Chapter 35

Chapter 35

While looking at the crowd of people, Yongno noticed a man surrounded by approximately ten other users. Despite being encircled by so many people, the man seemed calm, and as Yongno peered through the group, he was able to make out the mans ID: [Guide NPC Alpha 12].

Alpha 12?

It means hes a general NPC. Of course, Mari may also be seen as a general NPC since shes always present when users enter a multipurpose space, but this specific NPC is a general NPC assigned to this area. Hes the only NPC here. Also, some NPCs are specifically created to deal with administrative work, and they all have the same appearance and personality. These administrative NPCs number up to a hundred. The NPC over there is one of those NPCs; hes designated as number 12 out of a hundred.

Yongno was left speechless after hearing the overly detailed explanation. Seeing as how Lancelot was standing in this room as well, Yongno knew that he must also be a newcomer. Yet, this newcomer knew a great deal more than Yongno.

Hahaha. Im a third-wave user. I reset my skill points, so I was sent back to this place. They didnt make me go through all the basic tests, but they required that I complete the Joint Warfare test.

Then, youre developing a whole new character?

Something like that, but not exactly. My equipment, items, inventory, ID, and experience points remain the same. Only my skill points and level have been reset.

After hearing the others explanation, Yongno took the time to look at what Lancelot was wearing. The man was in his twenties, and he had blue martial arts clothing and wielded a long spear. Using Aura Vision, Yongno peered into Lancelots spiritual essence. Lancelots strength seemed relatively low, probably because he recently had his skill points reset. However, Yongno could not discern the type of Lancelots strength. Lancelots energy and power were not focused on a specific area around his heart or dantian. Yongno murmured to himself while contemplating this mystery.


Lancelot was dumbstruck after hearing Yongnos words. The truth was that he had started DIO over a month ago, yet he wasnt able to properly utilize his specialty area of spiritual power. Lancelot had gone through multiple resets, from internal energy to magic power, chakra, life force, and even divine power and pure spiritual power. However, he eventually came back to the first spiritual power that he had chosen when he entered DIO, aura. Of course, he had not wasted his time in the game, as hed accrued experience and learned how to properly operate his aura and qi. Although his overall skill points were low due to the reset, his ability to deal with spiritual power and heightened senses had not been lost since these skills stemmed from ones ability and understanding of qi rather than skill points. Lancelot was surprised because a beginner had been able to quickly discern his true nature.

Did he just guess? Or did he go through the basic tests over the course of several hours and gain some sort of recognition spell?


Ah, sorry, something popped into my mind. Anyway, everything I explained made sense, right?

Ah yes, thank you.

No worries. Then

Lancelot smiled before turning around, and soon, he mixed in with the other users and disappeared. Yongno observed all this before brushing off some dust on his robe.

Anyway, that Mari what did she do to me? What happened to her?

On his forehead, where Maris hand had touched him, Yongno felt a scar that formed a character that read Heaven. Yongno wondered if the scar possessed magic properties, but he couldnt sense anything of the sort.

What the hell.

He couldnt go back and ask Mari what the meaning of the scar was, so Yongno put this matter aside and made his way to the male NPC. Since his internal energy was already full, Yongno decided to imbue the spirit in his Wicalein Ring with five years of internal energy.

I wonder how much can this guy absorb in one sitting?

Curious, Yongno decided to send out another five years of internal energy. The spirit greedily absorbed the additional internal energy. And then



The spirit, which had been colorless, was starting to emanate a slightly golden light. Yongno slanted his head to the side. It seemed that the spirit had grown in size as well.

/Wicalein Ring has increased to the 8th Tier!/

Oh, so a growth-type item gets stronger like this, huh?

Finding the result immensely interesting, Yongno started pouring more of his internal energy into the ring. Yet, perhaps it was because the spirit was full or for some other reason, but the spirit stopped absorbing his internal energy.

Alright. It doesnt grow without restrictions. It appears that it needs time and internal energy to develop. I should take it out of the ring.

Yongno placed the spirit atop his left shoulder and made his way to the NPC. In front of Alpha, other users could be seen conversing amongst themselves.

Me! Ive decided on my ID name, Alpha!

What is it?



Come on! Why not?

We do not accept names created as a joke, the NPC staunchly overruled the joking user.

The male NPC was handsome. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, a fit and healthy body, and a face that seemed like it was chiseled from stone. If Yongno had seen this NPC in reality, he would have thought that the man was a model, but since he was within this game, Yongno knew that he was just an NPC that approved names.

Excuse me, Alpha.

Yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Yongno Yoon.

Yongno was momentarily shocked at the NPCs polite response.

Huh? Do you know who I am?

I only know your name. It is one of the access rights given to me. You came to make your ID?

Yongno nodded in response, and Alpha then went on to explain.

The process is simple. You just have to tell me what ID name you want. However, please make sure to consider your ID name carefully. I wouldnt say that its impossible to change your name, but it is very, very difficult to do so.

Alpha winked after he finished speaking. Yongno felt that if Alpha could sing and act, hed become a top-class world star in no time. Furthermore, seeing Alpha, Yongno realized that the developers of DIO had put a great deal of thought into the NPCs attractiveness. This could be seen in the ravishing young beauty Mari to the middle-aged but refined and handsome Kyle

Man, I dont even have to read the names above peoples heads. I can tell who the users and NPCs are just by looking at them.

Excuse me?

No, nothing. Im ready to state my ID name. The ID name I want is.

Yongno didnt have a particular ID name that he used in games. In the past, his username had been chosen either based on what was appropriate at the time or what he had come up with on the spot. Yet, in the world of DIO, this ID name may become his second name, so he had to think about this thoroughly.

Right, so the ID name I want is.

Yongno recalled the name of a great mage that he had read about in a book. Since hed chosen to walk down the path of magic and wore mage equipment, he felt the name was appropriate.


That ID name is already in use.

Without even a 0.1 second delay, Alpha denied Yongnos proposed ID name request.

Ugh, I knew it. Then, Gandalf!

That ID name is already in use.


That ID name is already in use.

D-damn it. Then, Karthus!

That ID name is already in use.

Wait, even the name of a minor character from another game is in use?

As Yongno muttered curses under his breath, he contemplated a different ID name. A name related to magic hopefully, something that was popular and mainstream or perhaps a name that was widely recognized and respected.

Thinking this far, Yongno remembered Lancelot. Naturally, Yongno then considered a name related to Lancelot.


That ID name is available.

Damn, I knew such a popular ID name wouldnt be available- wait, what?

Yongno stared at Alpha in disbelief after processing the NPCs response.

The ID name you mentioned is available. Is the name Merlin your final decision?

Uh, wait, how is such a popular name not taken? What about Arthur?

That ID name is already in use.


That ID name is available.

Oho! So only the two most popular characters names have been taken. Once there are more users, Im sure the names of all the round table knights will be taken.

Even so, Yongno was still surprised that the name Merlin was available. If others knew, they would have already taken the name. Like Yongno, they must have assumed that the name had already been taken. Of course, this could only occur because there was a small user base. Once the user base grew, less popular names would be available.

Ive decided on Merlin.

Fine. Then, Merlin, I will process your request. Will you openly reveal your name to the public?

After hearing Alphas question, Yongno fell into thought. Yongno possessed a Master title, and while he didnt have any idea what the title represented, he at least knew that the title was not appropriate for a beginner user. He had, after all, spent an entire month in the beginner testing area.

Ill keep it private.

Fine. Okay, done.

After hearing Alphas response, Yongno looked up to see his ID. If the ID were fixed onto ones head, it would have moved backward when Yongno cocked his head back, but DIOs system seemed to keep the ID directly above a character no matter where they were looking. Thus, Yongno was able to peer up at his ID.

Alright, so its done. What else do I need to do?

You must pair up with another user and complete the Joint Warfare task. If you are victorious, you will be sent to the Starting Village for beginner users.

Yongno- no, Merlin had sat down in front of Alpha to focus and hear the NPCs explanation. Joint Warfare parties could be formed in groups of two, four, eight, or sixteen. Additionally, the groups would face opponents that were between Level 3 and Level 6. In other words, the users would be fighting mobs that were two to five levels higher than themselves.

Excuse me, youre a magic user, right?

While listening to Alphas explanation, Merlin heard someone call out from behind him. Yongno turned around and saw a young man wearing the exact clothing that he had on.

Uh, were you calling me?

Yes. Were planning on starting the Joint Warfare task, but were one user short. You seem like a mage, so I was wondering if youd like to join my group?

Merlin looked above the young man and saw a 1.3-meter-long grey text window magically hovering above his head. It was a party window that described the users party affiliation and party objective.

/Were going to carpet bomb our opponents! All mages, gather! (15/16)/

All mages?

Were planning on completing the Joint Warfare task through brute force. We need one more user, and I happened to stumble upon you.

Spotting a bunch of gathered mages talking excitedly amongst themselves, Yongno quickly stood with his quarterstaff in hand and took out his magic book. He felt that this sort of approach to the Joint Warfare task would be entertaining.

Sounds good. Lets go.

Once Merlin accepted the party request, a bell sound effect occurred along with a message that stated that he successfully joined a party. With little delay, Yongno stood in front of the fifteen other mages. The party leader, the one who invited Merlin, spoke up.

Were ready, Alpha.

Fine. Please keep in mind that future level tests serve to challenge users to verify if they have the ability to level up. Thus, before taking the Level 2 or Level 3 tests, please ensure that you can defeat the Level 3 monsters near the Starter Village alone. Do you understand?


Then, you may start the Joint Warfare task. Since you are all mages, I will reinforce you with a magic use buff.

Once Alpha finished speaking, the scenery around the party members changed. It was a plain that extended as far as the eye could see. As soon as they arrived in this new area, a message popped up.

/A magic use buff has been applied! All spells cast by your training staff shall be buffed 100%! Due to the effects of accelerated senses, your instantaneous mobility stat will rise by 100 points! You have also gained an extra 100 tetra magic power!/

/Allotted Time: Until the end of the test./

The buffs came rolling in.

Wow, all these buffs.

While Yongno was surprised by the overall effect of the buffs, his other party members seemed used to this, as they didnt waste any time chanting their spells. For most users, this scene was an obvious occurrence. This was the first time Merlin was receiving buffs, but the rest of the party had received buffs to complete their [Fight] tests, as well as several other basic tests.


Soon, a large magic circle appeared in front of them. The party members waited nervously; however, the opponents attack came faster than they expected.


One of the mages in the front was crushed and instantly killed when a large foot landed atop him.


To put it simply, they were unlucky. Furthermore, they were thoroughly underprepared.





In less than three seconds, three party members perished. In front of them was the most ruthless and violent dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period.

A t-tyrannosaurus? Things like that can appear?

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