Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 55: News of a Grand Event, Howl of a Poor Soul

Chapter 55: News of a Grand Event, Howl of a Poor Soul

The mood within the alleyway was a tense one as everyone looked towards the silver-haired youth in silence, each of their eyes flashing with curiosity as others showed eagerness. Elly stared at Nero in silence, her eyes carrying a hint of worry as though it never happened to her, she had heard rumors about the conflicts between the various societies and forces of the Digitizers Union.

Typically, they wouldn't even be this polite and would directly force the newly awakened Digitizer to join. Thankfully, it would seem that rather than all forces acting, only two were showing interests; as such, Nero didn't have to worry about such a scenario.

Soon, Nero didn't even waste a moment and continued with his words, "Sir and Ma'am, both of your offers are quite tempting, but I've only recently awakened as you've all noticed. I am not ready for any major responsibilities or duties associated with your societies, so I will need time to consider before I give you all an appropriate answer."

Bull, Eagle, and Yullia, who heard Nero's words, paused as they intently looked at him wanting to see behind his expression. Yet, Nero's appearance seemed no different from that of an inexperienced youth's causing them to be unable to read his thoughts clearly.

Nero looked at the two that stared at him silently, not saying anything, his manner akin to a child waiting for his parent's permission, but if one were to look deep within his eyes, they would see that it shone with a sly ray.

When the others heard this, they all nodded as they thought it was within reason. The faces of Eagle and Bull contorted, but as they know that they were being watched by quite a few influential individuals, any actions taken would have certain consequences.

Yullia, however, made a thoughtful appearance as she contemplated, 'Hmm, this boy, he truly is rather cautious... hehe, I suppose this can be considered a good trait.'

Bull's face sunk, but he didn't say anything, Eagle, who was silent for a while frowned as he spoke in a sharp tone, "Boy, what do you mean by your not ready to accept responsibilities? A human Digitizer must fight for the benefits of the human race; it doesn't matter whether you want to or not; it's a duty that is entitled to you as an awakener!"

Nero frowned hearing this; he didn't like the tone by which Eagle had used to speak with him, nor his words. However, he was the party at a disadvantage as such; he didn't need to open his mouth to get himself in trouble.

Still, though Nero choice to remain quiet, it would seem that the adorable loli at his side wasn't interested in seeing him being forced by others.

"Hey, who are you to force him to do anything? If he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to! You can't tell him otherwise!" Elly said in a snappish tone.

Eagle frowned as he saw Elly spoke, he shook his head and replied, "Miss Balkras, I am sorry, but this isn't the place for a detached family to speak, this is the affairs of the DU, so I request that you refrain from speaking out here."

"You!" Elly grew angered at Eagle's words, she was about to act out, but Nero gripped her hand and shook his head.

Elly sighed when she saw Nero's look, she knew what Eagle said was true; their family is powerful, but it is not an official DU division and is only an independent force; at most, they could only be considered as partners.

'Damn, these stubborn bastards, it looks like they're really not going to let me go, will I truly have to make a choice today? I don't even know anything about their groups in detail...' Nero inwardly cursed while trying to find a way out.

However, at this time, Yullia who silently made a thoughtful look smiled and spoke, "Little Handsome, I accept your request."

Not only Nero, but even Bull and Eagle had turned towards her in shock, Nero couldn't help but think to himself, 'Huh? What's she up to now?'

He tried to ponder what was going on, but as if Yullia knew his dilemma, she spoke once more, "Little Handsome, you don't need to be so worried, no one will be forcing you today. Even if that foolish hawk had a bigger beak, he could only peck at you from afar. As long as we want to, no one can force you to do what you don't want. Besides, what our Blood Steel Society embodies is freedom, how could we recruit you and force you into complying with a series of difficult conditions? Hehe... if that's so, then we'd be no different from a group of certain individuals wearing hats..."

When Eagle and Bull heard her words, they glared at her with dark looks on their faces, but neither of them said anything, even if they wanted to act unscrupulously, they would have to keep the audience around in mind.

"Hmph! Boy, I repeat this, the duty of humans is absolute, do your best to remember than when making your decisions, joining some ragtag group of ruffians that acts as they please, is in no way an act for the betterment of humanity!" Eagle said with a snort as he turned around left the area, vanishing like a hawk.

Bull gave Yullia a deep look before glancing at Nero as he too left after vanishing. Now, only Yullia and her attendant were left behind with Nero and Elly, who sighed in relief.

'Thank goodness, it seems that I at least have a little room to breath...' Nero thought with a relieved expression, his eyes that stared at Yullia now a trace of interest, as he somewhat liked that condition of theirs a bit.

"I thank Miss Yullia for accepting my request," Nero said in a polite tone.

Yullia made a faint smile and replied, "Hehe... good, not only handsome but filled with manners. Boy, do take care now, this is our card, be sure to contact us once you've made up your mind. Also, if possible, try and do so within one week. Otherwise, you might miss out on a great opportunity..."

When Nero heard this, his eyes flashed as he thought, 'A great opportunity? What does she mean?'

Nero wanted to ask questions, but by the time he focused his attention before him, he noticed that Yullia and the tall man that stood before them had vanished.

"They're so fast..." Nero spoke out loud, his voice having a tinge of regret in it.

At this time, Elly seemed to have remembered something; she exclaimed, "Oh, that's right, the Grand Event!"

Nero frowned as he looked at her and spoke with a puzzled look, "A Grand Event? What's that all about?"

Elly looked at Nero recalling that he wasn't from any group, she shook her head and spoke, "I only now remembered, but it's something that I was informed about by that Velmon. In a week or so, there's going to be an event at the Digitizer's Union. One meant for all rising Digitizers that have achieved Level 10 and have already begun their Inheritance Quests."

When Nero heard this, his eyes showed surprise as he narrowed it while in thought, 'Velmon... hmm, I can think about him later.'

Nero then looked at Elly with curious eyes he asked, "Oh, then what's that all about?"

Elly looked at him and shook her head; she then replied, "It's in preparation for Major Event in the Novice Zone, but I've only heard rumors of it, I don't know of its exact details. All I know is that this event is one that occurs every ten years, and you'd have to be at a fairly decent level and skill in the Novice Zone to claim any rewards from it."

When Nero heard this, he felt a feeling of hot bloodedness, he didn't know of its exact details, but anything to do with rewards could be considered a good thing. His eyes shone with excitement as he thought to himself, 'There might even be a medicine that can heal mother... I must enter this at all costs!'

Elly seeing Nero's look was curious, she didn't think his manner would change all of a sudden, she wanted to ask him about it, but right at this moment, a shout was heard.

"NERO!" Avollo's voice sounded as he rushed over like an arrow in flight, arriving only a few seconds after.

Elly looked at him a bit confused at first, but she soon exclaimed, "You are... the Grass-Root Sword Kid! What are you doing here?"

Avollo shook his head with a weary smile as he spoke, "It's a long story, but let's just say that I was waiting on Nero for a while now, because of the previous affairs, I couldn't interfere due to clan rules."

As Avollo said this, he glared at Uncle Ian, who was standing behind him and snorted. Yet, Uncle Ian paid it no mind as he looked at Elly and spoke with a slight bow, "Young Lady Balkras, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Elly being from her family knew who this man was, at this moment she finally showed some refined ness, she made a noble-like bow and spoke, "Likewise, Sir Ian..."

Nero glanced at Avollo and snorted as he spoke, "Hmph! I bet you were having a good time, watching me get bullied by those adults."

Avollo chuckled and replied, "Of course not, I was rooting for you all the way; besides, after seeing you fight with that new stance of yours my hands had even started to grow a bit itchy, I think we'll need to do a rematch again to solve this issue."

"Hmph! As if, when I'm ready, I will be the one to challenge you, so until then, you'd better wait!" Nero said quickly, dodging another pointless beatdown.

Avollo chuckled at this not replying; he knew he wouldn't be able to trick him into another fight so easily.

Elly looked at the two thinking they were quite funny, she glanced at Avollo and thought to herself, 'I've heard that he was quite aloof, but it seems that those must have only been rumors.'

At this moment, no presence could be felt from the surroundings, as if everyone had already left. Nero noticing this sighed as he knew that he was at peace, at least for now, he wanted to go and immediately see his mother.

As if Uncle Ian read his thoughts, he spoke, "Well then, the matters here are finished, shall I take you all home?"

Nero smiled and spoke, "Thanks, I will greatly appreciate it."

Elly hesitated for a bit thinking about her butler, but as she didn't see him around she also replied, "Thank you!"

Not long after, they left this region headed towards the parked car's direction, which soon after drove off into the distance. Yet, while this scene had entered its conclusion, a shocking battle had only now ended in another area.



A loud explosion sounded, as the entire top floor of the Paradise Palace had burst into rubble, the clouds of dirt then scattered about making everything within indistinct, but if one looked closely, they would see two individuals.

One was the refined-looking Screwgelman Vondelez as the other was the strange Doppleman, the two staring at each other as if this was the last faceoff.

Yet, before they could make the final moves, something happened, Doppleman shifted his eyes to a watch as if he could see some information that caused him to frown. However, his expression returned to normal as he smiled and spoke, "Mr. Vondelez, it would appear that our bout has come to its end, may we meet again..."

Following his words, his body flickered and vanished from the room. Screwgelman frowned, but he didn't want to chase after him, his priority was securing Elly, but right at this time, his phone rang with a familiar ring tone, causing his face to sink.

Screwgelman gulped as he hurriedly answered the phone, "G-Greetings, Madame!"

"..." The person behind the phone waited for a bit before she spoke, "Where is my daughter?"

Screwgelman felt as if his heart was in his mouth; he tried to explain, "Madame, I-I can explain, there was an inci-"

Screwgelman was about to say something, but his words were soon cut off by the woman, "No salary for six months..."

Not even waiting a moment, the phone hung up, leaving Screwgelman on the dial tone. Screwgelman was embarrassed, but his anger was far more than that as it exploded when he lifted his head and roared, "DOPPLEMAAAAN!"

A savage battle cry sounded across this sector as if an angry beast called out the heavens, as the night's chaos ended with one poor soul's agony.


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