D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 85: aMazeing race

Chapter 85: aMazeing race

I'll just tell you guys when we are back to Kats perspective. (Still with Green)


Green didn't react. *I am a sleeping girl. I am sleeping. You cannot call me to compete if I'm sleeping.*

Green felt the faint press of lips on her forehead and recognised them as Gareth's. "Come on sleepy, you just had your energy returned, I'm sure you fine to keep going" Green fought down a smile. *Isn't Gareth just the sweetest, I'm happy he… wait no, don't get distracted Green. Focus. Do. Not. React.*

A smile instantly blossomed on Green's face. *I failed! Quick distraction.* Green buried her face further into Gareth. This was made difficult because of his metal armour but it wasn't impossible. Green heard a sigh and felt a calm hand patting her head.

Her smile double in size and she just barely managed to suppress the desire to curl up into his arms. This was all underwhelmed though when a chilling sensation started to emanate from behind her. A grave danger was fast approaching.

"Green, I believe you have an event to attend" said the menacing voice.

Shakily Green raised her head to look at the figure standing over her. *A demon! A demon has come for me!* Of course, Kat was nowhere in Green's line of sight. The individual in front of her was Nixilei.

"I'll give you one more chance" said Nixilei.

Green instantly empowered all her enchantments and appeared next to Thyme. Whatever Nixilei was threatening to do she wanted no part of it hopefully she would be safe near Thyme. *That's Gareth's one failing as a fiancé he never protects me from Nixilei when it matters… Then again, maybe she should be nicer. She's very scary when she wants to be.*

Green dismissed her speed enchantments but kept up the ones that were making her less noticeable. Green could see that Kat and Thyme could still see her clearly but the others, even the other scouts seemed not to notice her despite being right next to her.

"Well now that we have everyone here, let's find out what the next event is shall we" said Thyme pulling out a new box. This one was bright green with red swirls on it "Who shall I pick this time… hmm" suddenly the box vanished from his hand and grew up in front of Kat.

"I'll have you pick this time Kat, reach in and tell us what it is." Said Thyme.

Green watched as Kat lit her hand on fire and placed it inside the box. *Why did she light her hand on fire? Won't that burn the box?* Of course, nothing that Thyme would make with its power would be so easily destroyed. Kat reached into the box and then ripped her hand out. Grasped in her hand was a woodpecker that looked like it was trying to peck Kat's hand as she held it.

Wait, isn't the fire really strong? Isn't that just a normal bird? How come it isn't taking damage? "Ooh the woodpecker this time, always one of my favourites" said Thyme as a hand appeared out of the ground to grab the bird.

Thyme made to crush the bird in the hand that was summoned. Kat reacted turning to face the hand with a fighting posture before relaxing. Thyme's eyebrows raised as it brought out its right hand from behind it's back to reveal an intact woodpecker.

From Thyme other hand a large log was brought out. Thyme then placed it next to the woodpecker. Over the course of a minute the log was moved up and down as the woodpecker carved something into the wood.

The letters





Were spelled out for the audience to see. "The maze it is then" Thyme snapped its hand and a giant structure of wood and hedge rose forth from the ground. The obstacle course paled in comparison to the sheer scope of the maze that rouse before the scouts. Green couldn't even see the end of it and the outside was covered in thick vines to give it more of a hedge maze feel without giving the visibility or weakness such a maze wood bring.

"The rules for the maze are completely opposite the obstacle course. Firstly each contestant is not permitted to leave the maze until the challenge is completed. You are not trying to escape from the maze at all.

"Second, your goal is to try and find and collect several orbs. They will be hidden within the maze and each contestant will start with one. Originally you only needed to find four, but that was back when there was five people in this contest so instead you need to find five."

"Three, combat is allowed and encouraged. Standard tournament wards are in effect so fatal damage will result in the contestant being removed from the challenge. Additionally, unlike standard rules, crippling blows will also remove you from the competition if they are not healed within ten seconds.

"Third, standard rules about equipment apply as outlined before, but" Thyme paused here for dramatic affect. It hadn't breathed during this entire speech but perhaps as a plant it didn't need to "Anything you find in the maze is something you are free to use. They cannot be removed from the maze afterwards so use it or loose it.

"Fourth, there is actually an exception to this, the orbs, they are quite fragile intentionally and will shatter if you apply too much force. So I don't recommend using them for combat. If an orb is destroyed it's worth half an orb if, and only if you have all the pieces in your possession. If one piece gets stolen or lost then it won't count.

"Five, you will all be provided with a satchel to carry your orbs. You are not required to use it but you are not allowed to place anything that you didn't find in the maze. For example health potions found in the maze acceptable, bows and arrows you carried into the maze, unacceptable.

"Six, you will be entered into the maze equidistant from each contestant. This distance will be as you would walk, not as the dragon flies. This means that two contestants could potentially be wall to wall with each other.

"Seven, it's more of a suggestion then a rule. The walls are completely unbreakable, don't bother with trying to destroy them. Most of the other environment will be destructible though, and I don't care for it so go nuts.

"Lastly, there is sixteen orbs scattered around the place. This is technically enough for someone to find their five for completion but in a more realistic sense you will probably end up with three or four each.

Thyme clapped its hands together and spun around in place once "So are there any questions?"

"Indeed I have a question" said Clive "Is it considered leaving the maze if we climb over the walls?"

Thyme let out his barky laugh "I see you are looking for sneaky loopholes again. I'm afraid it isn't quite so simple this time. I've placed an enchantment over the whole thing to prevent people jumping the walls. I'll give you a little hint that there is some places you can look over them but no, I will not be allowing you to cheat that way"

"You said we were free to try and break the walls, does that apply to the invisible one over the maze" asked Clive.

"You know what Clive, go for it. If you can really break it, go nuts" said Thyme with a dismissing wave of its hand.

*Sigh, a maze. They aren't nearly as fun as obstacles courses. Reminds me more of work then of training with my parents. I guess at least I can just find the orbs.*

Thyme attracted the contestants attention once again "Let me provide you all with your bags"

Thyme flicked its hands and fanned out a number of bags like it was holding a hand of cards. There were four variations of the basic formula. They were all messenger bags fit to be worn over the shoulder. The first one had a chibi version of Skye on it waving, the second one had the entirety of Grace's group in various poses… though they all had their hair down… and were missing their weapons… perhaps it was just five copies of Grace. The third bag was completely plain with spots of dirt on it.

Despite looking well made it seemed well worn and like it had been used as a working bag for a decade. The final bag, which clearly belonged to Green had a small version of Gareth on it equipped with full plate mail and his trademark shield in front of him as he waved.

"Now-" Thyme was cut short when the Gareth bag vanished from his hands and entered Green's own. Grace and Clive flinched at the speed but John seemed unfazed… or he wasn't paying attention anymore. "Um, well anyway… Now I have these for each of you, please come up and collect them"

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