D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 47: The Long Road Home

Chapter 47: The Long Road Home

"Urgh" groaned Kat as she started to regain consciousness. Kat could feel stone pressed against her whole body and struggled to recall what had happened in her fevered run. The conversation she had with herself(?) was still clear but whatever had come briefly before was foggy. Struggling to her feet Kat wobbled a few times, coming extremely close to falling over when she felt arms wrapping around her. Cracking her eyes open she found Vivian bearing Kat's head in her shoulders. "It's ok Kat, it's going to be ok" said Vivian

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" said Kat

"I'm not the one surrounded by ice that was just passed out on the ground" said Vivian

"I don't even feel the cold, I'm fine" said Kat

"Then why are there tears frozen on your cheeks" said Vivian

"It's been a long day Vivian, I'm ok now, but it's been a long day" said Kat squeezing Vivian tightly and trying to bury her face further into Vivian.

"Ooh, be a bit careful when you shake your head like that Kat" said Vivian

"Why?" said Kat lifting her head up. Vivian flinched backwards to avoid Kat's horns.

"Kat, you have very pointy horns now, and I like having both my eyes. I'd trade them to make you feel better any day but I don't think that would work here" said Vivian

Kat paled slightly "I am so sorry, I forgot and I just-" pulling Kat back into her shoulder Vivian stroked the back of her hair just under Kat's new horns.

"It's fine, it's fine" said Vivian

The pair stood there together for five minutes before Kat carefully moved her head off Vivian's shoulder and said "We should go, I don't want you to catch a cold"

"I'm fine I've never caught a cold in my life" said Vivian

"Really?" said Kat

"Why of course. I did get a fever a few times, and all the sore throats but the weather here has always been great so I've never been cold" said Vivian. Kat let loose a light chuckle.

"Well, we wouldn't want to break your record. We should head back" said Kat. Extracting herself from Vivian's grip she tried to step in the direction she thought the car was and promptly collapsed on the floor. Without missing a beat Vivian scooped Kat up in a princess carry draping Kat's left wing over her shoulder and supporting the other side with her hand slightly.

"Wow, you're surprisingly light" said Vivian bobbing Kat slightly as proof

"I'd not thought you would be one to talk about a ladies weight" said Kat

"Lady? What lady?" said Vivian spinning them around searching with exaggerated motions of her head. "Only thing I see around here is some trees and an adorable girl in my arms"

"I'm seventeen Vivian" said Kat

"That's right, an adorable girl" said Vivian as she started to jog back towards the car. Kat just sighed and rested her head on Vivian's shoulder keeping in mind her new horns.

The path Vivian took back to the car was far from straight as she followed the trail Kat had carved out in her fevered stupor. Snapped branches and singed leaves giving plenty of indication of where to travel. The trail wound left and right seeming without order and even circled around slightly in places.

"Was I really that out of it?" said Kat

"Just towards the end dear. I imagine you were really burning up towards the end. I mean you literally shot a massive plume of fire into the air" said Vivian

"Wait, Vivian, how did you even get to the clearing? What were you doing there it wasn't safe" said Kat

"Well, after I saw that fire I had a choice to make. Either wait around for you to get back or go and see if you were alright. Obviously, I had to check up on you" said Vivian

"But you could have been hurt, the trial wasn't over yet, it wasn't safe" said Kat

"So? You were in the middle of the forest it wasn't safe to leave you passed out and unable to defend yourself, so fair is fair" said Vivian.

"But my transformation was much more deadly then an animal attack, you mentioned the fire anything near me would have been completely destroyed" said Kat

"Yes, and you'd already released that fire so it was well worth the risk" said Vivian.

"Thanks" said Kat

"Anytime Kat. You don't have to worry about a thing, I'll look after you" said Vivian

"I can look after myself Vivian" said Kat

"I never said you couldn't, besides do you really want to make that argument while I'm carrying you to my car?" said Vivian

"Right, I suppose not" said Kat.

*But it is really nice to know Vivian cares. This wasn't the way I wanted to test her character to determine if it would be completely safe to stay with her but, running towards a giant pillar of flame to check on the girl you just met a week and a bit ago sure does say a lot about her character.*

The path had straightened considerably, and the charring less noticeable. Though this posed little challenge as simply following a straight line was more than enough to keep on track.

Another fifteen minutes of walking found the pair back at the car. Vivian helped Kat sit down in the back before hopping into the front and starting the drive back. "Hey Vivian, what time is it? How long was I out" said Kat

"It's about three in the afternoon. I'm not sure how long you were unconscious but at least four hours" said Vivian. Kat nodded at that.

"I suppose it could be worse" said Kat. Hey system, I'm still really tired, will I be summoned tonight?


User Kat is currently not registered for additional summonings


*What why?*


The circumstances surrounding User Kat's awakening are highly unusual and create a number of contradictions in D.E.M.O.N.S. As such this issue was given to Designated Supervisors to determine what happens next. Currently User Kat is required to rest for at least 24 earth hours.


*Wait you have a supervisor?*


Inner workings of D.E.M.O.N.S requires higher classification to answer your question


*But you just mentioned you have supervisors*? Kat waited for a response and found nothing forthcoming. *Fine then, what sort of things do I have access to, now that I've awakened.*


User Kat has been given rank 0.5 which provides increased classification only in relation to User Kat's current error


*Wait what is rank 0.5? I thought I was supposed to get to rank 1 when I awakened*


User Kat was intended to rise to Rank 1 upon awakening however due to unforeseen circumstances User Kat has been given Rank 0.5. Rank 0.5 is considered a special holding Rank for User's that have created conflicting Errors in D.E.M.O.N.S that are not yet resolved.


*Great, so you said I can rest for 24 hours when will I be summoned next?*


That information is not yet known to D.E.M.O.N.S, however User Kat will be notified once User Kat's contradictions have been clarified.


*Well, can I change my settings so that I'm not summoned instantly after the weekly reset*


User Kat requires Rank 1 privileges to change default summoning settings


*Just great. How about a notification to remind me when I can change default settings? Can you do that*


D.E.M.O.N.S will inform User Kat once User Kat's rank has increased.


*Thanks.* Thought Kat as she leaned further back into the seat.

*Hopefully this means all my changes are over for the moment. And I have a chance to rest. Should I go talk to Callisto while I'm on break perhaps? I can't avoid her forever and I trust Vivian's judgement. Well, I trust her judgement of people.* Thought Kat thinking about Vivian's decision to run towards the fire instead of away from it.

*And I have horns now, I guess?*

"So Vivian what do my horns actually look like? I'm guessing I know the general shape; they curl around my head, right? Is there anything else you can tell me about them?" said Kat

"Yeah they do curve around your head. Um, they're a really dark purple actually, I thought they were black the first time I saw them. That's about it too be honest, I don't really see anything especially demonic about them" said Vivian

"Having black horns isn't demonic?" said Kat

"Well, I did say they were slightly purple but even then there are a few animals with black horns, they aren't that strange" said Vivian

"I'm pretty sure no other horns curve around the head" said Kat

"Meh details, as I said hardly demonic they look nice on you, gives you a bit of a regal vibe" said Vivian. Kat just shook her head and relaxed, content to enjoy the rest of the journey home. The lush green woods and the slightly mountainous terrain was a joy to look at when your body wasn't on fire and threatening to incinerate the surrounding area.

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