Doctor Player

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

In fact, some of the high-ranking nobles had the ability to heal since it is a random ability for everyone.

However, few people actually worked as healers. This is because they thought that working as one was not like a high-ranking aristocrat. Especially when they treat commoners.


Christine lets out a tired sigh. Whenever she meets her family, her head always throbs like this.

Whenever she was stressed, she felt as if her usual disease would come up.

I know I put you in trouble for acting so inconsiderate, brother. I apologize for that.

Im glad you know. So from now on.

Yes, from now on, Ill put spaghetti in my head like you, laugh without thinking, drink at the banquet hall, and meet men. Spend a lot of money too. Thatll do, right?

Their younger siblings put on a blank expression for a moment.

Oh, sister!

Or should I go to a luxury specialty? If I make up my mind, I can spend a years living expenses on entertainment like you. Or do you want me to gamble like our older brother? How much did he spend last week at a casino in Soln again?

Christine! Alfred shouted.

She sighs mentally.

She hits the right spot.

Christine sighed low and threw her tight glove to the ground.

Then she stared coldly at her brother and younger siblings.

Ill tell you one thing.

Surprised by her spirit, they held their breath.

It was Christine who rolled around looking at all kinds of patients among greedy healers.

The charisma that radiated from her was different from that of her siblings, who were carnivores who always spent money on family property.

Its alright to laugh at me. But dont underestimate treating patients. Its a million times nobler than you giggling in the banquet hall.

Then she turned her back sharply.

Oh, where are you going? Father will be here soon. Are you going to Maple Treatment Center again? Alfred exclaimed embarrassedly. 



Without further explanation, Christine roughly untied her hair, which was turned up like a flower.

And then, she tied it with a tight ponytail for ease of action.

She was going to the Penin Treatment Center.

Ill check with my own eyes what kind of treatment medicine is. Im going to check whether its bad for the patients or not.

Christines eyes hardened in determination.

She doesnt know what kind of therapy medicine is yet. She had only heard of it.

So Ill check for myself.

So if medicine is really a fraudulent treatment that will harm the patient, then she will stop it at all costs.


At that time, Raymond was smiling.

Its money! Money! Money!

Finally, patients who pay more than the cost of medical treatment are starting to come!

Crying. Im crying at the thought of all the hard work Ive done so far. Theres only money left for me in the future.

Raymond carefully cherished the fifteen pence in his pocket.

Its the money the patient just now paid for his treatment.

There are as many as five pence left, excluding the cost of medicinal herbs.

Huh! I feel like eating out today! Ill call Lao and buy him beef. 

Raymond looked out the window excitedly.

The sky was really clear.

It was a moment when he was enjoying his mood to the fullest.

[We can sense the true force!]

[The other persons true power is detected as medium!]

Oh my god!

Raymond looked nervously out the window and his eyes widened in surprise.

In the distance, a woman was walking to the treatment center.

Oh, she is so pretty.

She was such a beautiful woman that I thought so at once.

She was so beautiful that it caught his eye at once no matter how long the distance was between them. Her beauty seemed to radiate from all over her body.

Is that woman the true force he had to face?

Raymond swallowed his saliva.

It seemed so.

From her hardened expression, she seemed to be the force that Raymond could not easily deal with.

And as the distance drew nearer, Raymonds eyes only grew wider.

I recognized her!

She is Princess Christine, isnt she? Why is she going to my clinic?

Princess Christine!

She is a very famous person in the treatment world.

No one in the kingdoms capital would not know her.

No matter how I look at it, it looks like shes here to pick a fight.

Raymond made a puzzled expression with his face.

In experience, many people came to fight  if they were more than the medium of a true force.

Did she come here to pick a fight with medicine?

Raymond guessed Christines business.

At first glance, Raymond had heard through Lao that she was negative about medicine.

Knock, knock.

Arriving at the clinic, she knocked with a calm hand gesture.

[The true force has arrived at the clinic!]

[The true countermeasures are revealed!]

Lets just send her back.

Raymond came up with a solution.

Princess Christine is a healer who thinks only of her patients in all honesty, unlike me, who is a money-loving snob. There is a high possibility that we wont be able to communicate effectively.

 People with strong convictions often have trouble communicating.

Then there is only one answer.

Lets just send her back.

The best strategy is to win without a fight.

Moreover, she is the fiancee of the 2nd Prince, Kairn. It has not been announced yet, but everyone thought so.

I didnt want to deal with it.

Senior, we have a visitor.

Tell them to wait.

Yes, but?

Raymond had a stern look on his face.

Hanson, Im now treating a patient. No guest is more important than treating a patient.

As expected of you, senior.

Please excuse me.

Hanson looked moved.

Lindon, did you hear that? We need to have that mindset, alright?

Yes, senior Hanson! Above all, my heart for the patient! Ill keep that in mind! 

The two went out in a hurry.

There was something cute about the two of them as if theyre two puppies hanging out together.

Anyway, Ill have to bring another disciple.

Raymond activated the Discipline Training Mode.

[Discipline Training Mode]

Your current job grade is senior resident.

of the current number of disciples.

As he became a senior resident, the number of students he could accept increased to three.

It is beneficial to have a disciple because you can share experience. However, the problem is money.

The market price of the healers is so high that you have to pay a lot of money even if you bring it in as a student.

Lets get rid of the truth in front of us first and think about it more later.


I mean Christine.

If she waits, shell get tired and go back on her own.

So Raymond was absorbed in patient care.

The patient was incessant.

Meanwhile, Christine.

She waited silently for Raymond with a frown.

Im sorry. When the master sees a patient, he only focuses on the patients.

Master? Are you a student of Baron Penin?

Yes, I am ashamed, but I am.

What do you mean ashamed?

Hanson replied with a blunt look.

Im an infinitely shameful disciple compared to the greatness of my master. Im just an ugly disciple trying not to be a burden to him.

Christine shuts her mouth.

Is he being serious?

It seemed so.

I couldnt feel the slightest lightness in those hard eyes.

Another pupil, Lyndon, had a similar reaction.

Greetings, Princess Christine!

Are you also a pupil of Baron Penin?

Yes! Im working with senior Hanson. I am working hard so I wont be a shameful student to the Master!

What are they?

Christine looked puzzled.

You seem to have great respect for Baron Penin. What kind of man is Baron Penin? 

Is it an illusion? Hansons brown eyes shone momentarily.

The best?


I dont know how to describe him. He is just the best I wonder if I can express his real greatness in words.


Anyway, hes so great that its hard to put into words. Its my lifes goal. I dont think Ill have a wish if I can be like one-tenth of him throughout my life. Of course, it will be difficult for someone like me to do that no matter how hard I try.

Hanson glanced at Lyndon next to him.

The freckled boy, who was absent-minded, nodded his head in surprise at Hansons eyes.

Yes, I feel the same way! Master is the best! He is great!

Christine was silent.

Both boys looked distant and it felt like something was wrong.

It is an appearance as if they ate under a spell of delusion.

Its not just the two disciples who are strange. The patients were strange too.

Oh, my prince. Thank you so much as always.

Thanks to the therapist, Ill live.

The prince is a benefactor to all of us. How should I repay this favor 

Everyone was overly grateful to Baron Penin.

Christine had never seen patients so fond of a healer.

It is as if he is using black magic to seduce people.

Rapport (patient-healer relationship) seemed to be too good that it became an absurd idea.

though, of course, he seems a little kind.

Christine thought so with a sullen face as he saw how Raymond treats his patients.

No, lets admit it.

He wasnt just a little friendly.

The word warm was a fitting kindness.

Master always cares about his patients. Hanson explained.

He is a person who wants to treat his patients beyond the disease. When I see the way our master treats his patient, my heart also heats up.


Christine bit her lips.

Thats not the point. No matter how warm you are, its a sin if you harm the patient with the wrong treatment. 

She felt more strongly that she should negotiate.

Christine opened the book.

It is an expression that means she will never retreat smoothly.

Raymond, meanwhile, frowned at her appearance.

I cant help it.

Apparently, the operation was a failure.

What should I do?

Then, this message came to his mind.

[A quest has occurred!]

[Give True Teachings!]

(Medicine Quest)

Rank: One half scalpel

Difficulty level: Low

Quest Description: There is someone who only flatters medicine with baseless prejudice! Show them the true teachings!

Clear condition: the opponents sincere surrender

Reward: Bonus level up, 20 skill points

Bonus: The opponents submission (The degree of the opponents surrender varies depending on how you clear the quest!)

Succumb? What?

Raymond made a puzzled expression.

Anyway, I dont think she came here to overuse her power as a princess. If she came here as a healer versus a healer, I wont be inferior!

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