Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 401: The Final War 5

Chapter 401: The Final War 5

Hearing this Long Feng can understand why Zhang Yi was angry, they should have thought that demons could also use the laws of space to come together and that was the only advantage they had in this fight.

"It seems that this way after a few days the strongest groups of demons will be able to unite and join their army, especially the demons of the Eternal Realm who can teleport from long distances."

Zhang Yi did not say anymore, he was also angry because he learned using Dao from his space that several smaller worlds had already been destroyed by demons and Zhang Yi had to be careful to send the attacking groups so that no strong demons appeared and killed them all.

"Do you want one to go to where this seventh level demon of the Eternal Realm is that you said?"

"No need, I already sent one of my clones there and this demon is fighting with my clone now, and I'm also monitoring where all the other seventh level demons in the Eternal Realm are."

"So the groups that I sent who are close to these demons are with my clones that can use the technique of space and time restriction and so these demons of the seventh level of the Eternal Realm cannot do anything else."

Even so, Zhang Yi was concerned because the fights elsewhere were difficult and several deaths had already happened, he was trying his best to protect everyone, but that was impossible if they wanted to win this war.

Zhang Yi told Long Feng to rest and recover his qi because in two days he would be able to recover the qi he used to kill the seventh level demon of the Eternal Realm, Zhang Yi did not tell Long Feng not to worry him, but there were 11 demons the seventh level of the Eternal Realm.

This was more than they expected and this information that Zhang Yi received was wrong, but it would not change their fighting strategy and Zhang Yi's clones could fight these 10 remaining Eternal Realm demons.

The war continued and the next few days were very tense, Zhang Yi had happily managed to visualize where all the demons that invaded their universe were and were watching them all.

Almost all the groups he sent to fight in the battles came back with no one dead, but they had many wounded and some were almost out of qi after just one fight, but they had killed many demons and Zhang Yi was trying to prevent the demons from the Eternal Realm get together.

In another time when he realized that two groups of demons from the Eternal Realm would join Zhang Yi sent his elite group to exterminate one of the groups, the group he sent the elite group to exterminate had only 12 demons from the Eternal Realm.

But Zhang Yi can also send just one of his clones to use the space and time restriction technique, Zhang Yi felt like he was playing a board strategy game, but the pieces he had were warrior lives that he couldn't sacrifice to be able to win faster.

But that was the advantage that Zhang Yi's army had, the disadvantage was that even if they killed dozens of enemy demons they were still outnumbered, and that was what discouraged him.

Even more when he had to watch smaller worlds being destroyed and billions of lives being lost, yet Zhang Yi was calm and patient and hoped that the warriors would recover before sending them to fight again.

Perhaps only the strongest elders in the Eternal Realm could imagine the pressure that Zhang Yi was feeling in that war, especially when the warriors on their side died because something unexpected was happening.

After a few days of fighting Zhang Yi could no longer send the warriors back to the fight because without him being able to do anything to stop the separate groups of demons they were coming together and Zhang Yi could not risk the lives of the warriors by sending them to this war with other stronger demons may appear.

Zhang Yi could not use his clones because they had to prepare to go to the places where the demons of the seventh level of the Eternal Realm were, one of the clones of Zhang Yi was fighting a demon of the seventh level of the Eternal Realm from the beginning of the war.

So when Zhang Yi saw that he could do nothing to stop the demons from joining, he thought it was time to at least eliminate some seventh level demons from the Eternal Realm to lessen the risk of the allied army.

Zhang Yi sent Long Feng and other sixth level warriors from the Eternal Realm to where the demon was fighting with Zhang Yi's clone, as he would no longer send other groups to war he could use the strongest warriors to try to kill the seventh level demons of the Eternal Realm.

With this strong group and the seventh level demon of the Eternal Realm already weakened after fighting for so many days, Long Feng and the other warriors were able to kill this seventh level demon of the Eternal Realm quickly.

The warriors did not return to where Zhang Yi was and the clone of Zhang Yi who was fighting the demon used teleportation to take them to the place where another demon from the seventh level of the Eternal Realm was.

This demon was looking for other groups of demons and did not expect to be attacked, seeing that this group had several warriors from the sixth level of the Eternal Realm and still had Long Feng who was on the seventh level of the Eternal Realm this demon understood that this was not a coincidence.

[I was really finding it strange that I have been in this universe for so many days and I haven't met any demons yet, but I couldn't wait for you to be setting a trap, we really underestimated this weaker universe.]

Zhang Yi had warned no one to speak to the demons because they could share the information they received with other demons, the demons 'attack was going wrong and every action by Zhang Yi increasingly diminished the demons' chance of winning this war.

Long Feng's elite group still managed to kill this demon and 4 more demons from the seventh level of the Eternal Realm before the remaining seventh level demons from the Eternal Realm met and formed a very strong group.

Zhang Yi realized that the demons had received a coordinate in which they were only supposed to travel towards this place and so in time everyone would meet because their distance narrowed when they approached.

Zhang Yi deduced that this was the coordinate that they used to arrive in this universe and therefore everyone could know about those coordinates, the demons that were in that universe could not share the coordinates because of some restriction of the celestial laws that neither the demons could break that preserved the universes.

So Zhang Yi got to a point where he could do nothing but watch while the demons gathered and made a big army like they didn't want to happen, the worst was that almost all the groups in their army were very tired of struggles and because of the stress, these past few weeks struggling.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi was quick to make a decision and decided to take everyone into his world of mental energy to create a distorted time-space again and thus give everyone who was injured and tired to recover.

Because after that they would come together for the final war, when Zhang Yi said that everyone supported the idea and everyone knew they needed a break before the final fight, Zhang Yi's wives and his masters were also tired because they had to fight much and they were attacked by surprise twice that Zhang Yi had to intervene to save them.

They just had to rest and they wouldn't have time to train anymore because when the demons got together any place was risky for this war, Zhang Yi took billions of people and had to prepare almost an entire continent of his mental energy world to create a space distorted time in which everyone could stay for a while.

So finally Zhang Yi can stop using his clone technique, that he has always used in the last few weeks and the stress on him was greater than everyone else, Zhang Yi and his wives were able to rest in a separate place and slept for more than one week to recover from their mental strain.

After waking up Zhang Yi began to calculate how the current situation was in the war, they could say that their strategy had really been successful despite all the unexpected things that happened.

They had an unstoppable war in the beginning and so Zhang Yi formed an elite group with Long Feng and killed 131 demons from the Eternal Realm and billions of demons in total thus making this war less impossible to win.

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