Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 67: Leaving the World Hope 2

Chapter 67: Leaving the World Hope 2

After picking up the spear in the hands Zhang Yi just lifted the spear up, the spear that was beginning to gain intelligence seemed to understand what Zhang Yi wanted so the spear integrated with the lightning element laws of Zhang Yi's body and used his energy spiritual too.

After seeing Zhang Yi kill tens of thousands of Xiantian realm elves the remaining forest elves knew they would die, they could not even flee and did not dare try to fight back, so Zhang Yi's spear formed bolts of lightning from the heavens like tribulation and attacked the elves of the realm core creation.

After losing 90 percent of their strength and being injured by Zhang Yi every time a lightning struck an elf of the forest of the realm of the creation of the nucleus this elf would die exploding as happened to the elves before them, after a few minutes and more of 6,000 elves of the kernel creation realm forest had been killed as well.

After that Zhang Yi moved forward and swung the spear, every time he swung the spear two or three elves of the forest of the core revolution would die, Zhang Yi, sighed thinking that a few months ago he could not even hurt someone from the realm of the core revolution.

Now each swing of his spear could take the life of an enemy, Zhang Yi had no pity any of his enemies and swayed the spear several times as he advanced forward flying in the sky, after swaying the spear little more than 20 times he killed all the forest elves except King Gantar.

But Zhang Yi had destroyed Gantar's arms and legs and left him to the brink of death, Zhang Yi then came close to Gantar and lifted him close to him in the sky with his mental energy, Zhang Yi did not want to talk to Gantar, he just wanted to know where the forest elf princess was.

Zhang Yi wanted to free the princess who had been imprisoned dozens of years ago by telling King Gantar about the prophecy of the oracle, he wanted to know if the princess was an honest elf and did not want his evil, otherwise, he would leave her alone. become the queen of the forest elves.

So Zhang Yi used his mental energy to read the memories in Gantar's soul and after he discovered what he wanted to kill him, so Zhang Yi killed all the enemies the dark elves had and feared for thousands of years, Zhang Yi had no problems in killing these tens of thousands of elves because he knew that the elven population of the forest was almost twice as many as the dark elves.

So after Zhang Yi did this he wiped out the possibility of war between the races again as the dark elves had greater mythic strength, but in hundreds of years, new strong warriors would be born into the forest elven race, or maybe even before that as spiritual energy was more abundant now.

Zhang Yi who finished all he had to do would just get Lusserina and after releasing the princess would leave, so he went towards Lusserina to leave soon from that place, when they saw Zhang Yi coming towards them, Nuala and the elves dark ones that had been saved by Zhang Yi were afraid as they moved away from him instead of thanking.

Zhang Yi only felt sorry for it, he often wondered if it was worth saving these ingrate elves, Zhang Yi thought that with the personality and pride of these people they would end up attacking humans again if they left the world hope someday.

Zhang Yi did not care for the dark elves who moved away from him and went towards Lusserina, as Zhang Yi wanted to leave this place quickly flying he reached out to catch Lusserina, but Lusserina unwillingly moved away from Zhang Yi's hands.

Zhang Yi looked at Lusserina and realized that she was afraid of him like all other dark elves, so he felt disappointed, he thought that at least Lusserina would be on his side, but he never thought of forcing anything to her and decided to take a break for her to decide if she wanted to stay with him.

"So I'll leave you here, for now, I'll be back in a few weeks to see what your decision is."

After finishing speaking Zhang Yi fully activated his speed and even used the Lord's divine technique of wind and lightning to increase his speed, he stopped before reaching the matrix that Gantar had activated that would still last more than 20 hours.

Zhang Yi used his mental energy in the matrix and encountered a minor flaw, so he activated his full strength using the divine invested dragon technique and then used the feather rain technique to strike 4 times at the same point 3 times his full strength.

Thus the matrix that could withstand several attacks by a day of realm warriors mortally broke apart in the part where Zhang Yi attacked, he moved and quickly left the matrix, after a few seconds the matrix returned to normal.

Even after Zhang Yi left all the dark elves who were the only ones alive in an area where they were once dominated by the forest elves were all silent, they were trying to process everything that had happened there.

The war that killed so many people quickly ended, the world regained the spiritual energy and everyone would live for thousands more years and could even advance more in their cultivations and all the leaders of the forest elves were dead.

Even though none of the dark elves managed to celebrate any of this, then Falael and the other elves tried to enter the city, but saw that the matrix was still active, so they realized that they could not do as Zhang Yi and would have to wait another 20 hours to be able to leave this place.

Meanwhile Zhang Yi who was already far from the city of the great tree slowed down, he was not like the other warriors and had much understanding of the wind element's laws, his mental energy and also much more qi and this qi was much purer than any other, so he could fly for days without stopping even being of the realm creation of the nucleus still.

But the reason he slowed was that he was in no hurry to get anywhere, now he was going to the farthest place in the northern lands of the forest elves, this place was near the beginning of the desert for the elves of the forest.

It was in this place that Gantar had arrested the princess, only he knew about this place, so it seemed that Zhang Yi's decision to seek Gantar's memoirs before killing him was very clever, if it were otherwise he would have to spend a lot of time searching for the whereabouts of the princess.

Zhang Yi was very disappointed with all the elves, but most of all with the dark elves who should be his allies, after all even if he killed the forest elves cruelly they were enemies and all the dark elves were accustomed to later deaths to spend hundreds of years in wars.

Besides, it was obvious that if Zhang Yi wanted to kill the dark elves he would have done it, still more the elves he saved, nor thanked him, even more Lusserina who was the person who knew most about him and what he did by all the elves, Zhang Yi felt betrayed by what happened.

After a few weeks he was approaching the place where the elven princess of the forest was, even though he could fly for weeks without getting tired, Zhang Yi wanted to rest for a day before he completed the trip, he went slowly toward princess because she wanted to see the lands on the elf side of the forest better.

As he was always in a hurry as he passed through the land of the forest elves he did not have the opportunity to see the land better, all cities were very beautiful and had many forests and plantations all over the place.

Really a place that was suitable to be home to the elves who were known to be loved by nature, after better understanding the laws of the wood element Zhang Yi seemed to feel that had a greater connection with nature in general.

As soon as he left the city of the great tree he had already disguised himself as a forest elf, so he would not cause any confusion wherever he passed as he was a human. He did not care what disguise he wore, then he stopped in a city to rest.

While Zhang Yi was having her peacetime Lusserina was more guilty than ever and had not eaten or slept in those last few weeks, after a few days of the incident in the city of the great elves Falael declared that the world was in abundance again and that war was over.

All the elves celebrated this, but the forest elves did not fully believe in Falael and waited for the elven king of the forest to tell him if the war really was over, but a few days later Falael again reported that all forest elves including him king Gantar was killed and that the great tree was destroyed by the heavens.

The forest elves did not believe this of course and so thousands of people went to the big city to see if it was true, Falael did not care at all, it was all true, and before he settled things with Zhang Yi he did not dare to say that he dominated the elves of the forest.

After a few days of the forest elves' massacre, the dark elves calmed down and realized that what had happened was no big deal and they were just in shock that day.

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