Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 113: Digitize Bits, The Start of the Games

Chapter 113: Digitize Bits, The Start of the Games

The games started instantly, as, without a word of notice, Jack and Bera smirked and made unique hand signs with their arms at different postures before shouting.

"Sheer the wind, Alisif!"

"Bewitch the world, Elsha!"

Following their invocations, a bright light shone from their arms as two bright flowing card-shaped objects appeared, they shone in two different colors with one having the symbol of a knife in the shape of a ring and the other being a decorated flute.

The crowd watched this in excitement as even Ghostshade nodded while thinking, 'The Wind Cutter Alisif and the Bewitching Flute Elsha, good Bit Artifacts, I haven't seen these two act in quite a while, even if they are suppressed, this should be quite entertaining.'

Not long after the weapons appeared, Jack and Bera held onto them as they adopted different battle postures, Jack held his knife in a crouched stance like a ninja as Bera had her flute by her bosom in a vertical manner.

When this happened, their bodies glowed before returning to normal, but the only difference this time was their attire. Jack now wore what seemed like a hooded dark brown assassin's robe with a ninja's mouth cover while Bera wore an even more revealing dress as if she were a performer from an ancient era, her face hidden behind a veil with music patterns.

"Huhu, this should be good!"

"So sexy! BERA, show those kids how it's done!"

The audience made a variety of shouts, but Jack and Bera remained unphased by this. They looked at each other before speaking at the same time.

"Let's go."

Moments after their words, Jack charged towards the center of the field, comprised only of chains. His footwork was light and swift, far different from his bulky and brutish manner; thus, one could tell he wasn't such a simple character from the surface.

Unlike Jack, Bera merely stood where she was in silence; she held onto her flute in a suggestive manner as she crossed her legs and winked towards the audience.

The crowd's males send whistles and cheers as their eyes lit up, but as for Nero and Ryo, they merely stared at their actions with contemplative looks on their faces.

'The rule is straight forward, but I feel that there's more to this than they're letting on; what is the purpose of this chain that binds us to each other.'

Nero thought as he glanced at the illusory chains that had unknowingly appeared from cuffs formed around their arms. He saw that as Jack dashed forward, he didn't even jump towards other chains as if he was bounded to the chains below his feet. However, the illusory chains that connected Jack and Bera extended as if it had no end or limits.

"These are called Linker Chains, products used to bind two members of a party together, it can function as a communication tool, or a means of switching place with the opposite party."

Nero was surprised when he heard the voice. He glanced to the side and saw that Ryo wasn't eager to move either and was calmly analyzing the situation. Feeling a bit better knowing that Ryo had some foreknowledge, he inspected it in detail.


[Linker Chains]


[1 - Communicate - Allows one party to speak to the other.]

[2 - Link Switch - Switch placed with the other party that exists on a separate chain.]

[3 - Empower - Channel magic power into the body of the other party.]


After inspecting the Linker Chains, Nero then spoke to him through the message channel.

"Based on what I'm seeing, these guys are using the powers from their fully awaken bits, can we even win against them if we digitize? Won't we even be subjected to our limited time frames?"

Ryo gave Nero a look before he stared at the duo once more and replied, "That's the challenge, we have to take into consideration the limited time we have in our Digitized States and try to beat them. We don't have to worry about them utilizing their full strengths. They'll more likely be limiting themselves to only their most basic abilities. As such, so long as we work together, we can win this; besides, it's not a battle, we only need to get that ball into the statue's goal point and ensure that ours is well protected."

Nero looked at Ryo deeply as he thought, 'He's a quick thinker, but that's expected since he's stalking me like some spy, he must have trained that way since young. No matter, this will work in our favor.'

After wrapping up his thoughts, Nero spoke again, "Good, you know a lot, what do you suggest we do about the current game?"

Ryo didn't even hesitate, his eyes locked onto Bera, who stood far behind Jack with a sharp glimmer within them as he spoke, "It's simple, I'll take the defensive, and you take the offensive. You might not know about my capabilities, but that's unnecessary, for I know yours. So long as you keep that big fellow busy, we will be able to find an opportunity as for that woman, leave her and her abilities to me."

"Fine," Nero said, not wasting any time to argue about why he knew about his abilities.

As if they were both in sync, Nero and Ryo moved their arms to the side as their bodies glowed when they quickly invoked their Digitize Bits.

"Come to me, Mazello!"

"Come to me, Archiak!"

Following their shouts, a bright silver ray and a yellowish-brown light ray erupted from their marks on their palms, respectively. Nero's scythe mark glowed, forming into a card as Ryo's bow mark followed suit.

Moments after, the lights faded as Nero stood in the field with a silver mask with scythe patterns that shrouded the upper portion of his face. His body now coated by his semi-transparent cloak as his long hair fluttered behind him.

Ryo also changed; he wore a mask that covered his eyes with wings at their edges, he waved his arm, causing a strange bow to appear as he adopted a combat stance.

The audience looked at this curiously as they found their Digitize Bits to be interesting. In fact, the receptionist, Diane, was currently focused on a screen that showed a series of rising numbers. Eventually, the numbers halted a particular scale but even so, her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a surprised tone.

"Huh? What's going on here? These brats both have Grade 3 Inheritance Bits, I get that their talented, but why would the Dark Witch even be interesting recruiting such standard?"

Diane was a bit confused as even the recent batch of recruits from a month ago had two members with Grade 2 Inheritances, only people like such were worthy of being personally recruited by Upper-Level Members of the society.

"Well, I don't think that's any of your concern now, is it, Diane?" A soft but icy voice said, carrying both a tinge of gracefulness and brutally at its core.

Diane shivered as she heard this, but she soon recovered to her normal state as she made a friendly smile and spoke, "Fellow member Yullia, you'll have to forgive my blunder, I didn't mean any offense at all. I was only curious about these two little fellows..."

Yullia was in a slightly bad mood, she was about to complain why no one else but Felick told her that the person she had recruited had arrived, but as she heard those words, she only realized that there might have been a mistake.

"Two? What do you mean by two? Shouldn't there be only one?" Yullia asked with curious eyes.

Diane made a puzzled look as she waved her hand, causing Nero's and Ryo's face to appear. She then made a puzzled look and spoke, "What's the matter? Didn't you recruit these guys?"

Yullia frowned as she spoke, "Of course I did, but I only recruited one of them."

Feeling angered, Yullia glanced at Felick. He was in the distance, hurrying off towards the arena without even turning his head back.

'That darn fellow! Hmph! I'll get to the bottom of this myself.'

Yullia thought with an angry look on her face before she hurried towards the arena, vanishing from the area.

Diana gave her a strange look before shaking her head, not bothering to overthink her affairs.

Back within the arena, the crowd only grew more excited. They looked at both Nero's and Ryo's transformations; a few experts with Bit Energy Readers even felt their energies that were uncommon far beyond the norm for their current ratings.

Currently, Nero, whose eyes were glowing in an eerie light, noticed that other than the brightly shining balls of lights at the center of Jack and Bera's foreheads. There were ominous red lines that formed around a few areas where multiple chains intersected. Jack was unknowingly or even intentionally dashing towards one of them, directly before the hovering ball at their center.

Nero's face sunk as he sensed a dark power from the red lines. He waved his hand, causing his scythe to appear as he twirled it and firmly gripped its handle. He then lowered his stance and dashed forward at high speeds before he yelled, "Ryo, get ready, something's coming!"

Ryo had a stern look as he knocked his bow, but as if Jack didn't care, he sneered as he struck his knife onto the chain before him, landing onto the position where the cluster was visible only to Nero's eyes as he spoke.

"Ha, too late!"

The instant this happened, a sinister power rose from the abyss below everyone, one that could cause a chill to anyone. Moments after, a sinister-looking devil-like ghost bolted from the darkness as it struck its long nails towards Jack, but as if he expected this, jack chuckled as he aimed his dagger while positioning himself before it.

"Alisif, Wind Repel!"

Jack shouted as his knife glowed in a green light followed by a gush of wind that blew the devil towards Nero's direction. Jack then shifted his eyes onto the hovering ball that had illusory chains binding it; he readied himself to break it from its bindings.

As the devilish ghost fell towards Nero's direction, it grew angry, not even caring about its foe; it decided to take out its anger on Nero. Soon, the towering figure of the devil ghost had overshadowed Nero, who faced it with cold looking eyes, as the Devil's Game finally began in its truest sense.


Hello guys, so the month has ended and we are in October, the small event I held is novel over and the winners of this event are none other than those listed below. To those who won, to get your prize which is a mailed copy of the Dual Sword God series, simply comment your email address in the comment section, or send me a private message on my discord which can be found in my series description. To everyone else, stay tunned for the next event and have a nice day.


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