D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 89: An Encounter Outside of Tall Grass

Chapter 89: An Encounter Outside of Tall Grass

Green first investigated the remaining areas of the temple grounds. The hedges obfuscated most of it but a little levitation magic solved that problem. What Green saw though was disappointing. The 'garden' beyond the hedges wasn't much of a garden at all. There was simply a scattering of bushes in rows to give the illusion of additional pathing with some colourful leaves thrown in for good measure. *I guess this is just to help build up the illusion of the temple. Clearly that guy was reading from a script and Thyme is controlling everything.*

*That first puzzle was well designed, and the atmosphere makes it easy to forget time made all this in just a few moments. Then again, I suppose it's far more likely that he planned it out before hand and summoned it from a blueprint or something. Guess it's back to grey walls.*

*Now that I think about it though, what's the point of making this look like stone?* Green rounded the corner and continued away from the direction she had originally come from. *Sure I understand the idea of making the walls simple to save of energy but Thyme didn't do that, he made it into stone, and converting mana away from your element is very expensive…*

*Though, could he have just made plants that look like stone? I feel like that would still be expensive though. It's like if I tried to create enough friction with my wind magic to set something on fire. I could, and maybe if I got good enough it'd even be more efficient then using fire magic but it's still a waste.*

Green found an intersection and instantly took a right moving further away from the temple. *And why plain stone anyway? Now that I really think about this it doesn't make any sense. He could have any number of exotic and beautiful trees from my homeland. Even just some relatively exotic things like the hundred-year pines or the roughhune elderwood would be more enjoyable to look at.*

Green let out a long breath. *Ok calm down, clearly you are getting tired, mother is starting to leak out a little.* Green stifled a soft laugh. It had never ceased to amuse her parents that as Green got increasingly tired, she acted almost exactly like her mother did normally. *Dad always liked to tease me when I get like this… At least I'll visit them soon for one of the tournament legs… I hope.*

Green wandered the maze somewhat randomly for a while, thinking of her parents and trying not to give in to the urge to rest in the shade somewhere. Just as Green started to round the next corner she heard something. Pausing in place and putting her ear against the wall she tried to hear the sound again. Tap, tap, tap. It was light, but she could hear it, though the wall had hardly helped. Switching instead to the ground Green leaned in and strained her mana and her hearing to properly make out what it was.

As soon as she put her head to the ground, she recognised the sound. It wasn't typical footsteps; it was a scout's steps. *Oh no, I've actually run into someone else.* Green glanced around and saw that the nearest corner to try and hide around was too far away to risk running. Instead she poured mana into her boots and chest piece activating her levitation and her ability that made people ignore her.

Green leapt up towards the top of the wall. She had intended to jump up to the top and cling to it but she could feel the barrier Thyme had mentioned and couldn't actually grasp the wall. *Thymeee why would you make it so we can't hold onto the wall for stabilisation. I'm a scout, I don't want to fight anyone really…*

Green instead opted for the less ideal position of laying flat against the wall and combiner her lacking levitation with a hint of friction from the wall to allow her to remain motionless and above the average person's sightline. Green gripped the wall and faced the direction of the sound. Her spells would hopefully mean she avoided detection, but she needed to be ready for the worst.

As the seconds past the sound of footfalls became clearer. *Soft but rapid footsteps. Heading with some purpose… I bet it's Clive. He's running around. I doubt the others would run like that. John doesn't have the practice and Grace… well actually I guess it could be Grace but I think she'd be lighter. These footfalls have been approaching for a bit now.*

Just as Green finished that thought Clive sprinted around the corner. Green was shocked at just how quickly the man approached mana whirling behind him as he sped past. This further reinforced Green's idea that the man was well practiced. It was a great surprise that he was as moving as quickly as it appeared with such little noise. While Green could likely do the same perhaps with even less noise she knew she couldn't keep it up for long. It would burn mana much too quickly.

Just as Clive passed the spot Green was hiding, he stopped in place. Crouched down and put his back against the wall. Clive through his cloak over his bag with Skye on it that contained his orbs and looked around scanning the environment for any disturbances. Clive reached into his cloak and pulled out a dagger holding it in his right hand in a guarding stance as he breathed steadily and watched the hallway.

Green just clung to the wall, unable to properly see Clive because he was about in line with her body, right on the edge of her peripheral vision. The two remained tense. Green waiting for an indication that she had been spotted while Clive was searching for that faint presence he could feel watching him

A full five minutes passed before Clive was the first to make a move. He stood up exposing his back to Green as he prepped his movement abilities again. Green didn't move a muscle. Just as Clive was taking his first step forward his head whipped around scanning the area behind him for the slightest movement. Sweat pooled on Green's brow as she gripped the notstone walls. Ensuring that even the slightest movement was suppressed.

When he found none Clive's armour lit up slightly and he shot off in the direction Green had come from. Green kept in the breath she wanted to release. *I'm glad he ran off. I really didn't want to fight anyone.* Green waited for another minute just in case Clive wanted to turn around to try and catch her when she moved.

In the end though she could only hear his footsteps continuing into the distance. Whether he truly turned back or not Green wouldn't know as she was stuck facing the direction he came in and couldn't risk the slightest movement just yet.

Releasing her breath and her magic Green floated softly down to the ground again. *Now the question is where do I go. Clive has been down this path already and I'm not certain that there are still any orbs left this way. On the other hand I know there are a bunch of pathways I didn't take at all so I'm sure Clive is the same… unless he sprinted down them all… but he shouldn't have the mana for that… But then again, how large is the maze? Thyme never told us… perhaps he was actually really close and the fact it took so long to meet up was because he checked everything.*

*Ultimately I have no way of knowing. Instead I should look at this as a question of if I should try and remain sneaking behind him or go in the direction I know Clive isn't. I guess that makes it a rather easy question then doesn't it. *

*First things first though, a short break.* Green moved up to sit in the corner and wrapped herself in her cloak. Green breathed deeply and entered into a meditative state to try and recover her mana. To Green's surprise the air was actually packed with it. *Is this intentional? Did Thyme design this maze to provide extra mana to the contestants? Or is it residual from such a large spellcasting.*

*Wait, that must be why Clive was running full sprint, he has extra mana recovery from whatever this effect is. That means I can likely do the same… but perhaps not quite as fast. I could hear Clive coming, and if I'm too loud the others will hear me and maybe they'd rather attack.*

Green was perfectly happy to avoid fighting Clive, sure there wasn't enough orbs for her to find if she wanted to win, but that was only if everyone had picked up all the orbs closest to them. Green was sure that she could find a few more just from exploring… with a bit of luck.

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