Destiny Transfer System

Chapter 85 Liang Wei Status

Chapter 85 Liang Wei Status

Wang Chen asked, "What should we do with the little girl?"

Liang Wei replied, "Let's ask her first."

Wang Chen then turned to Su Ling and inquired, "How did you end up here?"

Su Ling explained, "My name is Su Ling. My father said this merchant trip would be easy and that there would be no difficulty, as our family is a merchant group. I listened to him and joined the trip to gain some experience."

After hearing Su Ling's story, both Wang Chen and Liang Wei understood that the bandits took advantage of the opportunity to attack, but ultimately were killed in the end by them.

Wang Chen looked at Su Ling with a sense of empathy and concern. He knew how hard it could be to be caught in the middle of danger and uncertainty, especially for someone as young as Su Ling. Liang Wei, on the other hand, had a more practical approach and suggested that they should ask Su Ling about her family and their business, as it could help them better understand the situation they were in.

Wang Chen nodded in agreement and turned his attention back to Su Ling. "Do you know where your family is now? And what about the other merchants on this trip?" he asked, hoping to gather more information.

Su Ling shook her head. "I don't know. When the bandits attacked, everyone scattered and ran in different directions. I ended up running here and hid behind those rocks," she explained, pointing towards the boulder she had been hiding behind.

Wang Chen and Liang Wei exchanged a worried glance, realizing that Su Ling was alone and separated from her family. However, they also knew that they had to be cautious and think carefully about their next steps.

After a moment of silence, Wang Chen spoke up. "It's getting late and we can't stay here for long. We should take Su Ling with us and keep moving towards the town. We can keep an eye out for any other survivors or any sign of her family on the way," he suggested.

Liang Wei nodded in agreement and they both helped Su Ling to her feet. As they made their way towards the town, they remained alert, keeping an eye out for any potential danger. They knew that their journey was far from over and that they had to remain vigilant to ensure their safety and that of Su Ling's.

'All things are going according to plan.' Wang Chen thought.

"System show me Liang Wei status."

[ Ding 5000 Destiny Points needed to see protagonist Liang Wei status. ]

"System, aren't you asking too much? Previously you didn't ask for such a High number." Wang Chen complained.

[ Does the host want to see or not ? ]

"Sigh! I want to see what unreasonable system behaviour is." Wang Chen muttered.

[ Ding! Consuming 5000 Destiny Points to see Liang Wei status. ]

[ Status ]

[ Name : Liang Wei

Luck : Golden

Cultivation Realm : Golden Core 5th stage

Talent : Royal Grade Cultivation Talent, Profound Grade wind Talent

Special Body : None

Favorability : 40

Treasure : 10000 Destiny Points needed to know

Technique : 10000 Destiny Points needed to know

Destiny : 15000 Destiny Points needed to know

Chances : 20000 Destiny Points needed to know ]

"Did you crash? Why are the Destiny Points so high that you need to know? It's my hardened Points how could you ask for so many ?" Wang Chen cried in his heart seeing the destiny Points needed to see the protagonist cheats and all.

[ Ding! System didn't crash nor was it an error. It's just that the protagonist level is that high, if he wasn't the righteous type from the start then you would be on the side feet under the ground. ]

"Why are you taking high amount of destiny Points everytime." Wang Chen said but he didn't get a response.

" I will see the chances system!" Wang Chen said.

[ Ding! Are you sure you want to see the chances of Liang Wei consuming 20000 Destiny Points?" ]

"Yes I'm sure" Wang Chen said with determination.

[ Ding! Consuming 20000 Destiny Points to see the chances of Liang Wei.]

[ Chances:-

As Liang Wei searched for the elusive dragon grass, he stumbled upon a tall tree with a peculiar object underneath it. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a vial of dragon blood, a substance said to hold immense power. Without hesitation, Liang Wei consumed the dragon blood, and almost immediately he felt his body begin to change. The dragon blood coursed through his veins, altering his body in ways he could never have imagined. As he stood there, he felt his skin harden and his muscles bulge with new strength. It was as if he had gained the ability of dragon absolute defense, making him impervious to all forms of harm. Liang Wei couldn't believe it; he had become more than just a mere mortal, he was now a force to be reckoned with.

As Liang Wei helped Su Ling return home, he was shocked to learn that her own father had intentionally sent her on that dangerous merchant trip with the hopes that she would not return alive. Liang Wei and Wang Chen's intervention had foiled the father's plan and saved Su Ling's life. However, as they brought Su Ling back to her home, her father attempted to kill all three of them. Liang Wei, with his remarkable strength, was able to escape with Su Ling and Wang Chen, but the trio stumbled upon an ancient tomb. As they entered the tomb, Liang Wei discovered many rare and valuable resources, including some that were legendary. Through his training, Liang Wei was able to utilize these resources to improve his cultivation base significantly.





Wang Chen was astonished as he looked at the chances of Liang Wei. He couldn't believe how lucky Liang Wei was to have so many opportunities available to him, and none of them seemed insignificant. Wang Chen felt a sense of envy as he couldn't help but think how fortunate Liang Wei was to have such good luck.

"I should loot the first opportunity." Wang Chen spoke as he glanced at Liang Wei with a kind smile.

"Should we start to find the dragon grass?" Wang Chen asked.

"Yeah, according to the map this area is where there are chances of finding dragon grass." Liang Wei replied.

"Su Ling you should walk slowly now there is no danger here as there is no wild beast so you should be safe we will go to find dragon grass." Wang Chen spoke.

"Okay." Su Ling replied.

After Liang Wei and Wang Chen parted ways, Wang Chen ran as fast as he could, eager to find the dragon blood that he had been searching for. He knew that finding it would be crucial to advancing his cultivation, and he was determined to locate it as quickly as possible.

As he searched for tall trees, he came across many that seemed promising, but after digging around them, he found nothing. Frustration began to mount within him, but he refused to give up. He was sure that he would find the dragon blood if he kept looking.

Finally, after much searching, he decided to head in Liang Wei's direction, thinking that perhaps he had missed something. Fortunately, he didn't have to travel far before he came upon a tree that looked different from the others. It was larger and more imposing, and something about it caught his eye.

He approached the tree, and as he got closer, he began to feel a sense of anticipation. This was it, he thought. This was where he would find the dragon blood. He started digging, using his hands to scrape away the dirt and debris around the base of the tree. He worked quickly, his heart racing with excitement.

Finally, after several minutes of digging, he saw something glinting in the dirt. He brushed away the remaining soil and saw that it was an old porcelain bottle, glowing with a dark red light. He knew immediately that this was what he had been looking for. Inside the bottle was the precious dragon blood.

Wang Chen's heart was pounding with excitement as he carefully picked up the porcelain bottle. He felt the warmth emanating from the bottle and knew that it was indeed filled with dragon blood. He couldn't believe his luck, as this was a rare and precious find that could greatly benefit his cultivation.

Wang Chen opened the bottle and inhaled the rich aroma of the dragon blood. He knew that consuming it would bring great changes to his body and improve his strength. He couldn't wait to try it out and see the effects it would have on him. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, Wang Chen sat down cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate.

[ Due to my current hospitalization, I am finding it difficult to write coherently as my hands are tethered with needles and my thoughts may be affected by the medication. Please accept my apologies if my writing is not up to my usual standard.]

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