Demon's Virtue

Chapter 133 - Abilities

"A storage ability?" Rudy asked, actually growing kind of excited after the incinuation of this, and Eiro nodded his head immediately, "Yes, I think so... You kind of have that scent to you, at least. The same kind that I have myself, and that my bag has as well." Eiro explained, and then closed his eyes and leaned in a bit closer, trying to smell again, "Although yours is a lot more concentrated... not stronger, just... clearer." The Demon pointed out, and Rudy kept preparing the food on the small makeshift table built out of some boxes and a wooden board as he slowly furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hmm... How do you usually use your treasury ability?" Rudy asked, and Eiro quickly explained.

"It's pretty easy, actually. I basically have this image of a room in my head, and that room has some bookshelves, displays, a table, and so on. And then, when I want to take something out of that room, I just imagine myself in front of it and try to grab it from where I put it down last time." The Demon explained and quickly displayed this by pushing his hand forward to grab one of his books out of his treasury as if he was pulling it out of a bookshelf.

"That's it, basically. After I was using it for a while, I just kind of got the hang of it and pretty easily understood the rules of how everything works. So just keep at it." Eiro suggested, and then looked down at Rudy's hands with a smile, "Need me to help with anything?"

Slowly, after a bit of thought, the young man nodded his head and turned around toward the carriage, "Yes, actually. Could you get me the metal rack and pans from inside?" He asked, and Eiro swiftly did just that and stepped into the carriage and pulled out these metal items from underneath the seats before bringing them outside, and then noticed Felix just leaning against a tree next to where they stopped.

Arc and Clementine were currently taking care of the two Aria, Rudy was cooking and Sammy was looking after the children, but Felix didn't really have anything to do right now. So, with a slight sigh, Eiro looked at the young man.

"Hey, make yourself useful, will you?" The Demon said, and just so slightly startled at being pulled out of his thoughts, Rudy looked back at Eiro with a blank expression, "Could you collect some firewood? Don't worry, there's no monster or dangerous animal around here, and I'm not noticing any people either." Eiro said reassuredly, and Felix just slowly nodded and then took a few steps forward before walking a bit further into the forest while looking at the ground.

And meanwhile, Eiro already set the metal rack down on the ground and prepared the rock-border for the campfire, setting the pots down next to that campfire. And once he noticed that Felix was really far enough away, Eiro hurried over toward Avalin.

"Come on, sweety, let's take those contacts out again. Sorry that you had to wear them immediately this morning." Eiro said apologetically, but Avalin just shook her head with a broad grin, "That's okie! I don't mind~!" She explained, so Eiro just lightly ran his hand through her hair and smiled as he helped her take the contacts out again before placing them into their thin box, which he then stored inside of his satchel again.

"But won't Felix see it like this?" Sammy asked with a bit of concern, and Eiro just nodded his head, "He will. But it's not good for Avalin to be wearing these the whole time like this. Don't worry, I'll do my best so that Felix won't notice." The Demon pointed out, and Sammy nervously looked down at the young girl with a slight frown.

And just then, Leon started slightly groaning and looked at Eiro, "Daddy... It's scratching again..." He muttered quietly, and with no hesitation whatsoever, Eiro pushed his hand into the satchel by his side and pulled one of Leon's bottles he had in there out of it. Right now, they split it up so that everyone here had easy access to at least one bottle for either Sammy or Leon at any time, with Eiro carrying the rest of them with him for safekeeping.

It's been seven days again since Leon had to take the concoction the last time, so the Demon was already waiting for Leon to say something like this. Eiro pulled the bottle open and then looked at Leon, who was as ready to complain as ever.

"No! That icky thing..." Leon protested, but Eiro slowly took off his mask and looked at Leon with a light smile, "Don't worry, you just have to drink this a couple more times and then never again, alright?"

"Hmm..." The young boy groaned and tiredly looked at the bottle with the dark liquid inside of it, "Can I drink it for all the times I need to right now so that I don't have to again?" He asked, but with a slight chuckle Eiro shook his head.

"I wish you could. Come on, just to make the itch go away, alright?" Eiro told Leon, and he slowly nodded his head and had Eiro slowly held it up to Leon's mouth. The boy's face crumpled up in anticipation of this concoction's taste, before Eiro slowly poured the bottle's content into Leon's mouth.

Once it was all in there, Leon immediately held his hands in front of his mouth, but Eiro could tell that the concoction was still just sitting in there, "Come on, swallow, Leon." Eiro said reassuredly, and Leon slowly nodded his head and as if he had to force his whole body for this, quickly had the liquid flow down his throat.

And after Eiro confirmed this was really the case, he smiled at Leon and rubbed his hand through his hair, "Good job. Here, have some water as well." Eiro suggested and pulled out a flask filled with water from his satchel before handing it to Leon, who quickly poured it into his mouth to get rid of the bad taste.

"Thank you." Leon said after handing the flask back to Eiro, who simply placed it back into his bag and then put his mask back on.

"Now, go back to playing with Avalin, alright?" The Demon suggested, before Leon just nodded his head quietly. At this point, it seemed like Felix managed to get a little bit of good firewood and brought it back to them.

Eiro quickly received it and chose to place it down properly in the fireplace he made, before grabbing the firesnappers that Armodeus gave him yesterday, placing them on his wooden fingers. With a loud snap, sparks flew outward that then turned into small flames that were simply pressed into the fire by Eiro.

This received a little bit of attention from Felix, however, "How... How is your hand not catching fire? Or at least turning singed?"

With a light shrug, Eiro looked at his wooden hand as he controlled the fire in the fireplace to slowly grow, "It's a special type of wood. The same kind you use for some sorts of staffs. If you were a pyromancer with a flammable staff, that would be no good, right? But even then, the greatest staffs are still always made of wood." EIro pointed out, "It has a little bit to do with the mana that was poured into it to make the tree this wood comes from grow in the first place. Since mana is something that can be used to defy the laws of nature, this same princible applies to this wood. It's wood that doesn't react to fire. Although, the only actual reason it's like that is because of my affinity with the fire element, and..." The Demon kept explaining, although he soon noticed that Felix was a little bit overwhelmed at hearing Eiro ramble on like that. So, he stopped and scratched the back of his head with a light chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry, it's a habit." Eiro apologized, but Felix immediately shook his head, "It's fine, I-... I don't mind, really." He replied quietly, and Eiro slowly nodded and turned around to head toward Rudy to see if he could help him any more, "Just ask anyone if there's something you can help with if you get bored." The Demon suggested as he left, and Felix quietly just stood there, feeling as if everyone in the group was currently staring at him.

Eiro knew that Felix was feeling uncomfortable, but the Demon would prefer him to be uncomfortable than dead. Weirdly enough, considering that just yesterday, Eiro was the one that wanted to kill Felix in the first place.

Either way, for now, Eiro just chose to help Rudy prepare food some more. It didn't take them that long either, although it was a little bit prolonged throug Rudy trying to store whatever he could inside of the storage space he didn't even know how to access yet. Storage abilities were incredibly rare, so it was hard to find information about them. And especially since this was an ability that came from a Unique Class that Rudy could only get through his combination of two extremely potent unique skills, there most likely was nobody that could answer any sort of question about this ability. They would just have to wait and see, basically.

But either way, Rudy wasn't the only one that got a new ability. And so, while they were eating, Eiro chose to ask everyone what their new abilities were.

The first to speak up was Arc, who proudly explained the name of his ability, "It's called Fadeout! I have no idea what it does, but it sounds cool!" He explained, and while Eiro thought that fadeout actually sounded weirdly like the ability of a berserker, which could be seen as fading out everything around you and attacking anything any everything in reach, he was sure it wasn't going to turn out to be that... Or at least that's what Eiro was hoping.

Next, Sammy explained, "Mine is called 'Call of the Siren'. It's obviously voice related, but I don't really know how..." She pointed out, and Eiro just slowly nodded. Even if she knew, she may not even be able to properly use it, since the skill that gave her that class, and with that this ability, was currently not usable for her.

"Mine is called 'Healer's keen eye'!" Clementine exclaimed next, and finally there was an ability-name that seemed to explain what exactly the skill was about directly. Eiro slowly nodded his head with a relieved sigh that he could help somehow at least, "I've heard that some healers get the ability to discern different injuries from one another. It sounds to be something like that." The Demon explained, before Clementine just smiled at Eiro brightly.

"Hehe, that would be great!" She replied happily, and Eiro just thought about it some more for a while. Maybe it would be something that lets her figure out what kinds of abilities would be troublesome to Clementine. Even if it should be nearly impossible for her to die even if she took over the wound of someone whose throat was cut, this was the kind of injury that brought a lot of other issues with it.

Sure, she had an amazing compatibility with healing, so much that any of her wounds may be able to be healed instantly without any issues, but Eiro still didn't want to see that cheerful young girl in pain like that.

But while Eiro was still deep in thought, it seemed like Felix took it onto himself to try and integrate into the group, and then looked at Eiro with a nervous smile to try and start a conversation, "I know it might be none of my business, but what's your class? You seem to have gotten an interesting ability from it."

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