Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Hey, you dumb bastard! Dont you have internet access at home?

Whoa, whoa, calm down. Didnt I tell you that youll get yourself in trouble if you dont correct that personality of yours?

The middle-aged man stepped in front of Leaf, who seemed on the verge of having a seizure. Seeing this, Leaf immediately came to her senses.

Oh my God! Leaf thought.

No matter how angry she was, she couldnt believe that she had lost her temper and forgotten about the person standing next to her. It was true that she was gaining popularity, but if the middle-aged man wanted, her bright entertainment career could fall deep into an abyss. Leaf had only started talking to Yongno in the first place because she had felt like she was suffocating alone in the elevator with the middle-aged man.

Youre her manager? Yongno asked.

What? Manager? Dont you know who this is


Oh, sorry. Ill stay quiet.

The lively Leaf soon became sullen; her shiny blonde hair seemed to lose some of its luster. However, it seemed that her anger hadnt fully subsided yet, as she shot Yongno a glare when the middle-aged man couldnt see. She was moving her mouth and rattling on without any sound based on the shape of her mouth. Yongno could tell that she was cursing him bad guy, evil boy, youll burn in hell, your family line will end with you things of this nature.


Soon, the elevator arrived at the ground floor, and all three of them stepped out. As Yongno made his way to the exit, the middle-aged man called out.

Whats your name?

Yongno. Yoon Yongno. Whats yours?

Sungyeon. Kim Sungyeon.

Sungyeon answered with an expressionless face while Leaf made a disgruntled expression from behind him. She seemed annoyed that Yongno was acting so carefree in front of Sungyeon, and she seemed to have a lot to say about it.

I guess hes like an entertainment group CEO, or something along those lines. Yongno thought.

Yongno wasnt completely aloof; he was able to read the room. He could tell that the man was in a high position, and he had no desire to learn anything further. Yongno wasnt a celebrity, and he didnt care about them, so what did it matter how high the middle-aged mans position was in that world? Yongno didnt have much contact with other people anyway, so he didnt care if the middle-aged man was the president of Korea, let alone the CEO of some entertainment group.

Dang, this apartment complex is wastefully large.

Yongno mumbled as he walked toward the exit, which was about a hundred meters away. Although he was indoors, the space was large and vast. The first three floors had an open floor plan to offer rest areas, amenities such as food courts, and other convenience services.

Hmm. You have a good voice, Yongno.


Do you want to try singing?


Yongno lightly rejected the mans out-of-the-blue request. The rejection was natural for Yongno, but Leaf looked incredulous, as though she could not believe it. How could he say no? She looked at Yongno as if to say You are making a huge mistake, but Sungyeon smiled, seemingly unbothered.

I see. Youre not an average person.

Huh? I think rejecting your offer is the most reasonable and normal thing to do in this situation, no? Theres no reason why I should accept.

When Yongno shrugged his shoulders, Sungyeon shook his head.

No. Normally, in this type of situation, one would ask why? or you want me to sing here? no one just says no.

Then I must be an eccentric person.

Yongno didnt feel like talking. Although he hadnt put much thought into seeing his family, he was still unhappy to discover that they were still afraid of him. If he enjoyed being in this position, hed be a psycho. It was absurd that hed give any thought or interest to a person he didnt even know asking him to sing. However, the blonde girl, who had kept her mouth shut thus far, didnt seem to be on the same page as him. She narrowed her eyes toward Yongno.

Man, Ive been quietly listening until now, but I just cant Leaf started.

It seems youre frustrated about something. Im sorry if you felt harassed, the middle-aged interjected.

Director? But that guy


Im sorry.

When she saw Sungyeons expression harden, Leaf dropped her head once more. Yongno felt a little bad for her, but since hed probably never see these people again, he just bowed respectfully toward Sungyeon.

Anyway, Ill be heading off. Take care.

Right. Take care.

Sungyeon nodded his head. Of course, from behind Sungyeon, Leaf continued to grumble and glare at Yongno. Based on her mouth movements, she was saying phrases like bastard, devil, I hope you get into a car accident and other such curses.

Shes an interesting kid.

Though Yongno could make out her words, he didnt mind being cursed out. Actually, Yongno didnt mind people who approached him with truthful intentions, even if they disliked him. In any other situation, he may have wanted to talk to her, even if it meant hearing more of her curses. Perhaps he may have even sung a song, as Yongno actually liked singing.


Yongno quickly shook his head and continued walking towards the exit. DIO was going to open soon, and in order to get in right as it opened hed need to hurry back home.


[Thank you for choosing Hoseo Airlines. You are on Hoseo Airlines flight 011, bound for New York. The estimated travel time is]

Hearing the announcement, Eunhye laid her head back on the headrest. Though she hadnt moved around much, she felt tired.

Am I really leaving?

As she pondered this, a familiar face popped into her mind. It was the face of a boy who had been hurt by the world and lived a life of self-suppression. For Eunhye, that boy was like the sun. He had saved her from a hellish world. But now, all that light had been lost, and with each passing day her feelings diminished

Ive noticed it before you two always stick together, no?

Hehehe. She is my girlfriend. Shes pretty, right?

How cute. You guys sure do stick to each other.

When they were young, Eunhye was always byYongnos side. When they were in school, when school was out she was always with him. The world without him was too scary. Without him, Eunhye couldnt muster the courage to go to school, walk down the street, or even stay home.

Im back! Yongno shouted.

Welcome back. Did you come with Eunhye? His mother, Miran, shouted from the kitchen.

Yes! Do you have something refreshing oh yeah, today is Taewoongs birthday, right?

Eunhye recalled the smell of delectable food wafting throughout the house. Seaweed soup was gently boiling in a big pot, and a large cake had been placed on the dining table.

Did you prepare a gift for your brother?

Ahem. Im always prepared, shouldnt you know that by now? Of course, Ive prepared something. Oh, Ill help you with that!

Yongno made his way towards Miran and helped carry the dishes to the dining table. He was doing well, but Miran couldnt help but be surprised.

I-its fine. Just rest. Oh, your father wants to speak with you, so go to his room.

Dad wants to speak with me? Why?

Miran turned her head to the side and glanced at Eunhye. It was only for a split second, but Yongno understood his mothers meaning.

Eunhye, can you wait here for a sec?

C-cant I go with you?

It seems like dad has something he wants to speak with me about privately. Ill be back soon, so just wait here for a moment.


Thinking that Yongno might be put in an uncomfortable situation if she continued to press him, Eunhye just nodded her head. Yongno smiled brightly, gently patted her on the head, and then went into his fathers room.

Uh can I help? Eunhye asked Miran sheepishly.

Its fine. Go ahead and relax on the sofa.

Though Miran smiled, Eunhye felt that it was awkward and artificial. It seemed as though she was concerned about something, as if she had done something wrong. Feeling a sense of nervousness after seeing Mirans smile, Eunhye walked around the house until she arrived right in front of Yongnos fathers room. She wanted to wait there until Yongno came out. However, she heard Yongno speaking from the other side of the door.

So, theyre saying that I shouldnt be taking Eunhye around anymore? Its only been two months, but theyve already forgotten what position theyre in. Have they gone mad?

Yongno, your manner of speech is too rough.

Ah, right. Well, I guess it cant be helped. Even if theyre disgusting human beings, I guess theyre still parents, so they may be able to realize their mistakes and change for the better. Im not related to her and Im young, so I probably cant be with Eunhye forever. But those disgusting people

Eunhye was frightened out of her mind and ran to the living room before she could hear more. Yongnos words I probably cant be with Eunhye forever kept repeating in Eunhyes mind.

We cant be together?

Just the thought of this caused her great concern. For Eunhye, the only safe and peaceful space was by Yongnos side. Even though her parents had become a bit more cautious around her recently, she still felt it hard to face her disgusting monster-like father and scary goblin-like mother.

As these thoughts swirled through her mind, Yongno stepped out of his fathers room.

Sorry, I was gone for a bit, huh? he said.

Just then, a voice called out from the front door. Im back home!

Oh, my older brother is back! Taewoong, happy birthday!

Huh? Oh, yeah. Eunhye said, still preoccupied.

Afterward, a common and simple family birthday celebration commenced. They ate their food, sang happy birthday, blew out the candles, and cut the cake. It was the typical image of a happy family, but Eunhye, who lived her life constantly mindful of others, felt a strange tension in the air. There was a sense of nervousness and anxiety within each of them.

Ooh. Chocolate cake. Is it okay that were having my favorite cake on your birthday? Yongno asked his brother.

Hmm? Oh, Im not that particular about cake.

I thought you liked fresh cream cake?

Yongno was about to start distributing the cake when Miran spoke up.

Yongno, can you go get the milk?


Y-yeah. The cake is too sweet to eat by itself.


Eunhye whipped around and followed after Yongno, who had run over to the refrigerator. She didnt feel comfortable staying with the other family members, who all emanated an air of nervousness.

Hey, Yongno.

I know.

Uh huh?

Eunhye was taken aback by Yongnos response. He reached into the refrigerator, took out the milk, and whispered,

You were gonna say that something seems off, right?


I cant read other people's emotions, so I cant be one hundred percent sure of the reason. Maybe theyre planning on announcing something significant after the birthday party whatever it is, I dont think its good news.

Eunhye felt uneasy. She was afraid that the adults would try to separate him from her. Ultimately, Eunhye knew that itd be nearly impossible to completely get away from her father and mother, who were her legal guardians. However, Yongno knew their weaknesses and protected her from their wrongdoings but Eunhye knew this couldnt last forever. However, at that moment, Yongno tightly grasped Eunhyes hand with a confident expression on his face.

Dont worry, Eunhye. Ill protect you no matter what.


While Eunhye nodded, Yongno caressed her hair. Eunhye was tall for her age, but Yongno was relatively tall as well. Their heights were nearly identical.

Here it is! Low fat milk!

Oh. Good. Heres your cake. Miran held out a plate towards Yongno.


Yongno was slightly taken aback, but since it was a small matter, Yongno didnt give it much thought and started to dig in.

Soon, Yongno spit out what he had in his mouth.


Everyone, stop eating.

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