Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 69: Leaving the World Hope 4

Chapter 69: Leaving the World Hope 4

After all, he thought he had done much for all the elves, it only took so long to avoid a massacre, but anything that happened differently could end up in his or Lusserina's death.

Just as Zhang Yi could only arrest all the forest elves who attacked him, he was tired of always being merciful to these elves, he was a person who killed more than 1 million people in all his life, it was obvious that he did not was any saint, otherwise he could not learn the laws of slaughter.

"You said you came here to see if I was a good person, what do you think now?"

"I think you're a good person and also completely different from your father, so I think it's only fair that I get you out of this place, I hope you can be a good queen to the forest elves."

After saying this, Zhang Yi used her mental energy to cover Saphielle's aura and easily took her from this place she had been imprisoned for tens of years, after a while he took her toward the city.

It would be a long trip to the capital of the elves, while they traveled together, they talked a lot together, Zhang Yi made food every day and they would eat Saphielle can also see how the kingdom of the elves was after dozens of years she cannot see for being arrested.

After a few weeks traveling they were only a few days from reaching the capital city of the forest elves, Zhang Yi as the whole night prepared food for the two, Saphielle looked at him for a long time and then spoke.

"So you also had a relationship with the princess of the dark elves, she did well to follow the instructions of the oracle, so few dark elves died in this war."

"It will be a good queen to the dark elves in the future, but even with this outfit you are neither a forest elf and not a dark elf, then what you will do in the future?"

"Lusserina may not become a queen, I am not of this world, now that I have done what I had to do I will return to my world."

"Are you going to leave Lusserina here?"

"Maybe, that depends on her decision, but I hope she can come with me into my world."

"Can you lead other people into your world?"

"I can."

"Then take me with you, I can not be a queen to the forest elves, I've been away from the people for many years and I do not have enough strength like my father."

Zhang Yi thought for a while, he could take her from this world if she wanted, after all, was one of the voice prompts, it would Lusserina why he had a relationship with her, but he thought that someone with the strength of Saphielle could turn well in the outside world.

As Saphielle was he did not think she would tell the people of the world outside of the elves, even told anyone still had the voice and the test on the other side to protect the elves of this world.

Zhang Yi also thought that after a few decades could emerge an elf of the realm of the spiritual sea, after that happened this world would be increasingly protected, so he looked at Saphielle and nodded saying that would take her out of this world.

Seeing this Saphielle that was expressionless finally showed a small smile on his face, it solved Zhang Yi still had to go the capital of the elves to find someone who could lead the elves of the forest after Gantar.

Zhang Yi could even allow Falael to rule this world and make his own rules for forest elves, but he would never allow the dark elves to dominate the forest elves if after he returned he saw some forest elf with a slave he would personally kill Falael even if Lusserina did not like it.

Zhang Yi knew that there should be more forest elves of the realm core creation and maybe even the realm core revolution that was not killed by him that day but he never thought to kill all the forest elves, he just killed those who They thought about attacking him.

After they reached the regions closest to the capital and the city of the great tree Saphielle was surprised because he expected to see several cities and houses destroyed because of the war, but in fact, nothing was destroyed.

Saphielle knew that his father was not a man who would go to the front line of a war, even though he was very strong he was also a great coward and so he did not hesitate to arrest his own daughter for dozens of years just for a chance of losing their power.

So when Zhang Yi said that he had eliminated all the army of the elves from the forest and also King Gantar she thought that all the cities near the capital would be destroyed so that he could do it.

She thought so because Zhang Yi did not want to tell that she killed all the tens of thousands of elves in just a few minutes and without being hurt, he did so because he did not want to be seen as a monster as the dark elves and Lusserina looked at him.

Arriving in the capital Zhang Yi used his powerful mental energy to search everywhere in the capital he wanted to find the strongest people in town and would see if any of these people would be worthy to become the new king or queen of the forest elves.

After searching for a while he found 4 elves with the realm core revolution, it was as he thought, not all the forest elves were in that city when he did the massacre, he could tell that these people were all very lucky.

Looking at one of these four elves Zhang Yi took Saphielle and moved to that place quickly, coming close to the entrance he can feel with his mental energy dozens of elves of the realm creating the core guarding the place, so he made a small attack with his energy mentally and put to sleep all the people in the house.

The warrior of the realm core revolution was surprised by this and then can see Zhang Yi with Saphielle entering the house, only so she can calm down a bit.

"You could have tried to talk first before doing this to my subordinates."

"I gave up talking to the elves when they're enemies they always annoy me and I have to kill them, so it's better to do it this way."

"You should be a dark elf and not a forest elf, is that your disguise?"

"I've always worn disguises by now."

"I see, I did not think it was so, so why did you come to me and bring my daughter who should be stuck with you."

This was the elven queen of the Bemere forest when Zhang Yi knew she asked for Saphielle's sake he thought she might be dead now, but since she was strong and she was already the queen she should be the right person.

"I'm looking for someone who can lead and care for the forest elves now."

"After you kill all of the forest elves' army you want us to be able to defend ourselves yet? What you are feeling guilty about what you did. "

"I do not want to see the elves die after I've worked so hard to save them, and you know full well that I did it because of your husband and the forest elves who are very arrogant."

"But you could have mercy, you kill Gantar was correct, but you did not have to kill tens of thousands of people who could not defend themselves."

"They did not know that I was stronger than they, so they did not think to have mercy on me and tried to kill me, moreover, they would have gladly eliminated thousands of dark elves, I tired of having mercy on those who do not deserve."

After that Bemere stopped talking, she knows that what Zhang Yi said is true, but she thought it was the duty of the strong to have mercy and forgive those who were otherwise weak, otherwise, there would be no one else alive.

"You could make Saphielle become the queen, she'd have the right heart for it."

"I do not want this mother, I do not want to stay here anymore, I've suffered a lot because of the elves."

"You'll want it or not, if you do not want to, I'll go find someone else, I'm in a hurry to leave."

"Are you leaving? Where?"

"It does not matter to you, Saphielle goes to the same place as I do, but one day I'll bring her back."

After hearing this Bemere was silent, she knew she had gone too far with the questions with Zhang Yi, he was not someone to play with, she knew there was no one better than her to lead the forest elves now.

"I accept then, what should we do about Falael and the dark elves?"

"I'm going to talk to them, but since you lost the war because of Gantar and the forest elves are the main responsible for this dying world, I will not stop Falael from wanting to have some authority over the forest elves."

"What you mean about us are the culprits or that you have saved all the elves, what do you mean by all this."

As Zhang Yi was already prepared to leave and no one could bother him many he decided to tell everything to Bemere and Saphielle when they knew it was because of a natural treasure that lay beneath the great tree and two more natural treasures that they could never see that they almost faced the destruction they were shocked.

Now they understood the absurdity that the forest elves did and the greater absurdity that Gantar did, they almost destroyed the whole world, and Gantar almost killed the person who could save this world, and after he who had no obligation saved that world he was almost killed again, he would have to be a saint not to do that massacre.

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