Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 317: Forest Elf Territory 5

Chapter 317: Forest Elf Territory 5

At first, Zhang Yi thought of pretending to choose some Forest elves and then if he managed to conquer Saphielle he would take some elves to the divine plane and drop them off at the Forest Elf Sect, but after spending time he thought he could really find the elves more talented to take with him.

Zhang Yi was able to find talented elves just as his master had found himself when Zhang Yi was not yet cultivated, he had never done it because he had no time and no interest in doing so.

But since he said that to Gantar he thought he could really find someone with talent just as he said he would, so the elves of Forest Elf Sect would be very grateful to Zhang Yi.

He just had to be careful not to allow these elves one day to decide to return to the continent of the blue moon and use the laws of space if they learned or asked an elder of the elf sect to bring them to that continent.

Zhang Yi didn't want anyone but him to know about this continent, but to do something like that it was easy, he just had to make these elves make a celestial oath that would never tell anything about him or this continent.

Zhang Yi still came back every night and talked about what was happening to Lusserina and Lu Bi and sometimes also talked to his parents, Lusserina was really surprised when she heard that Zhang Yi said he was making progress in winning Saphielle.

From what Lusserina had heard from Zhang Yi, Saphielle had a different personality than she remembered because she was never trapped and she never suffered so much because of her father and mother, which meant that Saphielle was totally different from what they knew her.

But if Saphielle fell in love with Zhang Yi even though she had that personality, it meant either that she really loved Zhang Yi even without the prophecy and the occasion just because she liked Zhang Yi's personality, or it meant that contrary to what she expected Zhang Yi was really a very good man in conquering any type of woman.

Even though she thought the first possibility was the most likely, Lusserina had to admit that Zhang Yi really did well when he tried to win her over, especially since he knew exactly everything she liked and some of her most hidden feelings.

When Lu Bi heard what Lusserina said she said it was a little bit of the two may be, even though Zhang Yi had no intention over the years he won her over and from what she heard from Lusserina in the past Zhang Yi had won her over too.

And Zhang Yi being a genius too and with a good personality now that he had corrected his mistake helped a lot to increase his charm several times, so Lu Bi tried very hard not to let other women approach Zhang Yi and pass a lot of time with him because they could fall in love with him.

So after a few weeks with Zhang Yi talking to Saphielle every day and also with Bemere's help, Saphielle seemed to be really in love with Zhang Yi, everyone could see it and Zhang Yi naturally too.

"Saphielle, I love you, I think I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you, I wanted to live with you in my life forever."

"I love you too, I think I felt that way too from the beginning, but now I'm sure, I want to go with you wherever you go and stay with you forever."

Bemere was very happy to see that the two were in love and that her plan had worked, it took only a few weeks with the two talking and she could feel that Saphielle had already fallen in love a long time ago, but she hadn't realized it yet.

She expected Saphielle to fall in love with Zhang Yi, but she did not expect Zhang Yi to fall in love with Saphielle and Bemere could feel that Zhang Yi really loved Saphielle, Gantar also knew and called Zhang Yi to speak with him.

"I saw that in these weeks the relationship you have with my daughter has improved a lot, I talked to Bemere and I feel that you really love Saphielle and that I really love you."

"So I want to say that I approve of you marrying my daughter as long as you return to the divine plane and don't decide to live here, but I ask that you be careful not to hurt her and I want you to respect her."

"For sure, I really love Saphielle and I will take care of her for life, you can rest assured."

After having this conversation Zhang Yi had changed the way he saw Gantar, from what happened in the past Zhang Yi really did not like and respect Gantar, someone who valued power and authority more than the family did not deserve Zhang Yi's respect.

But having known Gantar better after going back in time Zhang Yi understood that maybe it was because of Gantar's parents that he was like that, he thought that power, being king was all he could ever want.

But this second time, as the Forest elves' territory was well and could still develop a lot, Gantar was no longer so ambitious and since no one threatened his authority, Gantar was still careful with his family.

After that Zhang Yi had his first night with Saphielle in this life and being very experienced he was kind and loving to her, so the two were married as far as the elves knew, so Zhang Yi was much more relaxed.

He would wait until he left the hope world before handing Saphielle the memory crystal because he thought Saphielle's personality would change a lot when she recovered the memory of the past and remembered what Gantar had done to her.

Now Zhang Yi had only to choose the Forest elves he would take to the divine plane, but he would not take them this time because Zhang Yi could not let these elves know that he had his world of mental energy.

So just after he met Luna and Solar that he would return to the hope world in the Forest elf territory to take them to the divine plane, then he would have to take them directly to the Forest Elf Sect.

Until then he would have to talk to Saphielle and Lusserina if they were interested in the future of staying in these sects or if they would want to live with him in his mental energy world, they could live on the Sword Sect with him after Zhang Yi officially arrived at Divine Realm because no one would dare to say anything about Zhang Yi's wives when he was an elder of the Divine Realm.

So Zhang Yi spent a few more weeks in the Forest elf territory and found 5 candidates that he thought could be talented and successful at Forest Elf Sect, Zhang Yi told Gantar who they were and Gantar authorized them to be taken by Zhang Yi.

Gantar was even happy that the most talented in his territory had been taken by Zhang Yi, these elves could one day arrive in the Soul Birth realm and challenge his authority in that territory.

Having decided this Zhang Yi said that he would have to leave the world for a while to resolve some issues on the continent and that he would return after a few months with Saphielle to take the disciples and say goodbye.

Bemere was sad to hear that Zhang Yi and Saphielle were going to leave their territory, she liked how polite and kind Zhang Yi was even though he was so strong, it was the complete opposite of Gantar, and Gantar was very happy to hear that Zhang Yi would finally leave, he couldn't even sleep and was always nervous knowing that Zhang Yi who was much stronger than he was around.

But before leaving he gave away a thousand of swords with a different silver rank than he had given Falael and a thousand armor, and also gave a sword and a spirit rank armor to Gantar and Bemere.

The two did not expect such good gifts from Zhang Yi but soon remembered that he was a Divine Realm warrior who lived on the divine plane and should have many resources like these, these spirit rank swords were thousands of times better than the ones swords that Gantar and Bemere wore.

Having received this gift Gantar even forgot that he was nervous around Zhang Yi and was very pleased with that gift, with this sword and armor he would have an advantage against anyone of the same realm as him and so he no longer had to be afraid that someone stole his throne.

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