Detective From the Future

Chapter 14: Clues.

Chapter 14: Clues.

Inside a hospital room, Zhang Xin was pale, lying on the bed with a bandage on her head, and still receiving fluids in her right hand.

"Boom Boom."

Tian Li knocked on the door and walked in, glanced around the room, and fixed her eyes on Zhang Xin, "I am Tian Li from the Criminal Police Brigade. I want to get information from you. "

"Okay, you can ask."

"Your name?"

"Zhang Xin."

"Your job at the hospital?"

"Financial Accounting."

"Do you know the thief?

"I do not know him."

"Can you tell me about the crime?" Tian Li said.

Zhang Xin nodded, bit her lips as if to think about it, and said after a moment:

"Around three in the afternoon, I went to the toll booth on the first floor and returned to the finance room on the fourth floor around four o'clock, because there were too many people waiting to take the elevator, I went up the stairs and on the third floor, a man in a white coat smoking a cigarette at the corner of the stairs. I took no interest in him. As a result, as soon as I walked past, he covered. My mouth and put a knife against my back."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xin showed a look of fear: "He asked me to take him to the finance room, and I am not allowed to scream or ask for help, otherwise he would stab me with the knife..."

"... I'm really scared, really."

"I believe you are courageous, and the clues you provided may help us catch the thief as soon as possible." Tian Li encouraged her.

"At that time, there weren't many people in the hallway. He was close to my body. The two of us walked into the finance room one after the other. He forced me to open the safe and knocked me out. " Zhang Xin said.

"What did he use to knock you out?" Tian Li asked.

"I do not know."

"Did you see what he looked like?"

"I haven't seen him."

"What about his voice?"

"It's a man's voice, with a weird tone, like he's changed his accent on purpose."

"Was he wearing gloves?"


"Any other clues?"

"I can't remember. I was in a bind at that time. I just wanted to survive, and I didn't want to let him hurt me." Zhang Xin said.


An hour later, Zhang Ping gathered everyone in the hospital lounge, scanned the crowd, and said: "Everyone listen to me, let's put the clues together."

"Captain Zhang, the thief has some abilities about anti-recognition, as the stage has been cleaned up. Neither I nor the tech team has found any clues." Han Bin said.

"I have finished recording the confession to the victim; allow me to present it to everyone." Tian Li said, and then played the woman's confession made earlier so that everyone has a detailed understanding of the process of committing the crime.

"According to the victim's confession, the thief smoked at the corner of the stairs. After a while, the victim can show us the location. There may be a cigarette butt or other clues there." Zhang Ping said.

"Personally, I think this possibility is unlikely because when I got to the hospital, I also went up the stairs. I saw someone smoking at the corner of the stairs. There was a special pot for cigarette butts and ashes, and there were a lot of cigarette ends." Li Hui said.

"You checked the surveillance camera recordings, did you have any clues?" Zhang Ping asked.

"Yes, I saw the video of the victim being hijacked and entering the finance room," Li Hui said.

"Let us see the recording."

Li Hui took out a tablet and started playing a video. The posted time was 4:05 pm. The victim's head came out of the stairs to the fourth floor, and then she entered the hallway followed by a man wearing a white coat.

The recording of the surveillance camera was not very clear, but from the shape of the body, one can vaguely recognize it should be a man, but it is a pity that he showed himself on the video with his back and that the camera could not take his front face.

"There is also a video, a video of the thief leaving after committing the theft."

Li Hui replayed another video, and the time showed it was 4:15 pm. A man in a white coat came out of the finance room and bowed his head, wearing a mask and sunglasses, carrying a bag by hand.

Zhao Ming shook his head: "It is impossible to see the thief's appearance at all."

"Are there any other videos for the suspect?" Han Bin asked.

"I haven't found them yet."

"There are several exits on the stairs, are there cameras installed in each one?" Zhang Ping said.

"Above the fifth floor is the inpatient department. The stairs are blocked and you can only go up by elevator; there is only one exit downstairs, which is the first-floor enclosure. There is no camera installed." Li Hui said.

"Where are the records for each floor?" Han Bin asked.

"The hallways on each floor are guarded. During the time of the crime, no one came out carrying a bag or entered the hospital hallways from the stairs." Li Hui said.

"In other words, the thief is more likely to have walked down the stairs to the first floor to leave. If he wants to leave the hospital, he will certainly escape through the front door or the back door. Check surveillance camera recordings for the front door and the back door of the hospital. There should be some clues." Zhang Ping said.

"Everyone who leaves the hospital will be carrying luggage, so it's uneasy to check." Li Hui said.

"On my side, there are discoveries; maybe we can find some clues." Zhao Ming said.

"What did you find?"

"I asked the nurse at the front desk on the fourth floor if there were any suspicious people recently. According to a nurse named Feng Ran, a person often came to the fourth floor with a urinary catheter, which was a suspicious thing." Zhao Ming said.

"What is this person doing?" Zhang Ping said.

"He's a male nurse in the hospital, and his name is Duan Jiliang."

"The current direction of the investigation is mainly on surveillance camera recordings and this Duan Jiliang." Zhang Ping thought for a moment and said:

"Han Bin, Zhao Ming, you will contact this Duan Jiliang to see if there is any suspicion around him; Li Hui, Tian Li, you continue to investigate the tapes."

"Yes, Captain."


Han Bin and Zhao Ming went to meet Nurse Feng Ran.

The little nurse is about five feet tall, petite, and looks very cute.

Zhao Ming opened the door and said: "Nurse Feng, the clues you provided are very helpful. We want you to describe Nurse Duan Jiliang to us."

"Is he the thief?" Feng Ran said.

"We're still at the investigation stage. What floor is he working on?" Han Bin said.

"The third floor."

"But he often appears on the fourth floor, maybe he was studying the terrain to prepare for the flight." Zhao Ming said.

"Have you seen him today?"

Feng Ran nodded, "I saw him this morning."

"We want to ask him to help us solve the investigation. Can you follow us to show it to us?" Zhao Ming said.

"I... He won't take revenge on me?" Feng Ran worried.

Zhao Ming slapped his chest: "Don't worry, we'll protect you."

Zhao Ming is very handsome, but he is not tall, only about 1.70 meters, and is thin in stature. He said these words, which is not convincing.

Feng Ran glanced at Han Bin next to him; he was tall and determined which made her more reassured.


Under Feng Ran's direction, the two policemen reached the third floor. She pointed to a man who was being given hot water for drinking in the hallway and said: "This person is the male nurse Duan Jiliang."

After talking, Feng Ran pulled back; she didn't want to have any problems.

Han Bin exchanged glances with Zhao Ming and approached.

"Duan Jiliang," Zhao Ming shouted aloud.

"Hey." Duan Jiliang shouted instinctively.

"We are from the Public Security Bureau and want to know something from you." Zhao Ming said.

Duan Jiliang was stunned for a moment, looked at them both, and violently threw the glass of water in his hand at Zhao Ming, turned, and ran.

"Dog's Life!" Zhao Ming cried out when he was scalded.

Han Bin has been on his guard against the other side's flight from the start. He jumped up and kicked Duan Jiliang in the back

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