Demon's Virtue

Chapter 52 - Eiro

While the Imp stared forward at the figure of the a Lord's body collapsing, a number of notifications appeared.

[Lethal Damage done to the Lord of Lust]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]




[You leveled up!]

[You have 28 Unusued Stat Points]

[You have slain one of <The Devil>'s Experiments]

[<The Devil> doesn't take kindly to this]

The Imp slowly turned around and looked at the number of demons, still huddling around Arc. It seemed like even if they didn't die, they were still hit at least momentarily, and as such they had to first recover from the Damage done to them before they were able to move.

And so, the Imp just grabbed them wherever he could and pulled them away from Arc's body, before grabbing the young boy by the arm to pull him away. Of course, the first thing that the Imp did was use the white cloth to give Arc something to cover himself up with, and then he quickly rubbed some of the blood on his body away before putting his clothes back on. He didn't want to reek of this Lord's disgusting blood when he got back to the others, so that's why he took his clothes off just then.

Then, the moment that they had all that they needed on them, the Imp simply took Arc's hand before he pulled him away out of this side-alley, and quickly headed toward the nearest large street, although the buildings seemed to slowly start collapsing.

At this point, the tower of the Lord of Greed had fully collapsed onto the town below, and from what the Imp could see in the distance, so did the towers of the Lord of Pride and Envy. The town of the Lord of Gluttony still seemed to be standing, at least compared to those others, but there were still a lot of different things going on there. And the Lord of Sloth's tower still just had a few chunks missing in it, although it was alright otherwise.

And for some reason, this sight of chaos all around this place that was just so unkind to him and the children filled him with joy, and the Imp could simply continue pulling Arc along toward the human town in the distance.

Most of the Demons around him seemed to be practically undisturbed by what was happening to the town around them, and continued on doing whatever they were already doing beforehand, while the Imp just scowled at them and went on together with the boy, before they finally reached the gate of the town and stepped through them.

It seemed like a lot of the Humans that lived here had gone outside onto the streets again in response to the loud sounds of chaos surrounding this town, and they were especially staring at the Imp as he stepped through the streets with a sobbing child in tow.

And just then, the fat, lazy Guard that let them enter the town with the carriage before stopped the Imp. Not to mention the food-covered clothes he was wearing, his expression was both exhausted and horrified as he fell to his knees in front of the Imp.

"Wh-What's going on?! I thought as long as we held up our side, you would all stay here! Do you know how many people we sacrificed for yo-" The Guard exclaimed, but before he could finish, had the Imp's dagger in his chest.

"Oh, so it really was you people that made the Lords appear?" The Imp asked, and the thinly, nervous young man that was with the Fat Guard instantly ran up to him.

"Y-You, what are you doing?!" He exclaimed, and the Imp slowly pushed the Dagger deeper into the Guard's heart, just glaring at the young man.

"That's what I would like to know. Because of you, I nearly lost the children. I lost my finger. Nearly died numerous times. And all that just for you to have a little fun?" The moment that the Imp asked this, he pulled the dagger out of the chest of this Guard and pushed it back into his body right through his eye.

[Lethal Damage done to Eric Kirks]

The moment that this round, heavy body collapsed on the ground, the young man next to him fell backward and just stared at the Imp in fear.

"Wh-What... Leave, please! Don't hurt us! You killed him, so we're even, right?" The young man asked, his knees shaking wildly as he tried to get used to this horrible feeling.

"Sure." The Imp said with a smile, stepping away beside the Guard's limb body together with Arc, who seemed to be slowly calming down, and the young man and the onlookers stared at the Imp confused, and the young Demon himself just looked into the Sky toward the dark red 'moon', seeing that it was nearly by the horizon.

And so, the Imp quickly brought the boy to the Inn while everyone in this town stepped aside the moment they saw him. Just a few moments later, the Imp pushed the Inn door open and stepped inside, quickly finding the children huddled up together inbetween two of the beds.

"We're back." He said, and immediately, the children raised their heads and stared at the two figures in the doorway, before they jumped up all at once and rushed toward them, before one of them pointed out one more small thing.

"Mister... your... your hand is..." Sammy muttered quietly as she looked over at it, and the Imp slowly turned to take a look at it.

Beside the blood seeping out of the poorly-closed wound where his finger once was, the Imp basically had no single intact patch of skin left on there, as it was all either slowly burnt away by the holy cloth, the Holy Energy Magic Stones, or just now the explosive combination of three different Magic Stones.

The Imp did take a lot of damage throughout this night, and while most of it always recovered again, there were currently a constant 200 Health missing that weren't recovered again.

"Don't worry." The Imp said clearly, before slowly looking around the room. "Take everything you can carry, we are going back to the Carriage." He announced, slowly walking over to some of the books spread across this room, before picking them up with his left hand. He was barely able to move his right one at the moment.

The children, one after another, helped and chose to pick up some of the other books as well before following the Imp outside as he headed toward the Stables.

There, it didn't take long to find the owner of the stables either, who they quickly asked to take the carriage out. Of course he was surprised to find out that the man he had met before was actually a Demon, but for the most part, he didn't seem too shocked to do his job. And so, when the Children sat back down inside of the Carriage, the Imp slowly sat down at the front and tried to remember what exactly Arc always did and what he was told before when they entered the town and the Imp took over, and the Imp tried to somehow steer the Carriage toward the closest Gate, and the blood-red moon went down beyond the horizon, before the Demonic Town simply disappeared in a flash the moment that the day's first sunlight streamed across the world.

The Gate in front of the Imp also changed back to the one that the Imp passed coming in here, but he still had something else that he wanted to do here. He stepped off of the carriage and directly toward the building that was next to him, which still had its door broken down from last night. The Corpse of the Tenaga Jin had disappeared by now, however.

And as the Imp was standing there, someone else walked up to him again. And it was the young man from before again, who was seemingly just pretty shocked to see the Imp standing there for some reason.

"How are you still here?! You Demons disappear every morning!" He exclaimed, and the Imp nodded his head.

"Those Demons? Yes. Me? No." The Imp pointed out, and slowly stepped up to the young man, before stabbing the blade of the Three of Swords directly into his leg, slashing through it to make him drop to the ground, before doing the same to his other leg as well, to make sure he couldn't stand up.

"Now, you spoke about being even, didn't you?" He asked, slowly stepping up to the screaming young man before grabbing him by the hair, dragging him into the Bookshop. This actually was very exhausting and painful to even the Imp, because he had to use both hands, and one of them was utterly fucked up at the moment.

Once in there, the Imp stood in front of the young man and manipulated the three of swords to cut into his chest a little. Of course he was being heavily damaged right now, and that would surely continue on for a while, but for now, the young man wouldn't die from this wound yet, at least that's what he was hoping.

He was doing this for a very specific reason, after all.

And so, having cut his chest open, the Imp simply pushed one of his last Fire Magic Stones into that wound, as deep as he could, until it reached the man's heart.

Just like that, the Imp once more hurt himself by burning his fingers on the stone, as it was currently being kept active by this man's body, while the flames seeped through his very being and started to burn him to ashes, using the books around him as fuel to spread the fire around.

Satisfied at the fact that this man still didn't die just yet, the Imp stepped out of the bookstore and sat back down on the front of the carriage, driving it out of the town, which had just started to catch fire behind him.

The Imp wasn't entirely sure where he was supposed to be going right now, and he didn't know what to do next. He still had that urge to bring the Priestess away to somewhere, but it was far weaker than it was before, so the Imp was thinking about maybe just not doing that. Maybe they should just head off to some place and live there peacefully. That sounded good enough, didn't it?

And so, for now, the Imp just brought the carriage to a halt about an hour away, which seemed far enough away from that town, right next to a small pond, and then walked up to the back of the carriage to open the door up.

"You can come out now." The imp told them, and quite nervously and slowly the children did as told, placing their feet onto the cold ground in front of them.

"Everything's back to normal now, right?" Rudy asked nervously as he grasped his arm, and the Imp slowly nodded his head in response. "It is, yes." He replied, and the children slowly started to relax, before the Imp pointed at the pond.

"Let's clean ourselves up."

With a nod, they followed the Imp to the small body of water, and the Imp slowly placed his hand into the water, and while the Imp expected a painful stinging, what he found was rather different... He felt nothing. Blood streamed outward from his wounds on his hand, but the Imp didn't feel anything, Confused, he slowly pushed his teeth against his arm to see if he felt any pain at all, and soon just pulled back when he noticed that he did.

With a slight sigh, the Imp stared forward into the water, before Arc sat down directly next to him. "You... Don't have a name yet, right?" He asked, and the Imp slowly shook his head.

"I don't." The Imp replied, before noticing that the other children, Sammy carrying Leon, and Rudy carrying the Priestess, walked up behind him as well.

"Can we still give you a name?" Sammy then asked, and the Imp nodded his head.

"You can." The young Demon said, and then looked to his left as Clementine sat down next to him.

"We came up with one just now..." She admitted, and Rudy slowly, nervously spoke up as well.

"You saved us... And you got hurt for us... That's why we could only choose one name for you..." The young boy said quietly, and the Imp just kept staring into the water, while Arc spoke again.

"The name of the first Hero...." He muttered, "Eiro."

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