Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 390: Preparations for the Final War 4

Chapter 390: Preparations for the Final War 4

Using his strong mental energy Zhang Yi called Long Feng out of the territory where the beasts were training in isolation, Long Feng realized that Zhang Yi was calling him and went quickly because he thought it was an emergency for Zhang Yi to get out of training just missing 30 years to the end of the training.

When Long Feng saw Zhang Yi he was happy and soon disappointed, he never had any hope that Zhang Yi could get much stronger in these 1,200 years of training, for Long Feng if Zhang Yi could reach the sixth level of the Divine Realm it would already be one miracle.

So he was pleasantly surprised when he saw that Zhang Yi was at the ninth level of the Divine Realm, so Zhang Yi had exceeded his expectations, but he was disappointed because he thought that at the ninth level of the Divine Realm Zhang Yi could not change the outcome of a great war like this.

"Zhang Yi, congratulations on reaching the ninth level of the Divine Realm, now with the Dragon's Breath technique you can kill some demons from the Eternal Realm for sure, with your clones to defend you will help a lot in this war."

"Thank you, Long Feng, but I didn't need to disguise it, I saw that you were disappointed that I didn't make it to the Eternal Realm, I understand you, but I came here to ask for your help on a mission that could save our world."

"Of course, anything I can help to increase our chances of winning."

"Okay, I may not have made it to the Eternal Realm, but I was lucky and in enlightenment I passed the ninth level of peak understanding of the laws of space I had and arrived at the space Dao."

"The space Dao may not help me much in the fight, but I have an attack technique that depends on the strength of the law and also with that technique I can take any small army on an attack and retreat safely."

Long Feng was shocked to hear Zhang Yi say this, he felt something different about Zhang Yi, but he thought it must be his mental energy, but now he understood what it was, but it was hard for Long Feng to believe it.

He had lived for millions of years and yet he had not reached the ninth level of peak understanding in any law and Zhang Yi, who was not even 2,000 years old, had reached Dao which was a legend for all cultivators.

If it were someone else in another situation, Long Feng would be sure it would be a lie, but in a situation where the war was close and coming from Zhang Yi who had a divine talent he had to believe that.

"When I arrived at the Dao from space I remembered Li Fu's memories and found out where the demons who were talking to him and are behind all these wars were, and surprisingly these demons are not in another universe as we thought but hidden in an underworld."

"I found out that they are in an underworld and I also know where it is and I can take an elite group to this place because they have a powerful space barrier I cannot take a large army and I also do not know how many demons there can be."

"But I guarantee that I can take an elite group and I thought of calling you and other beasts that are above the fifth level of the Eternal Realm, so we can have a chance to attack the demons and at least affect their army."

"I guarantee that I can escape with you all alive if there are many demons in this world, and I have an attack technique that uses the laws that can bring us victory even against a large army."

Long Feng naturally believed in Zhang Yi, but that didn't stop him from being shocked by this discovery, he could never have imagined that the demons were hiding in the underworld and it was their fault for not checking.

"I understand, I will call 14 other beasts from the Eternal Realm that are above the fifth level, I will trust that you can escape with all of us if you have many enemies."

With Long Feng agreeing Zhang Yi left Long Feng out of the distorted timeline he had created, Zhang Yi could quietly leave and leave the active space for others to train while he and his elite group fought.

After they left Zhang Yi's mental energy world and went to where the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts sects were, in a few minutes Long Feng organized an army that even had beasts that attacked the divine plane.

This showed the authority that Long Feng had with the beasts, of course, the fact that 6 of the 15 beasts were dragons helped to convince the other sects, Hu Jiang was one of the beasts of the Eternal Realm who was on the fifth level of the Eternal Realm and decided to help Zhang Yi too.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that Zhang Yi had reached the ninth level of Divine Realm in those 1,200 years of training, they remembered that Zhang Yi was not even on the second level of Divine Realm in his qi before training.

This showed Zhang Yi's divine talent and even more showed that the beasts should not underestimate humans in the future, they were even more shocked when they learned that Zhang Yi had arrived at the Dao from space and had discovered where the demons were.

They were all fearless beasts and naturally accepted this mission to go to the underworld where the demons were just them and try to change the course of this war, they knew it was very possible that they would die in the war that would happen soon anyway.

In this underworld, it was almost impossible for all the demons to be and these beasts wanted to kill as much as they could before the war started, even if Zhang Yi couldn't get away with them it would be worth a try.

Zhang Yi was again surprised by the courage of the beasts, but he did not hesitate and took them all on a teleport to the underworld where the demons were, Zhang Yi naturally left everyone in his group invisible upon arriving in the underworld.

Zhang Yi soon used his divine sense and so he could get an idea of where the demons closest to them were, Zhang Yi knew he shouldn't waste any time and decided to kill the nearest demons even if that warned the enemies.

That's because by killing the enemies he could do the soul search if he knew more about how many demons were in this underworld, Zhang Yi was soon shocked when he used his divine sense.

Close to where they were, there were only 10 demons from the Eternal Realm and 100 demons from the Divine Realm plus millions of demons from the Emperor Realm or weaker, Zhang Yi hadn't even tried to search too far for fear of the demons discovering them.

The worst was that the demons that Zhang Yi saw in Li Fu's memory were not even among those demons, that meant that there were more demons than Zhang Yi expected before, fortunately, the strongest of these demons were in the third level of the Eternal Realm.

Zhang Yi soon told the beasts of his group the real situation of this underworld, the beasts were not surprised by the demons they had, they were prepared to die in that place and in that situation, they could at least kill some demons before they retreated.

After combining with the beasts to begin the attack, Zhang Yi was also not afraid, perhaps only he and Long Feng were in no danger of dying in this war and so they naturally had to have more courage than the others.

Even relying on the courage of the beasts Zhang Yi was still careful and waited for the right moment before creating a space-time constraint and thus trapping these demons in the place where he had decided to attack.

The demons were surprised and for a while did not know what was happening, they lived hundreds of thousands of years in this underworld and could never have expected that they would be attacked by humans and beasts.

Zhang Yi wasted no time and teleported to where they had 4 demons from the Eternal Realm together, the 4 demons were surprised when they saw Zhang Yi and the 15 beasts of the Eternal Realm appearing, but it didn't matter in a few minutes the beasts killed the 4 demons of the Eternal Realm and were more excited knowing that they were killing the dreaded demons.

The greatest danger that the demons brought to their world was that the demons were very strong and were also as numerous as humans, besides, the demons were very united and therefore they gained the advantage by attacking the world that had so many sects and species that didn't know how to make an alliance.

But with this surprise attack by Zhang Yi attacking in greater numbers it was impossible that they would not win these fights, because of the Dao from Zhang Yi's space the demons could not escape or communicate with the other demons.

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