Divine Protection of Many Gods

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 .

You might say that this situation is hopeless . However, I will be killed if I give up .

While I was confirming the status of Selva, Ayla and Ruby once again commenced their attack on Selva together .

Selva Drakelord

Scorching Dragon Lv . 55 220 years old


【Scales of the Scorching Dragon】

The scales reduce all attacks .

This is especially the case for magic in the flame family that the scorching dragon rules over, which is useless against it .

【Fang of the Scorching Dragon】

Fangs that crush everything, even steel becomes food for the Scorching Dragon .

【Wings of the Scorching Dragon】

The Scorching Dragon’s flight is in short beautiful .

etc .

etc .

Even the format of the explanation is myth-like .

And, what is etc!? Is it electronic fee collection system!?

There is no time to be discouraged at the big difference in treatment and levels, so I approach Selva .

Firstly, Ruby the raid commanding officer rushed to attack .

Ruby’s predation attack that always captured the enemy’s whole body only managed to capture the left forefoot .

Though it tried hard to slurp and dissolve Selva’s scales, it would regenerate after melting a little . After repeating it over again, it seems it can’t be expected for there to be an effect more than restraining the left foot .

“What is this? A slime? As if a slime could be a hindrance to me!!”

Selva shakes her body like that time she threw off the minotaur .

However, Ruby changes its body viscosity to be flexible to elude the attack .

It is difficult to approach because Selva, who did not have things go as she wanted, began to rampage and throw a tantrum like a child .

“Here I go!!”

Ayla plunges into such a place .

She drew closer with a speed that the eye couldn’t see and she repelled the forthcoming right forefoot back with the 【Hand of Protection】 .

She seems to have invoked 【Impact Reflection】 .

In addition, the left forefoot was not able to move freely, and because the right forefoot was flicked off, Selva’s posture broke and she pitches forward .

The minotaur promptly begins to suppress her by pinning her down . I used earth magic to cover Selva’s body to seal her movements a little .

“T-this!! I won’t receive damage from such an attack!!”

Exactly as Selva stated she will not sustain damage . 【Scales of the Scorching Dragon】 will also be effective for physical attacks .

I approach and also touch Selva’s body . Because this restriction will not last too long, I set up the trick .


I finish with the trick and immediately the restriction was dispelled .

The only restriction is Ruby on the left forefoot .

<<Master, forsooth thither is almost no damage even if tis done hither . >>

Zir’s voice was heard from the whisper ghost .

The cooperation until just now was from Jill’s helpful directions .

I placed several ghosts around Selva and was able to perform a precise attack because she always reported the situation .

“For now, the trick was readied on Selva’s scales . Please give the order to Ruby to prepare [that] . I will drive it into a good position after letting it weaken a little . ”


I finish communication with Zir, and begin to approach Selva to help Ruby .

Selva inhaled in a big breath motion .

“This is bad!?”

It is the too famous attack method of a dragon . The [Breath] .

Selva who had finished inhaling turned to the area where Zir and Amy are .


Scorching flame is emitted from Selva’s mouth . The flame hits the [ground] that appears in front, bounces back and burns Selva’s own body .

“Whoa, what is this!? What is happening!?”

After all, it seems she will not be damaged from her own flame .

Speaking of the thing I did, I put magic power in [a certain book] .

The certain book was the [Book of Summoning] . When I approached Selva before, I pressed the book onto her and attached the mark .

In other words, to the place where Selva was, she was [Summoned] by slightly shifting the coordinates and angles .

This time, I moved her about 50m from her original place and [summoned] her in a posture with her face towards the ground .

“This, this time!!”

I reconfirm the position of Zir and Amy, and [re-summon] Selva, who was going to vomit breath there again, approximately 30m away from that place .

“Shit, this again!?”

*Bam* Selva made a terrible sound when she collided with the ground .

Even if I can’t cut her with a sword because of the scales, I want to believe that the impact influences her somewhat internally .

I perform a third [Summon] before Selva fixes her posture .

“Don’t think that the same move will pass many times!!”

When she was deposited in a place far from the ground like the previous [Summon], Selva extends her wings in the air to try to fix her posture in the air .

At that instant the large crossbow corps aimed at the left and right wings and hit them .

Though the scales repelled arrows, as expected they could pierce the thin membrane .


The pain of the piercing was perhaps not that much . However, she was flung against the ground as her posture collapsed .

“E-eungh . ”

Somehow, the damage seems to have spread internally as well .

Selva stands up while grimacing in pain .

But, Ruby is already waiting there .

It wraps up both of her forefeet immediately and seals her movement .

At the same time, Ayla and I hurled a large quantity of phials at Selva .

“Whoa, pfft . What is this? Liquor!?”

An anti-dragon trump card, it is [high-purity ethanol alcohol] .

[Dragon], the appearance is that of a body as big as a dinosaur and membrane wings like a bat .

If it’s body is close to a reptile structure, it could be a [poikilotherm] . Furthermore, reptiles have a good sense of smell . (Darknari: poikilotherm is a creature whose internal temperature varies considerably, commonly known as cold-blooded)

Ethanol can carry out a simultaneous attack of an irritating odor and dropping the body temperature due to high volatility, these were two features that were deemed effective . (TL: check, feel like author making up shit to sound smart… . . ) (Darknari: it seems possible check this link for more info)

I assumed that there would be a battle against a dragon because I was going to a labyrinth which a dragon controls so I prepared for it, but there wasn’t anything decent .

As for saying that, it is because the said dragon is a recognition that an ordinary adventure couldn’t easily bring down .

It is heros or a country’s army that could subdue a dragon .

A dragon is something like a natural disaster such as a typhoon for adventurers .

[Escape if you encounter a dragon . Give up if it is impossible . ]

This was the mental attitude I had when I challenged this game labyrinth .

It seems that it is a custom of adventurers in Welburg to propose a challenge to the dungeon virgin adventurers as a test of courage . (Darknari: raws literally said dungeon virgin)

Inevitably, a large amount of liquor was turned into the highest degree of purity with Amy’s 【Refinement】 from the liquor bought from town .

“Goa, Gwuuu?”

Her vigor disappeared a little while ago . Rather, instead of suffering, she seems to be drunk .

That’s remind me, I have a feeling that there was a story about a dragon, either from the Orient or a Western dragon, that was easily subdued when it was dead drunk on liquor .

Ruby won’t really be affected and get drunk even if it takes in the alcohol with it’s sense of smell since it’s body doesn’t have organs .

Ruby starts to swallow Selva little by little . From both forefeet it creeps up to the body, and swallows half of the body leaving the long neck .

Of course, it isn’t possible to finish digesting it, so the offensive trump card is taken out .

It is a ball of demon steel the size of a soccer ball . I came across some in my spare time and continued to [Charge] them full with 【Shock Magic】 .

“Selva~, Ah . ”

“Hm? Ahh . ”

Because of the effect of the 【Scales of the Scorching Dragon】, even if I throw it just as it is there won’t be much of an effect .

Selva who had completely become drunk easily opened her mouth when I did a gesture of an open mouth .

I throw in the demon steel ball without hesitating, then I prompted Ruby to withdraw .

I confirm that Ruby is slowly creeping back and escaped, then I took out a demon steel ball the size of a marble .

When it took on the 【Shock Magic】the surface began to crackle with electricity .

As for the demon steel ball not long ago, if the magic for detonation is not given from the outside than the magic in the ball won’t release .

This globule is like the match that ignites the fuse .

With a flash I flicked it with my finger, it shot into the air and I operated it with 【Mental Force Magic】 and put it inside of Selva’s mouth .

After a short time, together with a dull thud sound white smoke rose out from Selva’s mouth .

“Ah, ga, ga, gaa . ”

Her eyes were wide open completely showing the white of her eyes . With this it will not be too difficult to give a decisive blow .

I was going to take a second demon steel ball out from Ruby, but then a voice appeared from behind .

“Please wait . ”

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