Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 360: Divine Plane in Danger 4

Chapter 360: Divine Plane in Danger 4

After ordering all members of their sects to retreat they made one last effort not to abandon all other sects on the divine plane, other elders from the Eternal Realm who were in other groups of the allied sects returned to defend their side.

All the Eternal Realm and Divine Realm elders that the big ones were hiding in appeared, Sword Sect had 4 elders in the Eternal Realm, Serenity Sect and the other sects had 3 elders in the Eternal Realm, so in total, they had 13 elders in the Eternal Realm.

The 4 sects also managed to gather 220 elders in the Divine Realm, seeing that Zhang Yi cannot help but be disappointed with these sects, if part of these elders had helped him to destroy the organization of the soul devourers then this situation could not be happening.

Even so, the enemies had more than 300 elders in the Divine Realm and had 18 elders in the Eternal Realm, and as they knew well the beasts that were in the Eternal Realm could fight up to two enemies that were of a level stronger than themselves without losing.

So it was obvious that the side of the sect of the divine plane was weaker, yet they would fight as much as they could and would only retreat if they saw that they would be eliminated if they fought harder, members of the army weaker than those of the Emperor Realm have retreated too.

To make sure they were doing everything right, they warned the other major sects of a possible total attack by the enemy army, some of the leaders of the other sects did not believe it and others began to prepare to prevent it, but no one offered to send more elders than Eternal reinforcement Realm if only the left side was attacked.

The weakest in the army was afraid of dying, even the elders of the Divine Realm who had always been fearless began to fear the enemy beast army, only Zhang Yi and the elders of the Eternal Realm who knew it was impossible for them to die were calmer.

Zhang Yi had not even told about the situation in which the divine plane was for his wives, Lu Bi had already been sent to Zhang Yi's mental energy world before the war started.

It was impossible for Zhang Yi to die in that war with his current defense that was even stronger than when he went through his last celestial tribulation that had an attack dozens of times stronger than any elder of the Eternal Realm.

When the enemies started to approach Zhang Yi received the information that the other sides of the army were also being attacked, no one had prepared for a final war as Zhang Yi's side had done and even if they could retreat more of them would die than should.

Hearing this Zhang Yi was sure that the army of the divine plane sects would lose this war and more than half of the divine plane warriors would be killed, surely the divine plane would be taken over by the divines of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts and also by the devourers' organization of soul.

Thinking about it Zhang Yi still had his martial heart firm and he had no regrets, Zhang Yi had already guaranteed the safety of everyone he loved and he could save his masters when he wanted during the war.

Zhang Yi did everything he could and tried to help as many people as he can even though it was not his responsibility and even though he was under no obligation, if it weren't for Zhang Yi the soul devourers' organization would have attacked in the future with billions of members infiltrated the divine plane sects and there would not even be a war because the divine plane would be dominated much more easily.

How the end would come Zhang Yi decided that at least his side in the army would win even if they had to flee afterward to survive because they could not defeat the entire enemy army.

Zhang Yi brought his 11 clones to where he was and asked two of his clones to pay attention to his masters, even so, he and his 11 clones would fight at full strength for the first time in a war.

After deciding this, he sent his 11 clones to the middle of where the army of beasts was and on the side where most of the Divine Realm elders were, these clones used the phoenix pride technique and their strength and qi was doubled by 1 hour, after that, they would run out of qi.

The Eternal Realm elders who were watching this thought that Zhang Yi wanted to help affect enemies as much as possible using his clones that could be destroyed without affecting the allies.

Zhang Yi's clones used the space-time restriction technique to slow enemies down, then they used the sacred domain technique and thus affected almost the entire enemy army.

So the enemies knew that these were the Zhang Yi clones that they had heard about the organization of the soul eaters before the enemies could attack the 11 Zhang Yi clones jumped as high as they could and used the descent attack technique of phoenix that his next attack would be 3 times stronger.

Soon after, Zhang Yi used the dragon charge technique and so his next attack would be 3 times stronger than after using the phoenix descent technique, so it would be 9 times stronger than normal, with the dignity technique of Zhang Yi's phoenix this attack would be 18 times stronger.

Even though Zhang Yi's clones had only 10 percent of Zhang Yi's total strength, with these techniques this attack was already stronger than a common Zhang Yi attack, so the 11 clones used the massacre wave technique that attacked everyone enemies that were up to 100 meters away.

The elders of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts thought that Zhang Yi's clones would naturally have a weaker attack than Zhang Yi, so even though some of them were weakened they didn't think that Zhang Yi could be stronger than them.

But after the first blow that Zhang Yi and his clones gave surprised his opponents, the enemies that were even in the second level of the Divine Realm who were weakened by the technique of Zhang Yi's sacred domain were the ones that suffered most from this attack.

Those who used their defense without underestimating Zhang Yi were still seriously injured, and the weakest of the first level of the Divine Realm have all died, this attack has already eliminated 40 more elders of the Divine Realm and left 32 of the second level seriously injured.

In addition, the third and strongest elders were still very badly injured by the Zhang Yi clones, impressed by the enemies who saw that the Zhang Yi clones were attacking again, one of the Eternal Realm elders decided to eliminate these clones so as not to lose anyone else of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts.

Seeing this all the allies and opponents realized that the Zhang Yi clones would be eliminated, but were very happy that the elders of the enemy's Divine Realm were weaker now and so they were more likely to win.

But soon something happened that changed the way everyone thought this battle would take place, the Zhang Yi clone easily defended himself from the enemy of the enemy Eternal realm, the elder used a common attack on Zhang Yi that with his defenses all triggered or needed use the shield of chaos to defend yourself.

This impressed both the allied sects in the alliance's army and the enemies, it was impossible to imagine an elder clone on the first level of the Divine Realm easily defending against an elder attack on the Eternal Realm.

The elder who attacked the Zhang Yi clone felt very humiliated and started using powerful attack techniques and also using the laws he had peak understanding of, but the Zhang Yi clone just had to use the chaos shield technique and so this elder could not even hurt Zhang Yi.

While the Zhang Yi clone fought the other clones attacked the enemies as many times as they could, of course, after a few attacks the enemies realized that Zhang Yi used very long-range attacks and therefore several elders were attacked.

So they split up and even if Zhang Yi's clone could no longer use long-range techniques, his attacks would be stronger, while enemies were concerned about the attack by Zhang Yi's clones the other members of the divine plane's army just watched this surprised.

Everyone knew that Zhang Yi was talented and was also a genius, but no one thought that Zhang Yi was that strong even though he was in the Divine Realm yet, the other elders of the Eternal Realm could not join with the elder who was fighting one of the Zhang Yi clones because it would be too embarrassing for them.

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