Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 92: Entering the Snowlands 5

Chapter 92: Entering the Snowlands 5

After more than a month of fighting, they were all used to fighting skeletons, the numbers of enemies increased, but women didn't realize it because the fighting was still the same.

That month they went a long way and cleared the first cave and entered the second cave, Zhang Yi realized that this underworld had only hundreds of caves and nothing else, so they had no way to choose and just go ahead.

So if they eliminated all the skeletons this world would be destroyed, of course, the difficulty of this mission is enormous and cannot be easily done. If Zhang Yi didn't have his divine sense technique they would have only stayed in the first cave until he died or all the skeletons were gone.

Even though nobody's cultivation had increased at that time they learned to use their moves well to kill their enemies better using less qi and energy, so everyone gained a lot from it.

The twins were happy because the way things were could save a lot of time for the people in the village to live longer, Lusserina was upset that she couldn't get intimate with Zhang Yi again.

But this time it wasn't the twins' fault, but this damn world that doesn't give any romanticism, so they wanted Zhang Yi to destroy this world quickly, of course, they didn't say anything to stop pushing Zhang Yi anymore.

At the end of the day of fighting Zhang Yi can finally advance his mental energy, even though he cannot use it for fighting without the divine techniques he could still cultivate, so he has reached the supreme layer of the sixth mental energy realm.

With another 7 months he could increase to the seventh realm of mental energy, his cultivation of body refinement also made an advance in those months and reached the advanced layer of the seventh realm of cultivation.

With that, the next fights would become much easier for him and Zhang Yi was very safe for the celestial tribulation that would soon come to him, he was really curious if it would cause anything to this world when the punishment of the heavens came in here and saw all these. skeletons.

It could even be a few million of them destroyed here, Zhang Yi was really looking forward to it, so they kept advancing after one day of rest at a time, after another two months advancing in this world Zhang Yi finally saw the enemies begin to get stronger.

In 3 months in this world they should have killed more than 50 million skeletons in all fights, after all after the first time the number of skeletons was increasing and in the last fights it was over 1.5 million skeletons, even women who didn't have the divine sense realized this.

But now it had only over 100,000 skeletons, but they were mostly Houtian realm and some were even Xiantian realm, and Zhang Yi felt it could get worse, even if Lusserina and Saphielle were safe with their spirit-rank armor they would have. You use a lot more qi in your moves to kill the skeletons.

The twins who would use much more qi just stop protecting themselves and kill enemies, fortunately, they learned to control the consumption and recovery of qi with the spiritual stones, now Zhang Yi could give intermediate level spiritual stones that would not be wasted.

In another month Zhang Yi would raise his cultivation of qi and be much more confident against these skeletons if the level of enemy skeletons increased he could only use part of his qi to protect women while fighting.

Already in the first fight, it was all over much less time, just a few hours and the skeletons had been eliminated, that was because for Zhang Yi it made no difference killing skeletons of the Houtian realm or the Xiantian realm, only against the core creation realm he would have more difficulty.

But even if the fight lasted several times less now the women were much more tired than usual, Lusserina and Saphielle didn't have to defend themselves, but they had to use a lot more qi to kill the skeletons.

Even more difficult were the twin sisters who had to dodge, defend themselves and still attack with a lot of qi being spent in the fights, if not for the spiritual stones given by Zhang Yi to recover they would have died even with Zhang Yi killing most of the enemies.

But they managed to survive the fights, the good news was that the skeleton groups were farther away from each other and with the fight lasting less they had more time to rest, but after the first fight was over Zhang Yi realized that the sisters were more depressed.

Of the two sisters, Luna was always the most talkative and cheerful and had even made friends with Lusserina and Saphielle, and Solar was quite quiet and spoke only to her sister, a different personality than the names said.

So at dinner time Lusserina and Saphielle went to build the temporary encampment and set up a bathing lake, like elves, though they did not compare with a freak like Zhang Yi, both of whom were very good at using elemental laws.

After doing double cultivation with Zhang Yi in addition to their cultivation increasing the qi of the two became much clearer, yet understanding the laws of the two was better, at least basic things like creating a small house with the wood element or making one. A small lake was easy for them.

While they were doing this Zhang Yi approached the twins to talk to them, he had to know if they were fine otherwise they would have to stop advancing in the caves of this underworld until they recovered.

"Did something happen to you after today's fight?"

As soon as Zhang Yi approached and said Solar that was shyer hid behind her sister and even surprised Luna still answered Zhang Yi.

"It's nothing important, we were just having some memories of things that happened in the village before."

"Are you sure it's nothing? If it's anything we'll stop moving forward, for now, otherwise, you might get hurt or even die in the next fight."

Seeing that Zhang Yi really seemed to be worried about them, Luna hesitated a little and decided to tell him what she was thinking.

"We were just thinking of the people who have entered this world in the past and who are dead now, after today's fight we sisters who are in the realm of the core revolution have almost been hurt even with you protecting us and with an intermediate spiritual stone. to recover us."

"That means that without you we would probably have died in the first fight, hundreds of warriors entered this world before us, the weaker we all knew were practically sacrifices to give us more time."

"But when the 2 realm warriors of the mortal tribulation entered here with thousands of warriors from our village, even though they had died we thought at least they had almost come to the end to destroy this world."

"But after today's fight I realized that these warriors didn't even get to that point, many might die before they got here and if the two realm warriors of the mortal tribulation came here alone after 3 months they should be almost dead today. "

Zhang Yi just listened silently to what Luna was saying, honestly, he knew these warriors had not lasted a month after they entered here, meaning that they would have died three months ago if they all came together.

This was because without knowing how this world worked they used their qi techniques to destroy the skeletons faster, so the skeleton groups would come together and the fight would be endless.

But Zhang Yi understood that for Luna and the villagers these warriors who had come here before were like heroes to them, at least he understood that they had no serious problems and would recover in two days of rest.

"You needn't worry about that, they were heroes for challenging this world for the sake of everyone in your village, what we have to do now is destroy this world so that their sacrifice is not in vain."

After saying that he went back to cultivating, Zhang Yi had one more day now and could rest for one more day, but he would use those days to cultivate and still advance just as before so he could get stronger quickly.

Even though the fights so far could be considered easy Zhang Yi dared not underestimate the difficulty of this underworld, if he had in the realm of mortal tribulation in a few weeks he had confidence in destroying such a world, but now he should not have even entered. to try.

He only had the courage to enter here because he had the spear tempered by the lightning bolts of celestial tribulation and the essence of the phoenix flame, so he could have the confidence to fight in this world even with low cultivation.

So after another month of fighting women were much better at fighting, even if their cultivation had not increased they were learning as much as possible to use the least qi for each blow, yet Luna and Solar were injured several times already.

They even ran out of qi sometimes, whenever that happened Zhang Yi gave them one of the precious qi recovery pills for them, the same for Lusserina and Saphielle, but thanks to the spirit rank armor they never got hurt.

This was because the number of skeletons in each fight was increasing, there were almost 500,000 skeletons in this last fight and most of them were from the Xiantian realm if they continued this way they would not last long.

So the twin sisters understood that this world was not a test or something they could improve on with years of training but a hell underworld that was made by demons to weaken humanity as they prepared to attack.

The difficulty was only slowly increasing because Zhang Yi was very talented and had divine techniques, so he could slowly advance to try to destroy this world.

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