Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

“I see White Dragon’s silk is wrapped around the Heavenly Thunder Hawk’s neck.”

“Yes. The Heavenly Thunder Hawk belongs to White Dragon Medical Pavilion, so it’s a warning that anyone who harms it will suffer the same fate.”

The fisherman shuddered at Jin Cheon-hee’s cold words.

‘Ah, I might have spoken too forcefully.’

Jin Cheon-hee wouldn’t forgive wicked villains who harm his furry friends.

He had cooked for these furry friends and spent the night sewing stitch by stitch.

And the cloth he cut and sewed was…

The silk martial robe embroidered with White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s symbol, which his master had given him when he set out into the martial world.

He divided it into three parts, making one for the mother bird and two for the baby birds, wrapping them around their necks and ankles.

Jin Cheon-hee was working like an ox, despite having just recovered.

He returned to the Zhoushan Archipelago on the fisherman’s boat.

Then, without rest, he immediately changed boats and returned to Hangzhou.

The air of Hangzhou, which he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

People focused on Jin Cheon-hee.

The aura emitted by the Heavenly Thunder Hawk family perched on his head and shoulders, along with a dog as big as a wolf, was enough to attract people’s attention.

“Is that the Heavenly Thunder Hawk?”

“It must be. The rumors in the Zhoushan Archipelago were widespread.”

“Little White Dragon has obtained the Heavenly Thunder Hawk.”

“I heard he caught the Heavenly Thunder Hawk but released it without taking its life?”

“Because of that, the Heavenly Thunder Hawk was moved and decided to follow Little White Dragon, I heard.”

A lie travels around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

A scenario that Jin Cheon-hee had never mentioned was already completed and began circulating throughout Hangzhou.

Moreover, since it wasn’t completely different from the truth, its credibility grew even more.

“Let’s call you Cheongu.”

As soon as Jin Cheon-hee spoke, the Heavenly Thunder Hawk replied.

Peep! – Look at the neighborhood birds! After giving me spiritual medicine and feeding me caught birds, now he’s calling me by such a name!

Woof? – Cheongu is a good name, why?

Peep peep! – That’s because you’re too dumb to know better!

The Heavenly Thunder Hawk vehemently opposed being called Cheongu.

Perhaps because it’s a bird, it’s more picky than Hwanggu.

Jin Cheon-hee furrowed his brow and fell into deep thought for a while. He lacks a sense for naming.

“Then how about this? Since there are three of you, one character each for Thunder (천), Lightning (뢰), and Response (응)…”

Peep! – Are you trying to get away with that?

Tch, I’ve been caught.

Jin Cheon-hee pouted and then thought hard again.

Heavenly Thunder Hawk.

It’s a hawk, but with a blue tint.

Its feathers have a subtle electric current flowing through them, making it difficult for ordinary people to even stroke them.

Its eyes are large and sharp, and its talons are big and sharp enough to tear cow hide.

Strangely, when it sits on Jin Cheon-hee’s head, it somehow manages not to cause any injuries, seemingly able to control its talons.

After pondering, Jin Cheon-hee said this:

“Noe-jin (Thunder Quake). How about it? For the baby birds, Cheon-jin (Heavenly Truth) and Nan-man (Blooming).”

Noe-jin means the shape and sound of lightning striking fiercely.

Cheon-jin Nan-man was chosen to capture the adorable playfulness of the two babies.

Screech – I like it. What about you two?

Cheep – I’ll be Cheon-jin from today, Mama!

Peep – Then I’m Nan-man. Hehe!

Fortunately, he had given names that satisfied all three.

Jin Cheon-hee emptied one compartment of the medicine box he carried on his back and asked a carpenter to make a nest for the chicks to stay in.

Unlike the adult Noe-jin, Cheon-jin and Nan-man were at an age where they needed to sleep a lot, so they needed a place to rest.

While treating patients, he immediately headed to White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s Hangzhou branch.

‘Now that my internal energy has reached one Gapja, I need some time to consolidate it.’

Moreover, he needed to send a letter stating that he was now traveling with the Heavenly Thunder Hawk and that the Heavenly Thunder Hawk now belonged to White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

This was necessary so that White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s main branch could officially send letters to both the Beggar’s Sect and Hao Sect, informing the entire martial world.

This process was extremely important because there are swordsmen in the martial world who would draw their swords at the mere sight of anything resembling a spiritual creature.

“Oh my, you’ve arrived! The Pavilion Master has just sent a letter.”

“Hmm…? Ah, it must be a reply to the letter I sent to Master earlier.”

“Yes. Yes, indeed.”

For some reason, the atmosphere in the Hangzhou branch was very awkward.

Soon, the sound of something crashing down was heard.

After some time.

A lower-ranked doctor, looking haggard, handed Jin Cheon-hee a letter.

Usually, letters don’t contain very long content. They need to be carried by messenger birds, so if the content is too long, it becomes too heavy to carry.

However, what arrived was something akin to a Buddhist sutra in thickness, equivalent to about 54 pages in size 7 font by modern standards.

“Master… is this a letter?”

“Yes… it is. Also, many messenger birds and martial artists have arrived…”

“From the Dragon Phoenix Gathering, right?”

“Yes, that’s correct. In addition, letters from the Seomun Clan, Namggong Clan, Wudang Sect, Zhongnan Sect, and finally, the Tang Clan have also arrived.”

“What happened?”

At Jin Cheon-hee’s question, the lower-ranked doctor just looked uneasy.

Then, a higher-ranked doctor rubbed his face dry.

It seemed like he had something to say but was extremely cautious, fearing future consequences. Finally, he spoke.

“Divine Doctor White Dragon is very worried about his disciple and asked to write many letters saying you’re doing well… At least until all the patients from the Dragon Phoenix Gathering are treated, he begged for letters filled with his disciple’s thoughts to be sent until he’s assured you’re doing well.”

…What on earth is happening at the Dragon Phoenix Gathering?

“It seems the Tang Clan’s heir is attending this Dragon Phoenix Gathering, and many injuries are occurring.”

Other doctors nearby chimed in.

“We’ve been focusing on external injuries caused by sword wounds, but now they’re using both projectile techniques and poisons, making treatment difficult.”

Jin Cheon-hee understood the situation from these words.

‘I see. To save their own children and beloved disciples with their limbs intact, they need to somehow keep Divine Doctor White Dragon there…’

It was a grand battle.

And what would determine the outcome of that battle was ultimately Jin Cheon-hee’s own well-being.

To hell with the Dragon Phoenix Gathering, the Nine Sects and One Faction, or the Eight Great Families.

Given Zhuge Rin’s personality, he wouldn’t care about such things.

Of course, they might be somewhat important, but not more precious than Jin Cheon-hee’s safety.

His master wouldn’t stop until he knew his disciple was safe.

‘If the heads of the Nine Sects and One Faction and the Eight Great Families are writing such letters, what on earth is Master doing?’

Aren’t they the dream team that could even stop the World’s Greatest Sword?

Moreover, something even more precious than the peace of the martial world was at stake.

The relatives and disciples of their own sects participating in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.

Additionally, Master had already caused a commotion at the last Dragon Phoenix Gathering.

They should have been fully prepared this time.

Yet, for these people to express such difficulty, what on earth is happening?


Fortunately, it seemed that Master had received information that Jin Cheon-hee had fully recovered and gone to the Zhoushan Archipelago.

At that moment, one of the higher-ranked doctors said this:

“Ah, I heard that the Tang Clan’s heir participating in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering is not only powerful in projectile techniques but also ruthless in her methods, earning her the title ‘Blood Whip Queen’.”

History had partially come true.

‘Tang Ah… So she really did become the Blood Projectile King.’

“She might even win the Dragon Phoenix Gathering at this rate.”

“Yes. I heard she’s approaching the finals, so it might have been decided by now.”

If Tang Ah wins, it would be the Tang Clan’s first Dragon Phoenix Gathering champion in nearly a hundred years.

That alone would certainly be an enormous honor.

The story of Tang Ah would be recorded in martial arts history for a long time to come.

‘…Right. Originally, if you’re strong, even that gets packaged as genius. Although she might have obsessions with bandages, black dragons, and blood.’

That’s right.

Tang Ah’s dark history was in danger of being preserved due to her immense strength.

The best successor produced by the Tang Clan.

The elders of the Tang Clan were looking at Tang Ah with a strange mix of sadness, joy, and pity.

There were also elders who couldn’t sleep at night, watching Tang Ah unfold her dark history right before their eyes.

‘It’s a celebration. A celebration indeed. Ho ho ho! Well done, Tang Ah.’

Jin Cheon-hee stopped thinking of it as someone else’s business.

‘Since it’s come to this, just win it all. Yes!’


Jin Cheon-hee borrowed a room in the branch and went inside.

He focused on reading each letter sent by his master and answering all the questions.

Jin Cheon-hee wrote down what he ate today, what he ate yesterday, and what he ate the day before.

Because his master had asked.

He also greatly downplayed the recent injuries he had received and their treatments.

This too, because he had asked.

He also worked hard to beautify the circumstances under which he obtained the Heavenly Thunder Hawk.

Not a word should be mentioned about the Blood Immortal Sect.

A battle that occurred on an uninhabited island.

Since even the fisherman who came with him doesn’t know about it, it won’t spread unless Jin Cheon-hee speaks of it.

A beautiful immortal tale of the Heavenly Thunder Hawk and a human unfolded on the letter paper.

How fortunate that the “100 Best Children’s Stories” didn’t exist in this world.

‘Phew, now all that’s left is reconstructing the incident of fighting with the Dry Wood Blood Demon.’

The rumors seem to have spread more widely than expected.

Or perhaps Master had persistently found out.

In any case, he had to do his best to leave the core parts as they were while minimizing the rest.

This consumed 30 pages.

He would have to send not just one, but several messenger birds.

Jin Cheon-hee then wrote about how much he missed his master, how he couldn’t sleep at night worrying about him, and how cold the martial world was compared to the warm and comfortable White Dragon Medical Pavilion, acting spoiled.

Of course, he quickly added that this was a trial to become a true martial artist, and that this disciple marveled at his master’s arrangements.

He wrote this to lift his spirits, because if he was unlucky, Master might summon him back.

He also wrote in detail over several lines about how he had obtained spiritual medicine and his internal energy had reached one Gapja.

This was all thanks to Master’s deep forethought.

He didn’t spare words saying that because of this, he had obtained things he couldn’t get at the Medical Pavilion and become even stronger.

Right now, the parents of participants in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering and the great masters of the sects were sealing Master, but anyone could see that this seal could break at any moment.

Finally, Jin Cheon-hee added that this disciple was impressed by Master’s sense of responsibility in treating patients even while worrying about his disciple.

He also wrote that he respected Master and wanted to follow his life path.

‘I hope he doesn’t take this as flattery.’

Still, being the doting person he is, he’ll probably be pleased.

‘Is this enough?’

He added a postscript saying he was sending a large pearl he bought in the Zhoushan Archipelago and a coral sword ornament he bought in Hangzhou.

He didn’t spare words saying that this disciple was offering these as tribute because he was reminded of his master.

Thus, Jin Cheon-hee’s sealing ritual was completed.

Just as a Taoist priest seals a jiangshi with a talisman, Jin Cheon-hee sealed his master with a letter.

‘Even I think I wrote really well this time.’

If this were at White Dragon Medical Pavilion, it was a letter that would make Master happy for a month, walking around with a smile, while those around him would get goosebumps and have their lifespans slightly reduced.

After sealing the letter by dividing it into parts.

Now he replied one by one to the letters sent by various sect leaders and masters.

This was easy.

He wrote that he was doing very well and that the scenery of the Zhoushan Archipelago was beautiful.

He mentioned that there happened to be a mild epidemic and he treated it, and that he was glad to be able to help Putuo Temple like this.

‘The reason for saying this specifically is to praise Little White Dragon and lift Master’s spirits.’

It’s embarrassing to write about one’s own good deeds, but given the situation, there was no choice.

There’s no better prescription for a terminal case of doting parent syndrome.

Jin Cheon-hee finished the letters like that.

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