Divine Protection of Many Gods

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Sup everyone, Raizu is here!

This chapter is… still about Baseball . Sometimes I wonder if there is God of Baseball exist on this novel world, the MC can ask for His Divine Protection . XD

Anyway, enjoy~

Translator: Bob

Editor/TLC: Darknari

Etc: Raizu

Episode 71

Thereupon 3 days after the announcement, the match took place .

This time, I made a large open space in the forest expressly to play baseball .

I made tiered audience seatings around the edge large enough to hold all the village goblins .

It took quite a bit of manpower(?) to prepare these in only three days .

Top of the first inning .

Senior team leading .

1st batter Musashi .

He skillfully captured the first pitch for a two-base hit . As expected of Musashi .

The 2nd and 3rd ended with continuous strikeouts, but then the fourth, Lalu, appeared .

“Knock it out, Lalu . ” (Amy)

Coach Amy yelled out her instructions .

First pitch, a high ball .

Second pitch is a low ball this time .

Apparently, it looks like he can not smoothly get a strike with him having a different height from ordinary goblins .

The third ball is an easy ball . No way would Lalu overlook that .

He swings the bat compactly, hitting a long hit over the infielders’ heads . When Lalu reaches the second base, Musashi already reached home .

A cheer rises up from the audience .

With this, it’s 1-0 .

The 5th batter couldn’t follow after Lalu and struck out . With this it’s three outs .

Bottom of the first inning .

The offensive of the newcomer team .

Let’s tell the labyrinth goblins’ story here .

Those who lived in the labyrinth frequently battle with other monsters .

Therefore, weak individuals are culled and inevitably the strong individuals are left . Also, many individuals have undergone their own evolution under the special environment called a labyrinth .

Now then, the 1st batter is a goblin thief .

Though he is not powerful this fellow is light-footed, he seems to go for a hit by holding his bat short .

The first pitch, he missed a strike .

Second pitch, a ball .

It seems that he is firmly looking at the ball .

The third pitch is somewhat low, a magnificent meatball . He made the best of the swiftness he was proud of and easily made first base .

“Alright, good!! Continue!!” (Frey)

As an auspicious start, coach Frey also seems to be unable to hide her excitement .

The audience seats of the newcomer team were also excited .

The second batter ended with a strikeout and the third batter somehow got on base .

With this, it’s 1 out with 1st and 3rd bases .

Then next is the labyrinth goblins’ leader, the goblin fighter Hamon goes to the plate .

First pitch, a slightly off ball .

Second pitch, right down the middle, he missed a strike .

I wonder if he is nervous, to not be able to respond to such an ideal ball .

Third pitch, though he grasped the dead center of the high ball, regrettably he fouled .

Two strikes, one ball . I guess this here is the theory of missing to take a look at the ball .

The tense-filled fourth pitch, the ball just barely entered the strike zone and he hit it with his bat .

The ball escapes through the infield between first and second base .

Hamon stops at first base . They got back one point and are tied .

“That’s good!! As it is we can make a comeback!!” (Frey)

The tension of coach Frey has also reached a climax . It’s still the first inning . So will you possess that until the final inning (7th inning)? (Darknari: highschool baseball is seven innings)

However, it ends with two continuous strikeouts without any effect from the rooting of the coach .

With this, it’s 1-1 .

The 2nd and 3rd inning continued on without movement, it began to show the aspect of a pitcher’s battle .

There was movement in the fourth inning, surprisingly the opportunity was given by an ordinary goblin .

1 out, 2nd base, batter is Lalu .

“Here, one point, one point is good, so let’s take it!!” (Amy)

Amy hangs out from the player seats and shouts out to Lalu .

“Everyone looks to be enjoying themselves? Master . ” (Ayla)

Satisfied with playing catch with Ruby, next to me Ayla sits by herself in a spot similar to a live seat .

To me who is exposed to direct sunlight Ruby’s body, which is cool, is so soothing .

“The goblins seem to be enjoying it, is this a success?” (Ayla)

“Yes, a huge success . ” (Hibiki)

When happily chatting with Ayla…

*Freeze*, the exhilarating sound of cheers arises from the audience sitting .

“Go~!! Stretch~!!” (Amy)

“Center!! If you can make it in time!!” (Frey)

Since there is no fence in this open space, it becomes an out if the outfielders catch the ball .

And, in the center is a light-footed goblin thief . It is a different individual from the one who hit the previous time .

Though he steadily catches up with the ball with a great foot speed, but unfortunately the ball crosses the border between the open space and the forest .


Lalu’s 2 run home run .

With this, it’s 3-1 .

Amy nods calmly with a *mm* . The coach is getting used to her position .

“It’s amazing . As expected of Lalu . ” (Ayla)

“Ah, that guy can do anything . ” (Hibiki)

Following Lalu, the 5th batter also goes to base, but it does not lead to a score and after 3 outs they change over .

Bottom of the fourth inning…

The batter is Hamon .

First pitch, ball . Wary of the previous at bat he toned down .

Second pitch, this is also a ball .

Third pitch, he hit with the bat so that the ball that was thrown a little low may be scooped up .

“Alright, good Hamon!!” (Frey)

The ball goes over the infielders’ heads and falls onto the ground . Center picks up the ball in a hurry, but Hamon has already reached the 2nd base .

The following batter is struck out…

1 out and the 6th in the batting order has turned to the goblin thief who was defending center .

For some reason Frey is sending hand signs .

Though I don’t recall even teaching such a thing .

First pitch, the batter shows a bunting stance .

Apparently, the strategy to send Hamon to the 3rd base is by bunting .

The goblin thief kills the power well and the bunt succeeds .

Apparently, the pitcher seems to have a handle on the ball .

“You won’t be in time for third base . First base!!” (Amy)

The goblin pitcher passes the ball to first base as soon as he picked up the ball, though whether he heard Amy’s instruction is not known .

Though he runs hard the goblin thief is out .

With this, it’s 2 outs and 3rd base .

The 7th, who stood up to the batter’s box to take the opportunity to tie the game seems like an ordinary goblin .

“A large one isn’t necessary!! Just swing compactly!!” (Frey)

Following the bunt, she made steady instructions which was unlike Frey . Does she want to win this game that much?

The 7th goblin, who receives Frey’s instruction, holds his bat short .

The pitcher throws the ball while worrying about 3rd base .

First pitch, he missed a strike .

Second pitch, low ball .

Third pitch, it’s also a low ball .

1 strike, 2 balls .

Fourth pitch, he made a move on the slightly high ball .

The ball fouls off to the side of 1st base .

The batter is cornered . The pitcher regains a little bit of room .

Fourth pitch, an easy ball is hit, did he relax because he was cornered?

It is the just awaited clean hit .

The ball again flows to the side of the 1st base, though this time it is fair .

Hamon on 3rd base already begins to run towards home plate .

“Right!!” (Amy)

The batter barely manages to reach the 1st base…

With this, it’s 3-2 .

The following batter ends in a strikeout, this ends the offense of the bottom of the 4th inning .

The baseball that I know also ends here .

Continuing to the top of the 5th inning, Frey replaced the shortstop .

Goblin → Goblin Mage .

Why a Goblin mage, it is physically inferior than an ordinary goblin? Though everyone thought that, the reason was identified at once .

The ball that the pitcher throws bends with a *kakun* . A breaking ball . (Darknari: kakun is a sfx for losing strength)

“Just a minute!? What is this!?” (Amy)

Amy flared up at Frey, but Frey answers as if it is nothing .

“It is a thing called a breaking ball . ” (Frey)

“That’s a lie!!” (Amy)

Originally, I had taught them the breaking ball but no goblin was able to throw them .

Well, it is natural that the goblins can not throw a breaking ball just a few days after starting baseball .

In other words, does that goblin mage use wind magic?

Amy also seems to have noticed it and is lecturing…

“From the start, there should not be any rule that says using magic is wrong . ” (Frey)

Well, of course that’s true . My world has no magic to begin with .

However, there is certainly no rule saying that you can’t use magic .

Amy was overcome and withdrew reluctantly, but the offense of this inning ended with three batters and three swings .

It isn’t Amy who keeps taking damage here .

Bottom of the 5th inning, Amy also immediately substitutes a player .

Center .

Goblin Elite → Goblin High Mage .

This high mage had evolved before I noticed it . Currently, there is only one of this valuable goblin .

As expected since the numbers are increasing it is not possible to grasp their state in real time .

Sometimes, Lalu comes to me to introduce individuals that evolved . The high mage is one that Lalu noticed and introduced to me .

The power of the high mage’s wind magic looks awesome, so when the ball leaves from the pitcher’s hand it decelerates or accelerates .

It seems that thing is like the so-called change-up . Moreover since it abruptly bends it is unmanageable .

Frey and Amy are also in a struggle . The offense and defense is reversed from earlier .

Both teams were unable to take measures against the breaking ball and the score did not change up to the bottom of the 6th inning .

With the way things are going, the possibility of ending the last inning scoreless is beginning to rise .

It is Frey who panicked here .

Presently, the score is…

Frey, who realized that she is losing under the current conditions, began negotiations with Amy .

“In the 7th inning, won’t you not use breaking balls?” (Frey)

“You should have said that before we started . ” (Amy)

“You also prepared a high mage so are we not even?” (Frey)

“…It can not be helped, I used magic this time there… If we do not use breaking balls, promise not to use them too . ” (Amy)

“Okay!! That does not matter . ” (Frey)

Both coaches shake hands with each other, then they return to their own dugouts .

Apparently, the negotiation seems to have ended .

However, I feel like nothing can be done about both of their bad faces .

There may still be something .

Top of the 7th inning…

Right after the declaration of the breaking balls being sealed, proper baseball began .

With the current state of breaking balls not being used, the 6th and 7th batters were called out with 2 outs .

The 8th batter walks on base by showing perseverance through the threat, but sadly the 9th batter gets the 3rd out .

I was briefly relieved that it seemed to end without incident, Amy started to move in the bottom of the 7th inning . (Darknari: The author originally had 9th instead, which I think is a typo)

“Player substitution!! For the pitcher, the goblin will be changed, and Ruby will enter!!” (Amy)

The audience becomes noisy . “Ehh!?” With said face Frey looks at Amy .

Being called suddenly, Ruby who is on top of my lap shakes and jiggles .

“Ruby is after all a member of the senior team . Rather, it is the most senior person? It is . ” (Amy)

That is certainly so . The most senior monster is Ruby .

That? For sure it is a suitable secret weapon for the senior team…

Perhaps, Amy had seen Ayla and Ruby playing catch some time ago .

“Is that alright? Master?” (Ayla)

Alya came over . Ruby apparently wants to join the baseball game .

Ruby shakes more energetically than before on top of my lap .

“If you want to go Ruby, then go . ” (Hibiki)

Ruby head towards the mound gladly after hearing that .

Frey seems to have no objections to Ruby’s participation .

Is she making light of Ruby as an ordinary slime, or is there another reason?

Ruby performs warm-ups on the mound .

It stretches upwards with a *boing* then it stretches sideways with a *bounce* . And to complete its preparations it finally loosens up its body by repeatedly shivering and trembling .

Ruby starts its pitching practice .

It takes the ball into its body then it stretches itself to beside the 2nd base to store power .

When it releases its body that is tight enough to make a *creak* sound, the ball is shot out at a speed like a cannon with a *booom* sound .

“Gii!?” (Catcher)

The catcher goblin is blown away without any time to scream .

Though he was blown 3 meters away, the ball was firmly placed in the mitt, and somehow or another the goblin also seems to be alive .

“What is thaaat!?” (Frey)

Though Frey is raising her voice similar to a shriek, Amy is calm . It seems to reflect her low estimation of Ruby’s ability .

“The catcher can’t hold it . There’s no help for it . Lalu, you must be the catcher . ” (Amy)

“Gi . ” (Lalu)

He replies briefly and arrives at the catcher’s position . Lalu somehow managed to catch Ruby’s re-fired cannon like bullet ball .

As expected of Lalu .

The pitching practice also ends . Play restart .

However, there is no such goblin that can hit the bullet ball from earlier, all of them are standing bolt upright .

Just the first batter was walked to the first base with four balls, but it seems it immediately grabbed the knack of it and repeatedly got the batter out with 3 pitches and 3 swings in a blink of an eye for 2 outs .

The goblins that find themselves at-bat did not care about being struck-out, they were just glad to be able to come back alive .

“Time!!” (Frey)

Frey hurriedly calls for a time out . Apparently it seems she will substitute a player .

However, I wonder if there is a reserve that can hit that bullet ball of Ruby’s .

“Batter, change from goblin to the minotaur Minotaro!!” (Frey)

The minotaur Minotaro . The anticipated new monster is the one I made my subordinate in the labyrinth .

“Minotaur Minotaro-oo . ” (Minotaro)

The minotaur spoke in a whisper . He seems to be able to speak the human language .

Though he did not talk at all in the labyrinth because he was shy and had a introverted personality, he did talk to us on our way back since it was his first time coming out of the labyrinth and so his tension rose .

At that time everybody’s faces were most likely amusing, but I also stood blankly, so I don’t remember it well .

In Minotaro’s hand, who steps up to the plate, is no longer a bat but rather a bat that was cut from an enormous log similar to a club being held .

To have such a thing prepared means that they probably intended to have Minotaro participate from the beginning .

With the bat held ready, Minotaro stares intently at Ruby .

Strangely it became a confrontation of the most senior and the most newest of my monster subordinates .

First pitch, Ruby fired off his bullet ball . Minotaro lets the pitch go by without swinging . Strike .

Second pitch, a bullet ball with the same course and the same speed goes by . This time Minotaro swings his bat .

The bat makes a dull *thud* sound when it comes into contact with the ball . The ball crosses over the foul line besides 1st base and disappears .

“You hit that ball back!?” (Amy)

Amy has a startled look on her face . A joyful look arises in Frey’s face .

Third pitch, once again like before a ball with the same course flies by . Somehow it feels a little slower than before .

The wind from Minotaro’s powerful swing seems to reach over here .

“B-moo!?” (Minotaro)

However, the ball flew right behind him . Apparently, it seems that the bullet ball was a breaking ball .

The ball rotated at a high speed in Ruby’s body and materializes into a changing ball due to the natural air resistance .

Minotaro taking a blow from seeing that frightening change for the first time is a considerable thing .

“Isn’t that foul play!? Did you not say that breaking balls would not be used!!” (Frey)

“I said using …magic… for breaking balls will not be used . ” (Amy)

Frey has been coaxed . And the audience calling out “Hurry up!” is tremendous .

Fourth pitch, breaking ball . Foul .

Fifth pitch, breaking ball . Foul .

Sixth pitch, breaking ball . Foul .

With this, it’s the seventh pitch .

I wonder if fatigue has accumulated from consecutively pitching breaking balls it is unfamiliar with, the balls that were shot had a somewhat dull change .

Minotaro captures the ball dead center without missing it and blows it out of the field .

Though the outfielder earnestly chases after it, the ball falls completely into the forest .

Excited cheers well up . Minotaro and the other batter slowly go around the bases .

“Alright, with this it’s our win!!” (Frey)

Frey expresses joy through her whole body .

The moment that Minotaro tried to step onto the home plate…

“Guugaaaaa . ”

Something approaches center field from the direction the ball flew .

“Ogres!? And there’s 10 of them!?” (Hibiki)

On the head of the ogre running in front is a huge bump . Apparently, Minotaro’s home run ball hit it directly on the head .

The goblins defending the outfield made a mad-dash towards me .

“Why did this happen?” (Hibiki)

Though I say that, I start the combat preparations, but Minotaro and Ruby are already dealing with them one at a time .

Lalu also has issued instructions to the goblins in the audience seats . Apparently, Hamon also seems to be cooperating with this .

In the blink of an eye, the ogres are surrounded and crushed .

It seems I don’t get a turn .

The battle with the ogres was settled with surprising swiftness .

The goblins, whom at 10 or even a 100 to 1 would by all rights be defeated, have on the contrary easily finished off the ogres .

“What? Tis as I hath said after all, was it not?” (Zir)

Zir muttered disgustedly after showing up to the baseball ground in a nightgown when the sun was starting to sink .

Before my eyes the goblins are celebrating their victory and embracing shoulders without regard about whether they are seniors or newcomers .

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