried to go in for a headbutt but Green was able to duck to the side and catch the healers neck with her shoulder.

*Right… but that doesn't really properly answer me why?* Kat looked over at the elvish pair. Estelle shrugged but Grace did speak up. "Well, traditionally, elves and fey don't use magic in duels unless expressly stated"

"Doesn't that seem a bit strange?" asked Kat "Don't a lot of them have fairly strong magic"

Grace nodded "Yes, but that's exactly the point. You don't use magic when you fight a friend unless you're specifically duelling to improve your magic… it's like um… well say your fire? You wouldn't use that in a duel amongst friends, it's just a bit too deadly so children are taught not to use it unless the situation calls for it"

*Does that actually make sense? Also how does my demonic fire work against other demons? Would it work?*

User Kat's demonic fire would likely work rather well. Most demons do not also have high tolerance for the call, though some do. The main consideration is that each demons Demonic Energy will try and fight for dominance and control, so if User Kat sends off User Kat's Demonic Flame and it encounters an opponent which can subvert your control it will accomplish nothing.

Of course, Demonic Energy is rather stubborn and will not easily leave User Kat's control. Fighting a demon of a Rank and skill would lead to each demon burning their Demonic Energy reserves slowly as that energy cancelled each other out.

"Ok, I think I understand. It's a bit like bringing a knife to a gunfight" said Kat

"Exactly" said Grace "The gun is practically worthless once you reach any level of power, so if you're duelling in good faith you wouldn't use your better weapon. Magic is just a step above that"

Kat tried very hard to keep her face still. *It seems that gun does translate, but that they aren't all that good. Let's just pretend that there is nothing strange about that at all and go back to watching Green and Nixilei fail to defeat each other.*

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