Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Chapter 95 Golem Attack

"Where are we right now?" Su Ling tried to divert the topic.

Wang Chen then looked around his surroundings and it looked like they were in a cave and on the wall there were blue shiny crystals and the cave was seemed quite long and as the path was seemingly long as he looked ahead and Wang Chen is now 100% sure that this is the place where Liang Wei's opportunity is.

"From the looks, it seems like the path we came was made by someone for some unknown purpose." Wang Chen said.

Hearing this Su Ling was afraid and at the same time excited, she was afraid because there could be unknown danger lurking in behind and excited because whoever made this cave has something to hide that he wants others not to see and it could be some kind of treasure.

"Will you sit on the ground all day ?" Wang Chen spoke out loud and his voice echoing in the cave

Su Ling hurriedly stood up from the ground and then looked at Wang Chen and pointed her finger at him, " We are hiding from the enemy. If you shout like that then we will get caught."

"You.... Nevermind." Wang Chen wanted to say something but stopped abruptly as he didn't want to burn his brain cells by arguing with Su Ling. 

But the silly Su Ling took it another way, thinking that Wang Chen couldn't refute her fact and she smiled because this was her first time winning in a talk against Wang Chen and excitedly started walking towards the only path that was in front of them "Follow me, I will let you see my god level discovering skills."

'Hey Heavenly will ? Was there a shortage of girls when you gave the identity of Heroines.' Wang Chen asked but there was no one to answer it.

If Su Ling wasn't a heroine, Wang Chen wouldn't have bothered to care about her and left her already but now for Wang Chen, Su Ling is a treasure mouse who will lead him to Liang Wei's opportunity.

"Snap out of your daze!" Su Ling's voice pierced the air, laden with urgency and impatience. "We can't afford to linger here. Are you waiting to roll out the welcome mat for our enemies?" Her words were sharp, cutting through the tension that hung heavy in the air. Deep down, however, fear gnawed at her, for they now ventured deeper into an unknown cave, a treacherous labyrinth where lurking dangers awaited.

With a determined step, Su Ling pressed on, her footsteps echoing through the winding passages. Despite her brave facade, the flickering shadows danced in her periphery, fueling her unease. Yet, she knew she couldn't show weakness. She had to lead the way, even if it meant stepping into the jaws of the unknown.

Wang Chen, ever vigilant, followed in Su Ling's footsteps. He had chosen to trust her, to rely on her instincts as they delved further into the darkness. He kept a watchful eye, ready to protect her from the treacherous traps that lay in wait. And traps they encountered aplenty. Arrows laced with deadly poison whizzed through the air, seeking to claim their lives. Poisonous gases seeped from hidden crevices, threatening to suffocate them. Each step was a gamble, a test of their resilience and survival.

Time and time again, Wang Chen's swift reflexes and keen senses saved Su Ling from certain doom. His agile maneuvers deflected arrows, his quick thinking shielded her from the deadly fumes. With each rescue, Su Ling's heart sank a little deeper. She had hoped to contribute, to share the burden, but instead, she found herself increasingly reliant on Wang Chen's protection. It weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her spirits.

As they pressed forward, Su Ling's eyes caught sight of a path veering off to the right side of the wall. She glanced at Wang Chen and discreetly pointed in its direction. Falling in step behind him, she didn't want to stir up more trouble. After all, who knew what lurked within the depths of that room? Its darkness seemed to swallow the surrounding light, akin to an ominous abyss.

'Is the second opportunity of Liang Wei lies in this room.' Wang Chen thought.

With sword in hand, Wang Chen proceeded cautiously, fully aware that he wasn't the protagonist of this tale. He had to be vigilant, for who knew what kind of traps lay in wait within the confines of that room.

Wang Chen moved forward toward the room with careful steps and he came at the entrance of room but still he wasn't able to see inside the room so he tried using his spiritual sense to scan the room but as he tried it his spiritual sense couldn't sense anything inside the room it seemed like there was nothing and because of this Wang Chen became more alert as a Cultivator of Core Formation Realm his senses are pretty strong but just now he wasn't able to sense anything so there must be something that pose a threat to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen cast a glance at Su Ling, his expression grave, and signaled her to keep her distance. The message was clear: this place was fraught with danger. Su Ling nodded her head and took a few cautious steps back, putting some distance between herself and the potential peril that lay ahead.

With determination etched on his face, Wang Chen tightened his grip around the hilt of his sword and stepped into the room. For a brief moment, an eerie silence hung in the air, creating an atmosphere thick with anticipation. Then, without warning, the room came alive, bathed in a radiant glow that emanated from the very ground beneath his feet. It was as if some ancient array had been triggered, its power surging through the chamber.

The intensity of the light forced Wang Chen to shield his eyes, squeezing them shut for a few fleeting seconds. As he cautiously reopened his eyes, a sight greeted him that left him momentarily awestruck. The room was now bathed in a vibrant green radiance, casting an otherworldly glow on everything within its reach. His gaze swept across the surroundings, "I was Scared for nothing…." and just as he was about to dismiss his initial fear as unfounded, his instincts kicked in with a jolt of warning.

 Without hesitation, he swiftly swung his sword behind him, the blade slicing through the air with precision. It connected with a solid, rocky object, but the force behind the strike propelled Wang Chen forward, hurtling through the air. Before he had a chance to react, he crashed into the wall outside the room, the impact jarring his entire being.

"Wang Chen!" Su Ling's voice trembled with worry as she witnessed his collision with the wall. A trickle of blood stained his head, and her concern grew with each step she took towards him.

"RUN, GET OUT OF HERE!" Wang Chen's voice boomed with urgency as he rose from the ground, blood trickling down from his head.

"No, I won't leave you behind…" Su Ling's voice quivered with determination, but Wang Chen cut her off abruptly.

"Didn't I tell you? RUN, and don't you dare look back. You'll only be a burden to me."

Tears welled up in Su Ling's eyes as she struggled to find her voice. "Promise me… promise me you'll return safely," she pleaded, her tone laced with vulnerability.

"Promise," Wang Chen replied with steely resolve. His gaze held an unwavering determination, instilling a glimmer of faith in Su Ling's heart. With a heavy heart, she turned away, the tears streaming down her face, and sprinted away from the scene.

Though her heart ached with worry, Su Ling pushed forward, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the silence. Her path was uncertain, fraught with dangers, but she drew strength from the knowledge that Wang Chen would fight with every ounce of his being to keep his promise.

Once Wang Chen was certain that Su Ling had safely departed, he shifted his gaze towards the room. Emerging from within was a towering golden golem, its formidable presence matching Wang Chen's own stature. Intricate runes adorned its body, pulsating with ancient power. The golem's right hand resembled a sharp-edged sword, while its left hand took the form of a massive hammer.

Earlier Wang Chen couldn't sense the golem's presence, caught off guard by its sudden assault. The hammer came crashing down, but Wang Chen swiftly raised his defenses, deflecting the blow with all his might. Even then, he knew that if he hadn't redirected the attack and weakened its impact, the consequences would have been dire.

'I wasn't able to sense him at all." Wang Chen muttered as he made a sword stance.

In a blink of an eye, the Golem vanished from Wang Chen's view, only to reappear right behind him. Once again, Wang Chen's senses failed him, but he had learned from the previous encounter. The taste of the hammer's impact lingered, alerting him to the Golem's position. This time, instead of defending, Wang Chen unleashed his Star Sword technique, hoping to strike the Golem with precision. To his astonishment, his blade failed to slice through the Golem's body, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Without wasting a moment, the Golem launched another attack, its sights set on Wang Chen's head. 

[ Note:- I want to ask you guys, do you prefer two chapters in a day or 1 Chap.I will go according to what you guys like.

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