D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 91: A Fun Little Game

Chapter 91: A Fun Little Game

The Thyme in the back stood much taller than the three kneeling, not just from the fact they were standing but because they were at least eight feet tall, towering over Green as well. It had a judge's wig and a black cloak covering the body. In Thyme's hand was a long weapon that looked like a cross between a judge's gavel and a reaper's scythe with a flat rounded end on one side and a long sharpened blade on the other.

"Breaking character for a moment" said the cloaked Thyme as he shrunk down to a more reasonable size. "This challenge has a few unique rules. Firstly no lies will be told during this event in accordance to the scenario. Secondly nobody actually died, this whole scenario has been made up. Thirdly an incorrect sentence dished out by you will cost you an orb. We will be investigating three murders, and only once they have all be covered will you have a chance to guess. Once everything has been laid out you me anyone one question which I will answer in full. The only exception to that is asking directly for the name of the murderer or asking me to point them out or something like that. Finally, you may leave at any time"

Judge Thyme stretched himself back up to 'full height' and a spotlight shone down upon it as it shouted "Now, take your places, for I am judge and executioner, who has travelled many miles to appear before you. Our jury of one is now present, and so are the accused. Let the trial commence"

Wooden platforms responded to Judge's call as they lifted the three bound Thymes from the floor and a light was turned on for the first Thyme. They were a short and stocky version of Thyme, with powerful limbs. This Thyme was wearing a blacksmiths apron with various slots for tools though it was empty at the moment. To the side of this Thyme was a small hammer and a few wooden pegs.

"The first accused is a builder of minor fame. He was once the town blacksmith but developed a rare skin condition among dwarves that prevented him from working the forge. As such he took instead to construction and has lived in town since he was young. To his side are the tools that were on his person at the time of apprehension, please refer to him as Builder."

The light went off on Builder's platform to highlight the next Thyme. This one was short like the first but was thin and wiry looking slightly malnourished. They were covered in rags so dirty that you could no longer discern what colour they might have been originally. To it's side was an old dagger, rusted with the edges serrated and chipped from years of overuse and poor care. Their face was covered with black dust making it hard to see their expression.

"The second accused is a poor street urchin, struggling to survive. Nobody knows how they arrived in our small town, not even the poor boy. He has had a hard life, and is only trying to survive. Nonetheless, his dagger might have been bloodied when he found it originally, but has it drunk again since? You may call him Beggar"

Once again the light dimmed on Beggar and highlighted the third and final platform. This one contained a very feminine Thyme, made obvious by the tight fitting robes that they wore. The garment was grey and stained with blood. The figure also wore grey gloves though they were stained more thoroughly with a variety of alchemical ingredients. This Thyme was actually the tallest on the platform and kneeled proudly. On the ground surrounding the doctor was various vials and a small rubber mallet.

"The third accused is a young surgeon of little renown. They have only just finished their apprenticeship and is still unexperienced. Nonetheless the residence of the small town counts their blessings that she would be the one to attend them, for her kind and gentle demeanour and reassuring voice does wonders for the patients, perhaps more so then her medical skill. You may call her, Doctor"

The light dimmed on Doctor, and Judge spoke again "Now that the light of justice has shone upon the accused, let us turn ourselves to the gruesome murders that have been performed this past night"

Judge threw his arms towards the side where another light began to shine down on a small set portraying the scene of the first murder. It showed a corpse of Thyme in the shadow of a building under construction. There were bricks piled nearby as well as wood and a few other things of little note. The ground seemed to be the standard compacted dirt pathing of small and developing towns.

And the corpse itself was in horrible condition. The head had been completely destroyed with nothing remaining. Blood coated the body and clothes of the victim as well as some of the ground nearby. There was no other visible wounds, but Green could determine with head trauma like that there didn't need to be. Just as Green was sure she'd seen everything she also noticed a small piece of dark dirt covered cloth attached to part of the roof.

"This is the site of the first murder. It is near ongoing construction on the edge of town. The murder was performed late at night. There were no witnesses. Most apparent cause of death is the large amount of head trauma sustained from a blunt force. Onto the next one"

The second scene showed an indoors scene with the light streaming in from a window instead of above. This appeared to be the house of the victim. This knew Thyme had their hands collapsed over the collar bone. The corpses face was covered in small red dots and had a tattoo of a flower on their lower chin. They had a deep gash where Green knew their heart to be. Despite the size of the cut, no blood was present in the surrounding room other, but a small amount was present around the area of the cut. Green did note however, that in the corner of the room, was a thin piece of wire.

"The site of the second murder. Poor Maurice, murdered in his own home. There are no witnesses. This murder took place an hour after the first, but still in the middle of the night. Most apparent cause of death is a stab to the heart."

The third and final scene was the most shocking of all. Thyme was skewered to a wall. Every few centimetres was another wooden stake that plunged through the body and into the wall behind it. The details of the individual were impossible to make out, as they were now more wooden stake then person. There was twenty large wooden stakes and uncountable small shards of wood that littered the body. Each stake was twisted and gnarled a dark black like wood from an old tree dying tree and contrasted with the cleanly lined brown wooden body of all the Thymes. Green couldn't find any seemingly hidden things in the area this time.

"The final site… Well there isn't much to say really? Pinned to a wall, and you can't even tell who it was. This was found in the centre of town just before sunrise. Now, please ask your question Green"

Green thought for a moment before asking confidently "Please tell me everything about the poison used to kill the second victim"

"Are you sure that is your second question? How do you know they were poisoned? If they were not poisoned, you will simply be told you have wasted your question. Is this acceptable?" said Judge


"Indeed, you are correct, the second victim was poisoned, though this may not have been the cause of death, only the supplement. They used a very rare poison known as the Last Breath. It is made from several ingredients, though most of the ingredients used in it are common and can be found throughout the kingdom, the rarest and most expensive of is Vacriacress all can only be found in the darkest corner of the sewers in small cities.

"The other ingredients are all much more common. Arriltro, a common spice sold in every market, Viper Weed a nasty pest that grows in every garden, Ubbiavil moss, which grows in the nearby forests and the slightly rarer Ivory Blossom, is a common but well hidden plant that disguises itself as marble and eats through the surrounding rock. It is well liked by alchemists but hated by masons, thus most buildings are treated against it.

"The effects of Last Breath are likely as you would imagine, they make it difficult for the target to breathe, resulting in a lack of oxygen and sluggish movement, making it easier for them to be taken down in combat.

"Does this sufficiently answer your question Green?" said Judge looking down at Green from his full height.

"Yes, I do believe it does" whispered Green, not willing to look the imposing figure in the eye. "I'm certain I know who it is, though I just need to go through everything once more"

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