Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Chapter 89 Got The Evidence

Wang Chen and Liang Wei woke up early in the morning and met up in the hall. They both looked a bit tired from the events of the previous night. After exchanging a quick nod, they made their way to Su Song's chambers to report what had happened.

As they reached Su Song's room, they saw him sitting on his chair, reading some documents. Su Song looked up and saw both of them standing at the door, waiting to speak.

"Good morning, what brings you both here?" Su Song asked.

Wang Chen explained in detail what had happened the previous night, about the assassins entering their room and trying to kill them. He also expressed his doubts about someone in the house having a hand in this.

Su Song listened carefully and once Wang Chen had finished, he asked a few questions to clarify the details. After some discussion, Su Song realized the severity of the situation and told them that he would take action against this matter immediately.

"I will conduct a thorough investigation and find out who is behind this. Rest assured, justice will be served," Su Song said firmly.

Wang Chen and Liang Wei were satisfied with Su Song's response and thanked him. They left the room and returned to their own chambers to continue with their daily routines.

Su Song sat back in his chair, deep in thought. He had hoped that the assassination attempt on Wang Chen would have been successful, but it had failed, and now he was worried about the consequences. He slammed his hand on the table in frustration, causing some papers to fly off the surface.

He muttered to himself, "Dammit, the assassin plan was a complete failure. And judging by the way they're acting, I'm sure they're already suspicious of us. We can't afford to lose their trust so easily."

He leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair as he considered his next move. He knew that Wang Chen and Liang Wei were not ordinary people, and if they caught wind of his plans, it could mean trouble for him and his associates.

After a few moments of deep thought, Su Song came to a decision. He would have to change his approach and come up with a new plan to deal with Wang Chen and Liang Wei. 

"What, you guys were attacked? Are you both safe? You are not hurt, right?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. Su Ling approached Wang Chen and Liang Wei, examining them for any injuries.

Su Ling was visibly worried and concerned about Wang Chen and Liang Wei's safety. She checked them both thoroughly to make sure that they were not hurt. After she was satisfied that they were safe, she turned to Wang Chen and asked him to explain everything that had happened.

Wang Chen recounted the events of the previous night, describing the assassination attempt and the three men in black robes who had entered their room. He also mentioned his suspicions that there was someone within the household who had arranged the attack.

Su Ling listened intently, her expression growing more and more serious as Wang Chen spoke. When he finished, she sat back in her chair and thought for a moment before speaking.

"This is a serious matter," she said finally. "We cannot take any chances. We need to find out who is behind this and put a stop to it before anyone else gets hurt."

Wang Chen and Liang Wei both nodded in agreement, and Su Ling continued.

"I will have some of our most trusted guards investigate this matter immediately," she said. "In the meantime, I suggest that you both stay close to me and do not wander off on your own."

Wang Chen and Liang Wei both agreed to follow Su Ling's instructions, and she promised to keep them informed of any developments in the investigation.

As they left Su Ling's room, Wang Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that they were in a dangerous situation, and that there were people within the household who could not be trusted. 

"The trusted guard that Su Ling will send most likely would be the spy of Su Song and they would report every action or activities We would do." Wang Chen contemplated his thoughts.

He pondered on the possibilities of finding a trusted ally in this household, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a long shot. He knew it was only a matter of time before Su Song made another move to try to eliminate them. Wang Chen knew that he had to come up with a plan to outsmart Su Song and his spies if he was going to survive this ordeal.

As he continued to contemplate his next move, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and anger. How could he have been so careless and allowed himself to be caught off guard like this? He knew he had to be more vigilant and careful going forward.

With a heavy sigh, Wang Chen decided to put his thoughts aside for the moment and focus on cultivating. He knew that his strength was the key to surviving in this dangerous situation. He closed his eyes, cleared his mind, and began to cultivate, pushing himself harder than ever before.

But suddenly there was a knock on the door and Wang Chen opened his eyes and said, " come in"

Liang Wei entered the room and looked at Wang Chen and said, " So you were cultivating, sorry to disturb you buy I was confused and frustrated and needed someone to talk."

Wang Chen looked at Liang Wei and said, " I'm free to talk and you came here to talk about any solution regarding yesterday night's event."

Liang Wei sighed and said, " yes my heart is not at ease here and I found there is something more to meet the eyes."

Wang Chen sighed and looked at Liang Wei. "We have to be careful. If we want to uncover the truth behind the assassination attempt, we can't let Su Song know our intentions."

Liang Wei nodded in agreement. "But how can we proceed without raising any suspicion?" he asked.

Wang Chen thought for a moment. "We need to gather more information first. We can't just jump to conclusions without any solid evidence."

"That's true," Liang Wei said, "but where do we start?"

"We need to find out who has the most to gain from our deaths," Wang Chen replied. "Who would benefit the most from our absence?"

Liang Wei nodded. "That's a good point. We should start by looking at Su Song's inner circle. There must be someone who stands to gain from our elimination."

Wang Chen agreed. "Let's keep our eyes and ears open. We'll need to be extra vigilant from now on."

"There is also a chance that Su Song wants to get rid of us." Wang Chen dropped the bomb.

"What do you mean by that ? Why would Su Song want to get rid of us?" Liang Wei asked as he didn't understand why would Wang Chen point his finger towards Su Song.

"Don't you see it's behaviour and when we reported the assassination event there wasn't a shocked expression on Su Song's face . It's like he expected this and he is saying he will take action against this but did he take it yet ? " Wang Chen spoke.

Liang Wei didn't say anything but just nodded his head as he saw the same thing and there was a suspicion regarding Su Song.

Wang Chen added, "And we need to act quickly. We don't know when Su Song will make his next move, so we need to be prepared and have enough evidence to confront him."

Liang Wei replied, "Agreed. Let's be discreet and gather as much information as we can. We'll need to work together and be careful not to raise any suspicions."

With a plan in place, Wang Chen and Liang Wei started their investigation. They discreetly talked to servants and guards, trying to gather any information that could help them uncover the truth. They also kept a close eye on Su Song's actions, trying to see if there were any patterns or clues that could give them more insight into his motives.

Days passed and they slowly pieced together more information, and eventually, they uncovered some concrete evidence that pointed towards Su Song's involvement in the assassination attempt. 

They also came to know that not just the assassination plan, the bandit attack plan was also settled by Su Song and they also realised that it was all plan to kill Su Ling.

"We have enough evidence but we cannot do anything directly to Su Song, I'm pretty sure all the elders are on his side. If they realised that we know their plan they would directly try to eliminate us." Wang Chen said.

Wang Chen then said to Liang Wei, " should we tell Su Ling about the evidence and all the other things that her father tried to kill her!"

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