Destiny Transfer System

Chapter 27 Become My Personal Maid

~Yue Jang pov~

I was happy that my plan was going well but suddenly this guy appeared and he destroyed my plan just by simply stating facts as my mass headed servant revealed my identity accidentally.

'This man is abnormal' I heard a voice in my head.

"What do you mean by that master? He is just a Enlightment realm cultivator."I said to my master as we have a soul connection so we can talk easily with it.

"How do I say this like he had a special body but I can't find anything or detect anything special from him but at the same time I feel it's dangerous" Yideng muttered.

"What do you mean by that? What could be dangerous about him?" Yue Jang asked Yideng, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm not entirely sure," Yideng replied, his voice low and serious. "There's something about him that just doesn't add up. It's like he's hiding something, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is."

Yue Jang studied the man carefully, trying to find any clues that might explain Yideng's unease, but he couldn't detect anything out of the ordinary.

"Do you think he's a threat?" Yue Jang asked Yideng, his voice tense.

"I don't know, But we need to be careful." Yideng replied

The more Yue Jang thought about it, the more he realized that Yideng might be right. The man seemed too calm, too collected for someone who was just an Enlightenment realm cultivator.

"I will ask for more information about this Wang Chen from Yue Luang, since they seem to have some sort of history. By the way Master, what should I do about the maid ?" Yue Jang glanced at the maid and he could see that the maid was looking at him with disgust.

"If your plan doesn't work, then try tempting her with something she can't resist. She's just a mortal after all" Yideng sighed as he couldn't understand his only disciple was quite lustful and didn't focus much on cultivation and went to the brothel anytime he was free or picked a female disciple to satisfy his lust.

~Pov End~

"Hey, why don't you become my personal maid?" Yue Jang suggested it to the woman. "You'll get a lot of perks, trust me."   Yue Jang said as he only thought that this time was the same as he was lustful for her body. And he was sure as his status is quite high  in the sect and a mortal will definitely not reject such high benefits.

"No" Li Mei said without hesitation.

" Let's go huh ?" What did you just say ?" Yue Jang was taken aback as he didn't even consider the maid rejecting him.

"Do you know who I am ? I'm one of the core disciples in the sect " Yue Jang thought that this maid considered him as just an inner disciple.

"I don't care who you are," Li Mei retorted, her eyes flashing with defiance.

Yue Jang felt a sudden pang of humiliation as Li Mei's response echoed through the courtyard, causing a few passersby to snicker and stare in his direction. He felt like he had just been slapped in the face.

'Hehehe, You are really a lustful protagonist who prefers  thinking from their dick than using their own brain.' Wang chuckled as he saw Yue Jang's face turn red with embarrassment.

'Do you really think that she would be so easily swayed by the promise of a few benefits?' Wang Chen scoffed as he watched Yue Jang's failed attempt to convince her. 'She is a daughter of luck as well. She's not going to sell herself out for some measly benefits, no matter how small or big  they are. Even though she's just a mortal, she has her pride and dignity.'

'If it weren't for my timely intervention, you might have succeeded in convincing her to become your personal maid.' He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he had arrived just in time. If he had been even a little later, the outcome could have been very different.


Li Mei was brought to the sect by the second elder after her entire village was destroyed, and she was the only survivor. Unfortunately, she lacked cultivation talent, which meant that she could only work as a servant. Despite her low status, she was a strikingly beautiful maid, which made her a target for many of the lustful men in the sect. However, since she was specifically brought by the second elder, no one dared to force themselves upon her.

As Li Mei went about her daily chores, she could feel the leering stares of the men around her. But Li Mei despised the lecherous men who leered at her, and she couldn't help but think of the bandits who had destroyed her village. They had been just like these men, driven by their own desires and lacking any sense of morality or decency. Li Mei knew all too well the destruction that could result from unchecked lust, and she refused to be a victim of it.

She had witnessed firsthand the destruction that unchecked lust could cause when the bandits who destroyed her village raped her mother right in front of her. Li Mei could do nothing but hide in fear, and the memory of her mother's brutal violation haunted her every day.

And now she thought that Yue Jang came to save her but in the end it was another lustful man who just desired her body.


"And my master is giving me leave by making me sick," Li Mei said, shooting a resentful glance toward Wang Chen.

"Why is she looking at me with resentment? And what's with master? Wait, don't tell me.….."

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